
The Truth of the World:In a post-apocalyptic world

In a post-apocalyptic world, the protagonist GuLuo reincarnates with the aid of a system, returning to the starting point of his life. Once again, he embarks on a journey of evolution, delving into the mysteries of this world.

jun_AS · Romance
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Trouble in your head? Dude

He woke up from the dark chaos, the young Ren Xiaosu wiped the sweat from his forehead, then looked at the thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl at the door.

"What's up, Liuyuan?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

The girl called Liuyuan was actually named Yan Liuyuan.

Yan Liuyuan looked harmless and innocent, but he was holding a bone knife and guarding the door. It was late at night, and he looked very sleepy but never closed his eyes, because he had to keep watch.

Yan Liuyuan shook his head and said, "Nothing, what's wrong with your head? The doctor in the town can't figure out what kind of disease it is?"

"You don't have to worry about this, it's not a disease," Ren Xiaosu said firmly. "It's almost dawn, I'm going to go hunting, you sleep for a while and go to school on time."

"Oh," Yan Liuyuan nodded gloomily. "What's the use of studying in this wasteland…"

"It's useful if I say it's useful," Ren Xiaosu said in an unquestionable tone.

"I want to go hunting too," Yan Liuyuan pouted.

"Who will keep watch if you have an accident? The unconscious me?" Ren Xiaosu got up and prepared to go to the town center to fetch water. It was not so dangerous in the town when it was light.

The night here was lawless.

The gloomy sky had dark clouds rolling, and a drop of acid rain finally fell from the clouds. It swayed in the wind and finally pattered down in front of Ren Xiaosu.

The young Ren Xiaosu lay on the ground of the wilderness, frowning and thinking that his luck was a bit bad today. He didn't wait for the prey but waited for the acid rain first.

Some people say that you have to be careful of wild beasts when walking on this wasteland.

But Ren Xiaosu thought that this person didn't say everything, because there were many things that could kill people on this wasteland, one of which was acid rain.

But Ren Xiaosu still didn't move, if he didn't have any prey today, he and Yan Liuyuan would starve to death before the acid rain brought disease.

Suddenly there was a sound of bird wings flapping in the air, Ren Xiaosu's eyes suddenly opened wide, but his breath remained steady.

Not far in front of Ren Xiaosu, he propped up a black iron pot with a branch, and sprinkled some black bread crumbs under the pot.

The big bird landed next to the iron pot and looked around warily, its eyes sharp. This bird was not much smaller than the iron pot in terms of size.

It stood still and groomed its feathers for a long time, while Ren Xiaosu continued to wait without moving.

It seemed that the big bird finally lowered its guard and slowly moved towards the iron pot, its steps as delicate as a thief.

But when it entered the range of the iron pot and just lowered its head to peck at the bread crumbs, Ren Xiaosu suddenly pulled hard on the rope in his hand, and then jumped up like a wild donkey and rushed towards the iron pot. He used his body to press down on the iron pot firmly before the big bird could overturn it!


Ren Xiaosu exhaled a turbid breath. He had been waiting for this sparrow for a whole night, but fortunately he didn't waste his time today. This kind of good opportunity was not available every day.

There was a sound of struggle from under the iron pot, and the hard wings rubbed against the iron pot with a sharp sound. At this time, the clock in the refuge barrier rang out.

Ren Xiaosu looked back at his back and wondered when he could take Yan Liuyuan into the refuge barrier.

For Ren Xiaosu, the people in the refuge barrier were happy, because they didn't have to face the dangers of the wasteland.

But not everyone could enter there.

At this time, the movement under the iron pot finally became much smaller. He sighed and confirmed that his rag had been wrapped around his hand,

Then he slowly lifted up a crack in the iron pot. Ren Xiaosu's hand stretched into that crack, trying to grab the leg of this big sparrow!

But life won't always be smooth sailing. As soon as Ren Xiaosu's hand stretched in, he screamed out loud.

Ren Xiaosu pulled back his palm and saw that his tiger's mouth had bled. The rag didn't block the sharp mouth of the big sparrow.

Ren Xiaosu got angry. He simply took off his old coat and wrapped it around his hand. His palm stretched into the iron pot again. This time he grabbed the sparrow's neck in one go.

He simply lifted the sparrow out and clamped it under his arm. He twisted it hard, and the sparrow's neck snapped and stopped moving.

At this time, Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt sorry, because his coat had been scratched by the sparrow's claws.

Suddenly there was a bang in his head, and Ren Xiaosu knelt down to the ground. His head was like a huge bronze bell ringing, and he fell into the dark chaos.

Damn, the usual illness only comes at midnight, but this time it came early.

This was not his first time to "get sick". Almost everyone in the town knew that he had some problems in his head and would have pain attacks from time to time.

But Ren Xiaosu knew very well that it was not pain, it was pure chaos.

Wait, this time it was different from before. The black fog in his mind actually opened up, revealing a palace inside!

Ren Xiaosu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at himself incredulously. "Why did I wake up so fast this time?"

He had a chance to take a good look at the palace, but he knew better that falling into a coma on this kind of wilderness was no different from death. He had to hurry back to the town outside the 113th refuge barrier before the acid rain came!

Ren Xiaosu tied the two claws of the sparrow together and hung them on his shoulder, then picked up his big iron pot and put it on his head and ran wildly. The raindrops hit the iron pot and made a clattering sound.

At this time, the iron pot became his umbrella.

But before he ran far, there was a figure blocking him with a bone knife. "Give me the prey…"

But he didn't finish his sentence, he saw a huge iron pot coming closer and closer in his vision, and slammed into his face!

"Fuck!" The robber flew back and fell to the ground. He didn't expect Ren Xiaosu to act so decisively! And so strong!

He saw Ren Xiaosu unload the pot, swing the pot, and lift the pot again as an umbrella and ran away without stopping… He hadn't even landed on the ground yet, and Ren Xiaosu was already running away!

The robber lay on his back on the ground, UU reading www.uukanshu.com The acid rain hit his face and there was a tingling pain. He couldn't understand some things.

Usually everyone would have some communication, right? How many times did this kid have to deal with this kind of situation to have such an instinctive reaction?!

No, wait, the footsteps of that kid are getting closer again!

The robber hurriedly sat up and turned his head to look. He actually saw that kid turn back!

Ren Xiaosu didn't intend to come back at first, but he clearly heard a voice from the palace in his mind: "Task: Give the prey to someone else."

Who is talking? Ren Xiaosu turned back doubtfully and walked towards the robber.

The robber panicked: "There's room for negotiation… No wait, I'm the victim…"

Ren Xiaosu looked at the robber carefully. There was no one else around.

"Do you want this sparrow?" Ren Xiaosu asked.

The robber's eyes lit up: "Yes!"

"Here you go," Ren Xiaosu stuffed the sparrow into his arms without hesitation.

The strange and neutral voice sounded again: "Task completed, reward basic skill learning map, can learn other people's abilities."

Ren Xiaosu was stunned for a moment, because he clearly felt that there was an extra piece of cowhide paper in his mind!

Skill learning map, does that mean he can use this to directly copy other people's abilities? Hunting? Survival? Or something else?

The robber hugged the big sparrow tightly and prepared to say some words of thanks: "You are a good person…"

But before he finished speaking, he saw Ren Xiaosu take back the sparrow again and leave.

The robber: "???"

He watched Ren Xiaosu run away… What kind of people are these?! What are they trying to do?!