
16. Life or death part 2

(To be continued...)

He pokes his head out of the door just in time for Jenner to grab the bottle out of his hand.

Hahaha looks everyone likes to grab thing out of his hand. He walk out of the door and follow Jenner.

I make sure all my stuff is pack and secure my weapons on me.

Arrows and bow

Two machetes


My daggers is already secure on my wrists.

I take my bag with me following the group to the same room as earlier.

"Why is everything turned off?"Carol ask.

" Energy use is being prioritized," Jenner says taking a big drink of the whiskey.

"Air isn't a priority? And lights?"Carol ask again.

"It's not up to me. Zone 5 is shutting itself down."He say.

What the Fuck, how's that even possible?

" Hey! Hey, what the hell does that mean?"Daryl yell at him .

The power whirs down.


I put my bag outside the door of the room everyone walks into.

"Hey man, I'm talking to you. What do you mean it's shutting itself down? How can a building do anything?" Daryl keep yell at him.

"You'd be surprised," Jenner says not bothered by Daryl yelling.

"Jenner, what's happening?"Rick ask walking in.

"The system is dropping all the nonessential uses of power. It's designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second. That started as we approached the half-hour mark. Right on schedule."Jenner say un bothered by us.

This man doesn't give a shit about us or this virus. I can see he already gave up.

" It was the French."Jenner ramble.

"What?"Andrea asks confused.

"They were the last ones to hold out as far as I know. While our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs till the end. They thought they were close to a solution."Jenner explains.

"What happened?"Carol ask.

"The same thing that's happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice. The world runs of fossil fuel. I mean, how stupid is that?"Jenner say out of his mind.

"Let me tell you... To hell with it, Shane. I don't even care. Lori, grab our things. Everybody, get your stuff. We're getting out of here now!"Rick yell at us.

The alarm blaring in the room.

"What's that? What's that?" Rick ask Jenner.

"30 minutes to decontamination," Vi says out loud.

"Doc, what's going on here?'Daryl walk around like a mad animal in a cell.

" Everybody, y'all heard Rick. Get your stuff and let's go! Go now! Go! Let's go." Shane yell.

"Come on!"Glenn panicking.

I was closer to the door I was just about to be out the door when the damn thing close almost crushing me in the process,If it wasn't for Glenn pulling me away I would be dead.

( Whirs, clangs )

"Hey what the hell you almost killed Melody"Daryl yell running to the Docter. Rick pull him away.

"No. Did you just lock us in? He just locked us in!"Everyone starts to panic.

"We've hit the 30-minute window. I am recording."I look at Jenner recording on his computer when I tackle him almost throw him of the chair.

Rick stop me from kicking the doctors ass.

"Whoa, calm down Mel."

"Don't tell me to calm down,that prick almost killed me, "I yell in Rick's face.

"Mom! " I hear Carl cry in his mother's arm.

I walk away from Rick towards the door to see if there was something we can do.

"You son of a bitch." Daryl attack Jenner again this time Rick and Shane pull him away.

"Shane! "

"You let us out of here!"I scream at Jenner starting to lose my mind.

"There's no point. Everything topside is locked down. The emergency exits are sealed."

" Well, open the damn things."I run to Jenner with my daggers out ready to cut him.

"That's not something I control. The computers do. I told you once that front door closed, it wouldn't open again. You heard me say that. It's better this way."

"Well,we have something in common, Doctor about not have something in control!. I yell at him ready to cut him but T -Dog and Daryl pull me away.

The next person who pull me away will get hurt.

I angry walk away to the door and kick it.

"What happens in 28 minutes? Prick"I calmly ask Jenner.(Scary may I add)

Jenner ignores me.

"Hey,prick she ask you a question, what happens in 28 minutes?!" Daryl yell at Jenner

"You know what this place is?! We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don't want getting out! Ever! In the event of a catastrophic power failure... in a terrorist attack, for example... H.I.T.s are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out."Jenner snap fed up with our yelling and attitude.

"H.I.T.s?"Rick ask confuse.

Jenner keep his mouth shut.

"Vi, define."Rick order Vi

"Hits... high-impulse thermobaric fuel-air explosives consists of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear." Vi answer Rick.

"The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen between 5,000° and 6,000° and is used when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired. It sets the air on fire. No pain."Jenner say not caring about the pain he cause.

"Hey, asshole would you shut up with your depressing shit,you don't have the right to stop us from fighting to survive . Just shut up."I say to Jenner rolling my eyes get piss off.

The women and the children starts crying.

Just fucking great.

"An end to sorrow, grief... Regret. Everything."

"Open the damn door! Out of my way!"I run towards Jenner again grabbing Shane shotgun out his hand and aim it at Jenner's head.

"Daryl!" Rick yells at Daryl.

I feel arms going around my waist pulling me away. Shane take his shotgun back out of my hand.

That's it.

I turn around swinging my fist at the person who pulled me away. I miss the person's face by an inch.

"Calm the fuck down," Daryl yelled in my face.

I hear pounding and grunting. I see Rick and Shane fighting.

"You should've left well enough alone. It would've been so much easier."Jenner say giving up.

"Easier for who?"Rick ask.

"All of you."Jenner answer back.

"You know what's out there... A short, brutal life and agonizing death. Your... your sister... what was her name? "Jenner ask Andrea.


" Amy. You know what this does. You've seen it. Is that really what you want for your wife and son?" He looks at Rick.

Oh wow, this is bullshit.

" I don't want this," Rick says.

The men trying to hit the door with an Axe.

"Can't make a dent."Daryl yell.

"Those doors are designed to withstand a rocket launcher," Jenner says with no emotions.

"Well, your head ain't!"Daryl run to Jenner.

"Just back up! Back up!"Rick yells in Daryl's face.

