
The Tribrid and Her Reflection {Book Two - Complete}

With one secret solved and Hope's memories returned, another threat unveils itself. A mysterious cloaked man is on the hunt, and Hope Mikaelson must be prepared to do what is necessary to save herself and those she loves. Hope must face herself as well as the danger that lurks around every corner at Hogwarts. **Book Two of The Taming The Tribrid series

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Taming The Tribrid

The hot water cascading down Hope's body was pleasant against her skin. Last night, she hadn't showered after their exploration activities, leading her to wake up smelling like sex. 

Smelling like them.

Hope smiled as she ran her fingers through her wet hair.

She loved smelling like them.

The sun had yet to rise, and being the first awake, she took a moment to wash up, craving her morning coffee. She planned to get breakfast for the three of them, but Hope caught a whiff of something delicious when she'd turned off the water and toweled herself off.

Emerging from the bathroom and into the bedroom wrapped in another plush robe, she was met with a collection of breakfast food. Her mouth watered as she watched Albus pour her cup of coffee.

Albus glanced up and met her grin with his own. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Hope smiled, settling beside him on the bed near the tray of piled pancakes and jars of thick syrup, "where's Newt?" She asked, leaning against his side, picking up a grape, and biting through the skin with a crunch.

Chuckling, he nodded to Newt's suitcase on the floor.

"Not surprised." Hope giggled, warmth spreading through her chest at the thought of him caring for his Creatures at first daybreak. Not many had the heart to do that.

"How did you sleep?" Albus asked, offering her the mug of steaming coffee while he sipped his own tea. His hand rested on her thigh, squeezing lightly.

Hope rested her head against his shoulder, looking up at him with a small smile.

"The best night of sleep I've had in a while." 

"Yeah?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." Hope grinned and returned the soft pressure he applied to her lips with his. A soft, sweet kiss, utterly opposite to the kisses from the night before.

The suitcase popped open, and Newt ascended, stepping out and closing it with a quick latch. He was dressed in his white button-down and slacks, hair a wild mess.

Hope couldn't help but stare at his forearms, recalling how they'd cradled her while his cock rammed her ass.

Looking over, Newt raised his eyebrows. "What?"

She and Albus exchanged a quick glance and then back at him with a wide grin. 

"You're just very handsome, is all," Albus murmured, sipping more tea while Newt's ears turned red, and he gave a shaky chuckle.

Then, Albus glanced down at his watch. "Dinner reservations aren't until seven o'clock," he started as they all sat on the bed and began eating from the breakfast tray room service provided, "what shall we do until then?"

Hope smirked over the lip of her mug. "I can think of a few things…"

Laughing, Albus nodded. "Hm, already feeling feisty today?" He raised an eyebrow. "I'd have thought you'd need a bit of a break after last night's activities." He winked.

"I think you'll find my sexual appetite might be more ravenous than even yours." With a beaming smile, Hope swirled her finger in the crystal honey pot and sucked it between her lips. 

Their eyes couldn't seem to drift from the finger in her mouth.

"That is," Hope smirked as she opened her robe and let it fall behind her, "if you're up to the challenge."

Newt's eyes glittered in anticipation while Albus' darkened with mischief. Butterflies fluttered through Hope's stomach as their eyes scanned her, drinking her like their first taste of water in the desert.

Standing to her feet, she kicked the slippers away and sauntered to the other side of the breakfast tray. Aware their eyes didn't stray from her movements, knuckles clenched as they waited to see what she might do.

"It's fun, you know." Hope hummed softly, picking up the honey jar and examining the crystal containing the thick, sweet substance.

"What is?" Newt asked with a slight shake in his voice, his cock already plainly rigid in his slacks.

Hope glanced up and grinned. "How different we all are. Yet one and the same."

"How so?" Albus eyed her with a slowly growing smirk, already very aware she was up to something naughty.

"Well," Hope dipped her finger in the honey jar again, "we all hunger for sex. That's evident, but all in different ways."

