
The Truth of heroes?

A world where heroes are not as they are painted, a group of young people will rise up to fight the corruption of their world

DaoistEtCeHp · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs


Empire State University

One of the most famous universities in New York, but what made it different from the rest, even though there were universities with better resources and infrastructure. The answer to that question was simple, several "heroes" had studied in that university, that's why it was so well known and sought after by teenagers, so much was its fame that several teenagers had even killed to have a vacancy.

Among the most famous heroes was the man who is considered the most intelligent of the planet Reed Richard or also known as "Mr. Fantastic" who belongs to the Fantastic Four group and is married to Susan Storm or also called "Invisible Woman" one of the most desired women in the world.

In a sink, water was falling all over Goku's body, cleaning any trace of sweat or blood, he was thinking about how he could use his powers now that they had improved in an accelerated way, maybe he could use them to fly in the style of that "hero" who had the number four on his chest, but there was a problem and it was his clothes that "hero", he wore was made of a special material, but if the "hero" used something similar to his clothes would turn into ashes as it happened to him in his training.

-"Where can I get something similar?" -thought Goku a little annoyed, he was not a millionaire to be able to get the material and if he has money, it is because his late stepfathers left him three apartments of which he lived in one and the rest he rented to be able to pay for college and other necessities.

Goku continued analyzing until he came up with an idea, it was to leave the university and accumulate money to be able to buy the materials, but so fast it occurred to him so fast it vanished, he could not leave the university for two reasons the first one he needed those studies to understand more about the superheroes, how his organism works, etc and the second one he had promised his stepmother that he would finish the university before his death.

-"Maybe I can steal it" -Goku spoke in a doubtful tone, but then he put on a wild smile -"Hehehe I think that's the fastest way to get it" -he smiled to close the faucet of the sink, change his clothes and head to his class that would start in 2 minutes.

His attire consisted of a simple white t-shirt, a black as night jean and a golden chain that had a Z on it as a necklace.


-"Ahhhh I can't believe it, there was a pop quiz" -denied Goku with some tiredness, he hadn't studied at all for the exam because he's planning the death of those "heroes".

-"Ahhhh, that's what you get for not reviewing your classes" - Peter Parker scoffed seeing his friend's expression.

He is a man of medium height with a noticeable muscular build, short brown hair, light brown eyes. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a spider print down the center, jet black jeans and a red jacket with gold trim.

-"You think you're so funny, Parker" -said Goku in a not-so-friendly way, looking Peter in the eye.

-"Yes" -said Peter with a smile, unfazed by his friend's tone.

Goku stared at him seriously, but all he got was a smile from Peter making him just shake his head while smiling slightly, Peter was his first friend in general after being adopted he was always a quiet and reserved person, that's why he never had friends but it's not that he needed it either, it irritated him, those guys talked about the "heroes" all the time, there was no day that they didn't talk about them and that bothered him so much that many times he hit those guys, When he arrived at the university it was the same, but a professor wanted to do a project in pairs and there he met Peter, at first they didn't get along well but with time they started to form a friendship, he had also lost his parents when he was about 5 years old and from there he stayed to live with his uncles, thanks to that and other events in his life they got along well, besides Peter was not a fan of the heroes and he likes that, talking to someone about normal things and not about the heroes' shit.

-"Changing the subject, how's it going with Gwen?" -Goku asked with a smirk, watching his friend's face, who got nervous when he mentioned her.

-"Well, I haven't proposed her to be my girlfriend yet" -answered Peter a little sadly.

-"You haven't proposed yet? Hahahahaha, you know each other since high school, and you don't have the courage to propose her to be your girlfriend" -said Goku laughing at his friend's behavior.

-"You talk "As if it were easy" -commented Peter with emphasis -"But you couldn't understand it, if you've never liked someone" -he spoke again, but this time with a smile.

-"These things are a waste of time" -spoke Goku with disinterest.

-"If you think like that, you'll end up alone"-Peter questioned with a grimace of annoyance when he saw Goku's bored face.

-"As the saying goes: "It's better to be alone than in bad company" -commented Goku with a mocking smile.

-"Yes sir, "love is not important" -said Peter with sarcasm to finally play it down, he knew that his friend would not change his mind until some girl managed to flirt the cold heart of the red-haired man.

Goku let out a small laugh as he observed Peter's subtle changes in mood, it had been a few moments since classes had ended and now, they were in the dining room talking about trivial topics, until they came to the topic of love, a topic that did not interest him, not because he thought it was something meaningless but because he considered it complicated.

Footsteps were heard approaching the table where the friends were, the steps were soft and delicate as if he was walking with some kind of uncomfortable footwear along with a strawberry perfume that smelled stronger with every step he took.

-"Hello Peter ... Hi Goku, how have you been?" -Gwen Stacy, daughter of the police captain of all of New York City, asked with a smile.

She is a slender woman, with subtle curves, long blonde hair that reached her shoulders, light blue eyes and full lips. She was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt, a mustard-colored jacket, a dark pink skirt and black booties.

-"Hi Gwen, long time no see" -Peter replied with a smile as he approached her for a hug.

-"It's only been a few hours since the last class?" -commented Gwen, reciprocating his hug.

-"It's seemed like hours to me" -said Peter nervously, pulling away from the hug.

-"It's okay Peter, you don't have to be nervous" -Gwen asked with a tender smile that made Peter blush, "And you're not going to say hello," she looked serious and somewhat annoyed.

