
The Truth of heroes?

A world where heroes are not as they are painted, a group of young people will rise up to fight the corruption of their world

DaoistEtCeHp · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


In front of a comic bookstore called "PLANET COMIC", Goku was leaning on a lamp post waiting for the people in the store to leave.

Goku was thinking about what happened a few minutes ago, seeing that man crying for the loss of his wife and that no authority had come to help or comfort him, the only thing they did was to take him away from the place and take him to the police station while the hero only received compliments from people and journalists for having stopped the villain.

All this reminded him in a way of the death of his stepfathers, when he shouted with all his might for someone to help him, but no one came.

-Those "heroes" feel "so powerful," -Goku commented with annoyance, but in the end, he sketched a smile -But their time is running out," -he said with a fierce grin, thinking about how all those scumbags will die.

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The Comic Planet

A tall, large-complexioned man with short black hair, dark brown eyes and a padlock-like beard. He wore a red shirt with white piping, light blue pants and an antique silver watch.

-Are you still here? We're about to close, stop messing around if you don't want me to crack your skull," -said the tall man with annoyance.

-But I still can't get my comic book," -said the customer sheepishly.

-You're deaf, get out now, you'll get your fucking comic tomorrow, we're closing now, so get out," said the man with such a serious look that in an instant the customer left the store.

-Finally, he's gone! -said the man wearily as he approached his desk.

Ding Ding Ding

The sound of the doorbell was heard as he entered the store.

-You don't learn, I told you to leave -said the man with annoyance, approaching the door of the store.

-That's how you greet a customer Hughie -said Goku with a smile as he saw one of his contacts.

The one known as Hughie was surprised to see him, it had been a while since he had entered the store.

-It's you Goku, how long has it been? -said Hughie with a smile as he shook Goku's hand.

-It's only been a few weeks" -replied Goku with a smile -And how is the store doing," -he asked curiously.

-Well, the profits are very good, selling the hero comics is profitable" -said Hughie remembering all the money he was making -But it's irritating and annoying to see the fans fighting" -he commented a little tired, since he often had to separate them before they killed each other.

-What did you expect them to kiss" -Goku scoffed earning a laugh from Hughie.

-You're right, but why did you come? -said Hughie seriously.

-I came to talk to the old man -said Goku looking straight into Hughie's eyes.

-Second floor, right side, third door -said Hughie with a smile as he left.

-Thank you -said Goku in a cheerful tone.

Goku without wasting any more time went to the second floor, looking at various superhero comics both famous and some not so well known.

The comics were divided into three categories, the first is the SOLITARY, where all the heroes have their own comics, the second was THE GROUPS, this is where they are divided by factions such as the Avengers, Justice League, etc. And the last one was CROSSOVERS where heroes from different groups come together to face a "threat".

He kept walking and reached the second floor, where there were some posters taped to the wall, but instead of looking in good condition they were scribbled on.

Goku looked at the poster and began to laugh as he remembered how he and the workers painted the posters in mockery.

Goku put the posters aside and continued walking until he reached the room where the old man was.

Without wasting another second, Goku knocked on the door, hoping to get a pass or an entrance, but he received a shout.

-STOP FUCKING AROUND! -exclaimed the old man with annoyance, opening the door.

-He, it's me, old man" -said Goku with a nervous smile, looking into the old man's eyes.

Stan or known by his friends as old man, he is a comic book artist, thanks to his work he has learned about various events with heroes and villains.

He is a man of short stature, with gray hair that rolled down the sides of his head leaving a hollow in the center of his head, jet black eyes and a pencil mustache.

He wore an orange square shirt, brown pants, gold glasses and a gold chain around his neck.

-Ohh it's you Goku" -said Stan with surprise when he saw the boy.

-Yes, old man it's me, I've come for information about a group of heroes" -said Goku seriously.

Stan raised his head so he could look directly into Goku's crimson orbs, noticing that his eyes radiated vengeance and death.

-You've killed more heroes, haven't you? -Stan asked with a disapproving grimace.

-Yes, I've killed more heroes" -Goku replied dryly.

-I told you not to do that," -said Stan with annoyance.

-I won't let those bastards live on" -said Goku with annoyance, crossing his arms -Don't think so, old man, you lost your whole family because of them" -he exclaimed angrily, pointing at Stan's chest.

The whole place was silent, the two looked directly into each other's eyes, waiting for someone to take a step back.

Stan investigated Goku's crimson orbs, trying to decipher why such a thirst for revenge?

-"I know, Goku, but you kill those heroes for revenge, not because you want to liberate this world full of "heroes" -said Stan giving him a cold stare.