The pulse beneath their skin quickened almost simultaneously, making Hope smirk. Oh, she loved the reactions she could get from them.

"Such as Newt is very clearly submissive. He will do whatever you or I ask," she cast a flickering glance at Albus before looking at Newt directly, "Won't you?"

Newt could only stare at her green eyes a little wide before they slowly lowered to stare at the perked nipples. In an instant, Hope leaned forward and took his chin, making him look up at her.

"Won't you?" Hope purred softly, holding her grip on him firm and unyielding.

Newt shuddered and nodded. "Yes…"

"You don't mind being used every way we see fit. Do you?"

"No…" Newt breathed.

Hope grinned and shot a look at Albus. "And you…always need control. You're so dominant you wouldn't know what to do if you were forced to be submissive, would you?"

Now it was Albus' turn for his ears to turn red. He swallowed hard but maintained steady eye contact.

"Could you imagine?" Hope asked, tilting her head as she moved closer to him, letting her breasts rest right under where he could so easily glance down. "Being tied down and forced to take everything we gave you?"

Albus' jaw clenched a little, but a slow smile spread across his lips.

"What about you?" Albus asked with a graveled chuckle deep in his throat. "If I'm dominating and Newt is submissive. What are you?"

Hope grinned wide. "I switch," she said with a slight shrug, "you can bend me over your knee any day, darling. Just remember…" she leaned forward, brushing her lips against his, "I bite back, and I bite hard."

Albus wrapped his hand around her throat, staring into her eyes as he pressed against the sides, forcing a tunnel of stars to shine through Hope's vision.

"Like I said," she murmured in a low voice, gazing at him with slitted eyes, "you thrive on control, but you'll find that will be changing, and I will leave you helplessly begging for mercy as I make you come over and over and over…"

His lips were suddenly crushed against hers. Their tongues swirled into each other's mouths as they battled back and forth for dominance.

Growling in his mouth, Hope settled herself on his lap, straddling his hips.

It wasn't until they were breathless and panting that they pulled away, glaring at each other as they fought for breath.

"You truly think you'll win this?" Albus asked then, lips curving into a wicked smile.

Hope's eyes flashed gold, and her fangs slowly emerged. "I'm going to make you my bitch." Her eyes landed on Newt then, and she flashed a fanged smile at him. "Newt, how do you feel about breaking our dear Albus?"

Newt's eyes widened as he looked at Albus, meeting his blue gaze, and it was clear they were having a silent conversation. One that Hope translated as…if you help her be prepared for the consequences.

"Newt," Hope smirked, "use your wand. Fasten him to the bed."

Biting his lip, a slow smile spread over his features before he picked up his wand and did just that. They knew they'd both pay for this later, no doubt a unique punishment of Albus' choosing, but Hope was thriving off the satisfaction of making him squirm.

It took only an instant and a quick spell from Newt to have Albus' wrists bound to the headboard, but his expression spoke volumes.

Hope knew she wouldn't be able to sit for a week after this.

"Newt, come here." She demanded, crooking a finger at him.

Confused, he slowly crawled to her, glancing at Albus, who watched with growing curiosity.

Filling with a delighted glee, she grabbed his legs and pulled him so he was on his back, looking up at her in bewilderment. She took her time undressing him, occasionally making sure Albus was watching.

When Newt was bare to her, she took his long pink shaft in her hand, grinning when he bit back a curse as she stroked him.

"I thought you were going to do this to him." Newt gasped, flopping his head back, hips squirming.

"I am," Hope grinned, looking over at Albus, who watched with a clenched jaw and tight smirk. The fire in his eyes and the growth of his erection was precisely what she wanted, "it's so unfortunate for him, isn't it? To not be able to step in and take control. He will watch us and be unable to do anything. To us…or himself."

Albus swallowed hard, eyes flitting to Newt's face, already contorting with pleasure. Newt's stomach rose and fell rapidly, but Hope didn't take her eyes off of Albus as she continued the torturously slow hand-job she was giving Newt.