"You do want this. Last night you said you knew it was just a matter of time before everybody you loved was dead."Jenner look at Rick reveling his secret.

"What? "

"What? You really said that? After all your big talk?"I look beyond piss hearing this shit.

"I had to keep hope alive, didn't I?"He says looking sorry at everyone.

"There is no hope. There never was." Jenner say making the situation more depressing.

"There's always hope. Maybe it won't be you, maybe not here, but somebody somewhere..."Rick says back at him with hope in his eyes.

"What part of "everything is gone" do you not understand?"Andrea fire back at Rick.

" Listen to your friend. She gets it. This is what takes us down. This is our extinction event."

"Great, now you made Blondie all negative and shit,Doc do us all a favour shut the hell up and .open.the.door!."I yell at him.

The two mothers and children continue crying.

"This isn't right. You can't just keep us here."Carol say to Jenner crying.

"One tiny moment... a millisecond. No pain."Jenner look at Carol

"My daughter doesn't deserve to die like this," Carol say crying holding Sophia close to her.

I slowly walk to Jenner.

Like a predator walks to it's prey.

"Wouldn't it be kinder, more compassionate to just hold your loved ones and wait for the clock to run down?"Jenner asks them.

I was about to threaten him again when Shane beat me to it.

He cocks his gun and aims it at Jenner's head.

"Shane, no!"Rick tries to stop Shane from shooting Jenner.

This is hopeless.

"Out of the way, Rick! Stay out of my way! Open that door or I'm gonna blow your head off. Do you hear me?!" Shane yell like a mad man and shoot at the computers screen next to Jenner.

"Brother, brother, this is not the way you do this. We will never get out of here."Rick says trying to make a point.

" Shane, you listen to him. It's too late. He dies, we all..."Lori says to Shane try to change his mind.

"We all die! Shane! Shane!" Rick yells in Shane's face.

" Are you done now? Are you done?"Rick asks him out of breath.

" Yeah, I guess we all are, "Shane says pushing himself away from Rick.

"I think you're lying."Rick looks at Jenner.

"What?"He ask Rick confuse.

This must be good. I stand with my arms crossed in front of my chest and listen to what Rick has to say.

"You're lying about no hope. If that were true, you'd have bolted with the rest or taken the easy way out. You didn't. You chose the hard path. Why?"

Good point.

" It doesn't matter."

Lil bitch.

"It does matter. It always matters. You stayed when others ran. Why?"I ask Jenner.

"Not because I wanted to. I made a promise... To her. My wife."He say looking down sadly and in pain.

Well,I didn't see that one coming but it didn't give him an excuse to be a prick to us.

"Test subject 19 was your wife?"Andrea ask.

Smart Blondie.

"She begged me to keep going as long as I could. How could I say no?"

T Dog and Daryl still try to get us out. Pounding on the door.

"She was dying. It should've been me on that table. I wouldn't have mattered to anybody. She was a loss to the world. Hell, she ran this place. I just worked here. In our field, she was an Einstein. Me? I'm just... Edwin Jenner. She could've done something about this. Not me."

Damn, that's sad.

"Your wife didn't have a choice. You do. That's... that's all we want... a choice, a chance."Rick saying with hope in his voice,Hope that Jenner change his mind.

Daryl grunting behind me losing his temper.

"Let us keep trying as long as we can," I say without emotions.

" I told you topside's locked down. I can't open those"

"We will make a fucking plan doc," I said to him fed up with this shit.

He opens the door for us.

I didn't waste time. I grab my bag at the door and make a run to get to the area we came in.

"Come on! Let's go! Come on, let's go! Come on! Move it! Move it!" I hear Daryl yelling at them.

I look around for something to hit the window

but nothing will work.

"Get them doors open!"Shane yell.

"Come on! "

" Rick, I have something that might help,"Carol says looking for something in her purse.

This better be good.

"Carol, I don't think a nail file's gonna do it,"Shane say losing his mind.

She ignores him. Good Carol.

"Your first morning at camp, when I washed your uniform I found this in your pocket."

She took out a hand grenade and give it to him.


Rick walk to the window activates the grenade and runs.

"Come on. Look out! Oh... Get down! Get down" Daryl harshly grab my wrist and pull me to the floor he threw his body on top of me to cover me.

Glass shatters.

He quickly pulls me up and run. I grab my bag and run after him.

The walkers walk towards us. I shoot two down with my bow that was getting close to us while we are running.

I get into my truck and through my back on the back seat and cover myself.

I hear a horn honking behind me.

"Dale, get down! Down! Get back! Everybody down! Down! Get down!"I hear Rick yell.

The building explodes shaking the cars and heat around us.

I exhale calming my beating heart.

Dale and Andrea get into the RV and start to drive. I wait for them to lead I will just follow.

We stop 100 miles away from the CDC.

Daryl left his car behind and takes his brother's Bike. She is a real beauty.

"Hey, Rick I have some canned food, I don't mind sharing,"I say walking to him.

"What?.really. That will be great.Thanks."

He walks with me to my truck I open the cover. The look on his face was priceless.

Six canned food packages. There are twenty-four in one package.

"Wow, Where did you get this?."He asks wondering.

"My summer house".

He took two packages and load into his car.


I nod my head, Close the cover get in my truck, and wait for them to drive.

if today was not a crooked highway *

if tonight was not a crooked trail *

if tomorrow wasn't such a long time *

then lonesome would mean nothing to you at

I can't see my reflection in the water *

I can't speak the sounds to show any pain *

I can't hear the echo of my footsteps *

or remember the sounds of my own name.



Hey, my amazing weirdos.

Season one is done.

I hope you all enjoy it.

Season two is coming soon...

Thanks to all the readers and supporters.

You all are awesome.

Vote, please.

Stay safe.