Stan knew from the moment he met Goku that he was a special boy, a boy who wasn't afraid of anything, someone straightforward, serious and joking, but he also knew that the boy needed love.

Love is something that all people, even the cruelest, need, but he wanted to refuse to believe it, he could tell that his childhood had been too hard, for a person to push away all kinds of love.

That's why Stan didn't want him to kill the heroes, he knew that, in many of those places, there were things that would make any person with common sense go crazy and even more if he didn't have emotional support, adding his thirst for revenge, the boy would go crazy.

Goku merely pondered the old man's words, was it true that he was doing it for revenge? It was a very good question, but he had not come to question the wine to get information.

-That doesn't matter now old man, I need urgent information" -Goku spoke with a serious look on his face.

Stan ignored Goku's words, he didn't want to give him information, but he knew that if he didn't, he was capable of murder without it, which would cause him to get hurt more or the heroes to catch him.

-Okay, but first go inside so we can talk more calmly" -said Stan defeatedly.

Goku just nodded and entered the room, which to his surprise was tidy.

The room had a desk with thousands of drawings of heroes and villains, shelves full of magazines or old books and a computer a little dirty.

On one of the walls there was a poster of Superman with a dart stuck in his head, it could be seen that the old man liked to play "hit the target".

-Nice room" -commented Goku with a smile when he saw the Superman poster.

-What did you expect it to be messy? -Stan asked, sitting down in his seat next to his desk.

-To be honest, I expected pictures all over the place" -said Goku with a smile, leaning against a wall.

-Now tell me what information you want" -he spoke with a serene look that changed to a serious one, these issues were important, they were not just anything.

-I need information about the residence of the Fantastic Four" -said Goku.

-What do you need that information for?" -asked Stan doubtfully, although he had an idea of what it was for.

-But if you don't understand, I'll tell you, I'm going to break into their residence to steal," -he said, looking at Stan's blue eyes, which were wide open in surprise.

Stan, for the first time, did not want to give him information, he had previously given him information because the heroes he was asking for information were not a big deal, but the Fantastic 4 was a group of a good reputation.

Doubts arose in Stan to give him that information would be something very problematic, but it could not be nothing.

-And what are you going to steal? -Stan asked as he searched through his drawers for the papers on the Fantastic 4.

-Let's just say I need the suit that flaming hero wears" -Goku commented casually.

Stan, upon hearing what the black-haired man said, was a little confused as to why he would need his suit, as far as he knew his powers had nothing to do with fire.

-Why do you need his suit, as far as I know you don't have fire powers? -Stan asked doubtfully as he looked into the red-haired man's crimson eyes.

-This answers your question" -said Goku with a smile as he generated a violet fireball in his hand.

The old man was surprised to see the flames that Goku generated, as the boy could generate fire, but a violet fire that made him look more striking now he understood why he wanted the suit.

-So, you want the suit, so your clothes don't turn to ash? -Stan said with a smile.

-Yes, today in my training it got burned, besides with the suit I can wear it without holding back, -commented Goku, looking at the Superman poster again.

Doubts arose in Stan's mind, a few months ago, Goku had different powers and now he had new ones or there was also the possibility that his powers evolved.

-What else can you do Goku? -asked Stan looking at him.

-My powers are divided in three parts, the first one is to manipulate fire, the second one is to create fire, but in violet color and the last one is an increase in my physical abilities" -said Goku with a proud smile.

-It's impressive, but I won't take any more of your time, here you have the information about them" -said Stan, handing him a folder with the number 14.

-Thanks, old man" -smiled Goku, who was really glad to have gotten the information.

-I hope you don't do anything foolish" -said Stan with concern, which was noticed by the black-haired man.

-I'll avoid facing them, I know I'm not ready yet" -said Goku in a sympathetic tone to calm Stan's concern.

Stan just smiled when he heard Goku's words, at least he knew he wouldn't do one of his stupid things.

-Now go away, I have to work" -said Stan changing his face from a happy one to one of boredom.

-Jaja take care, old man," -Goku said goodbye and left the room, but not before throwing a small flame in Superman's face.

Goku went down the stairs to the second floor, where the comic bookstore was located, said goodbye to Hughie and left the store, with a smile on his face.

-(I finally got the information, now I have to plan when I should do the robbery) -thought Goku, a bit annoyed because it would be complicated to set a time when the members would not be in his building.

Goku kept rambling on until he felt like he forgot something, but he knew what it was.

-(I feel like I forgot something) -commented Goku in his thoughts until he remembered the blue powder -Ahhhhhhhh I forgot to examine that powder, I'll have to go back to college -he expressed with boredom, going back to college would be really annoying.