Grazing her thumb across his damp slit, Newt whined and gripped the sheets beneath them.

"The best part?" Hope asked, turning her voice into a whisper. "He can pretend he's fine with it, that it doesn't bother him, but his heart rate tells me something entirely different."

Albus scowled now, though it held no real heat behind it. It was all he did- it seemed he was refusing to speak.

"Tell him how good it feels, Newt," Hope murmured, not looking away from Albus.

Newt cried out as she leaned down and blew a thin stream of cool air across his sensitive tip before taking his head past her lips and down to the back of her throat.

Her eyes watered as she began bobbing her head up and down, sucking and swirling her tongue around his silky length. 

All the time, maintaining eye contact with Albus.

Thinking, I'm in control.

Her fangs scraped along his sensitive length, and that was Newt's breaking point. Without warning, his cock writhed in her mouth before filling with his salty cum. She swallowed down every drop, moaning as she took it all.

When Newt had calmed, Hope pulled back, grinning with a new light in her eyes.

"Do you like watching him come, or is it only when you make it happen?"

Albus ground his jaw, tilting his head to the side as he squirmed his wrists.

"You are such a tease." His voice came low and gruff, but the glitter in his eyes proved he enjoyed the show.

"Am I?" Hope laughed and moved so she was kneeling on her knees in front of him. "I suppose that's true," she smirked, "I'm simply teaching you that you don't always get to be in control. You teach me lessons; now I'm teaching you."

"Oh, I'll teach you a lesson…" He growled softly.

Grinning, she spread her legs wide while sitting on her heels. His eyes drifted down on her sex, already dripping and ready. Her fingers swirled through her arousal, biting her lip as she circled her throbbing clit.

With this, she had both of their undivided attention between her legs.


Hope plunged a finger into her entrance. Her eyes rolled back as she found her G-spot and began massaging it the way she liked. Gasping, her chest began to heave as the pressure built, now hardly aware of Albus squirming as she used her other hand to stroke her hardened nipple.

Albus bit back a curse as she began stimulating her clit with harsh circles, swallowing back saliva as her face scrunched with pleasure as she neared a release.

"Newt," Hope gasped, "us your wand."

Newt didn't need to be asked twice before moving to her quickly and pulling out his wand. While she kept her soaked folds open for him, Newt pressed the tip of his vibrating wand against her sensitive clit.

"Fuck!" Hope gasped as she got balanced on the precipice between sanity and an earth-shattering orgasm.

Newt circled the spot, massaging her clit mercilessly until something in Hope snapped, and she flooded down her thighs with a cry of pleasure.

Sweating and panting, Hope gazed at Albus with slitted eyes and watched him grinding against nothing, desperate to relieve the pressured tingles he felt through his body. She could already see the beaded precum covering his head, making her grin.

Crawling forward, Hope took Newt's wand, still vibrating, and pressed her lips against Albus' ear. "Good boy." She murmured before slipping the wand between his lips, swirling it around his tongue before removing it. Taking hold of his calf, she lifted his leg and eased the wand into his tight hole, where she adjusted it until its vibration rested against his prostate.

"Hope!" Albus gasped as his jaw dropped to his chest.

She grinned in response. "Paybacks a bitch, isn't it?"

Moving to settle on his hips, Hope lined his tip with her entrance and slowly sank down. Taking him to the hilt, letting his cock stretch her fully, sighing happily while he continued to squirm. Trying to find some relief at the sudden onslaught of stimulation.

Albus panted as Hope smirked down at him. Finally, his features contorted into almost fearful pleasure. Not knowing how much he could take before he lost all control.

Leaning forward, Hope pressed her lips against his ear. She loved hearing him pant and feeling him squirm beneath her. "You are mine, Professor, and I think it's about time I prove that." 

Hope locked eyes with him with a wild grin as she began to thrust her hips, but instead of simply in and out, she moved her hips up, down, over, up, down.

"H…" she grinned.

She rolled her hips in a slow circle.