-"Ahhh yes hello, Gwen" -answered Goku without giving so much importance to his partner or friend, even he didn't know the answer.

-"At least try to say hello with more enthusiasm, right?" -Gwen interjected with her arms crossed waiting for the answer.

-"Ohh dear Gwen, how have you been? Nothing bad happened to you" -expressed Goku with a bit of mockery, getting up from his seat and making funny expressions.

-"Idiot" -said Gwen with annoyance.

-"Calm down guys, don't argue, we are in the dining room now" -said Peter in a firm tone to avoid any argument between them.

-"You're right Peter" -said Gwen sighing as she sat down at the table with the boys.

The three boys began to talk about tribal or college topics until a sound interrupted them in the middle of their conversation.

Ring Ring Ring Ring

-"Whose cell phone is that?" -Peter asked, looking at his friends.

-"It's not mine, mine is always on vibrate" -commented Goku with a disinterested smile.

-"It's mine ... Just a moment guys, I must answer, it's my father" -spoke Gwen nervously to get up from the table and move away from it so she could talk quietly with her father.

What do you think they're talking about? said Peter, looking at the black-haired man who was with his eyes closed.

-"To be honest, it's probably a crime or something" -Goku replied neutrally.

-"Maybe you're right because what I see Gwen is sad, maybe her father canceled the family dinner they were going to have" -said Peter looking at Gwen who seemed a little down.

Gwen hung up the call, sighed and walked over to where her friends were sitting and gave them a sad look.

-"What happened, Gwen? -Peter asked with concern as he saw tears welling up in her beautiful light blue eyes.

-"My father canceled the family dinner" -Gwen spoke sadly, but the sadness turned to anger -"All because there's a murderer on the loose" -she said clenching her fists angrily.

-"A murderer?" -Goku asked, speaking in a doubtful tone, although inside he already had an idea of who she was referring to.

-"Yes, a hero killer, according to my father their bodies were found this morning" -Gwen spoke, hating the killer for ruining her family's day.

Goku watched Gwen's reaction and felt some guilt for ruining his family dinner, but the death of these "heroes" was necessary to clean up society.

-"Don't bother Gwen, I don't want to see your beautiful face wrinkle" -said Peter with a smile, looking straight into her blue eyes.

Their gazes crossed, it seemed that time had stopped for them, they both gave each other a smile, their faces were slowly getting closer, they closed their eyes to give a more romantic atmosphere.

Their lips brushed in a tender kiss, a kiss full of feeling, a kiss that showed love.

Peter's hands were placed on Gwen's chin to deepen the kiss from one of tenderness to one of passion.

-"LONG LIVE THE BRIDE AND GROOM!" -shouted Goku with a mocking smile.

The scream was so loud that it was heard throughout the university dining hall, the students who were there turned their gaze to where the scream was heard and found a romantic scene, generating that several females began to take pictures and the men talked among themselves in whispers saying things like: how lucky is Parker.

The two boys only blushed at being the center of attention, with cheeks as red as a tomato, Peter took his hands off Gwen's chin and settled back in his seat.

The two decided to be quiet until all the commotion died down.

Goku just mentally chuckled as he watched Peter and Gwen's reaction, their faces were golden, neither of them could see each other's faces properly out of embarrassment, they were like two little kids who had been caught getting into mischief.

Gradually the whispering stopped, allowing them to take a deep breath to calm their nerves.

-"That was awkward" -Peter said with a blush on his face.

-"I agree with you Peter" -said Gwen covering her face, that kiss had made her forget her anger with that murderer.

-"And finally, they are a couple" -said Goku with an innocent smile.

The couple-to-be shouted at the same time when they saw who was responsible for everything that had happened.

-"It was about time they were a couple; I couldn't stand to see Peter being an idiot and Gwen playing innocent" -said Goku in a tired tone.

-"But it doesn't give you the right to yell at him" -said Gwen, angry at her friend's attitude.

-"Who knows, well, I'm leaving now, take care of yourselves, couple" -said Goku, saying goodbye to his friends.

-"Hey, we're not finished!" -said Gwen getting up from her seat.

-"It's over for me" -said Goku as he continued walking towards the exit.

-"Take care Goku, see you on Monday" -said Peter with a smile.

-"And you because you support him" -said Gwen giving a tender smile that instead of transmitting joy gave terror.

-"You know him. ..... Gwen, he's like that" -answered Peter a little nervous about his future partner's smile.

-"Ahhhh you're right Peter" -said Gwen in a sigh, but then changed to a cheerful attitude -"So you love me" -she spoke with a smile looking at Peter's chocolate orbs.

-"I think it's obvious the answer" -spoke Peter to give her another kiss on the mouth which was reciprocated by Gwen.

<><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><>

On the streets of New York, Goku walked leisurely, observing every detail of the city seeing several newspapers talking about the murder of the "heroes".

Goku just sketched a smile as he saw the images of the dismembered bodies of the heroes.

A cry of sadness brought Goku out of his thoughts to see a man crying over the loss of his wife in front of his eyes.

Goku looked around for the culprit and found that a "hero" had "accidentally" killed the guy's wife.

The man was crying inconsolably as the cameras ignored the event and only took pictures of the hero who had stopped the villain.

-This world is rotten" -said Goku observing the scene in front of him.