Hope continued to spell out her name while riding his cock. By the time she reached 'S,' Albus, in a sweaty heap, cried out for mercy.

Hope didn't stop. Sweat dripped down her back, splashing onto his slicked stomach. Still, she didn't pause for even a moment.

"O," She rolled her hips in a circle again, "you better not come yet," Hope growled, locking her gaze with his needy one. "You come when I tell you."

Albus pinched his eyes closed, fingers and toes clenched as she traced 'N' with her hips.

"Come for me," Hope demanded, sinking her fangs into his throat and began drinking deeply.

Albus came in a silent scream. Hot jets of cum coated her insides and dripped down her inner thighs. Still, Hope pumped her hips, milking him for every last drop.

"Who are you?" Hope asked, taking hold of Albus' jaw, forcing his bleary eyes to look at her as his blood dripped down her chin. When he didn't answer, she tightened her grip and growled. "Who are you?"

Albus shuddered. "I'm your bitch…"

"Good boy," Hope smirked and leaned forward, licking his throat clean. 

Not wasting a single drop.

Leaning toward the mirror in the bathroom, Hope applied a generous amount of red lipstick. It was the shade of maroon and simply delectable.

"Hm, that color would look wonderful around my cock…" Albus murmured from the doorway.

Smirking, Hope met his hungry gaze in the mirror. "You can fuck my face after dinner." 

It was apparent from how he'd been studying her since their morning activities that he was devising some sort of vengeful plot. 

The premise of it made Hope's skin tingle.

She smoothed out her long black dress that hugged her curves in all the right spots while offering a bit of cleavage to peak out at the top. Silver diamond earrings hung from her ears, shimmering with the light when she moved. 

"I intend to," Albus murmured, fixing his tie before moving to the bedroom again.

"Ready?" Newt called just as Hope stepped into the room, adjusting her silver diamond bracelet that matched her earrings.

Newt's eyes moved over her body. He bit his lip as he stopped himself from moving closer. "I don't wish to ruin your makeup, but you look…"

"Good enough to eat," Albus smirked, adjusting his cuff-links.

With a roll of her eyes, Hope felt a blush creep up her neck. "Hm, dessert comes at the end."

"It certainly will."

Hope's stomach dropped as if she went down a hill on a rollercoaster. 

"Shall we?" Giggling, she took their hands and walked out of the hotel room between them.

It was a short walk from their hotel to the restaurant they would all be meeting at, but by the time they arrived, Hope was already regretting her two-inch heels. 

The staff took their coats and hats, but Hope couldn't help but notice the place was suffering similarly to their hotel. Very few customers and only enough staff to keep the business running. 

Hope looked up at the high ceilings and around at the beautifully polished tables. She couldn't imagine what it had been like at the height of the roaring twenties. Her father had often spoken of it as a fantastic time, so long as you enjoy a good party.

"What are you thinking about?" Newt asked with a crooked smile as they were guided toward a table where their friends, Jacob, Queenie, and Tina, were already seated.

Smiling over at him, she shrugged. "My dad always told stories about the twenties, but he spent much of his time in New Orleans and Chicago. He never did talk much about the crash, but I suppose that's because he started hiding after Mikael returned."

"Returned?" Newt asked. "I thought he had always been hunting him."

"Not always. At one point, they had him locked away- completely safe from him, but uhm…Rebekah brought him back."

Newt frowned, glancing at the nearing table, torn between continuing the conversation and not wanting to make her tell it in front of others.

"I'll tell you later," Hope whispered, squeezing his hand before sitting at the circular table evenly placed with plates, napkins, and utensils.

"Has the entire party arrived?" A distinguished-looking waiter with a black handlebar mustache asked in a thick French accent.

Jacob beamed. "Yes," he nodded, sipping his water, "so glad you all could make it. Nice to get out once in a while."

Newt nodded happily. "Agreed. Glad we could come."

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked politely, but there was a bit of impatience at the back of his tone.

Tina and Queenie grinned as they all greeted each other in hello again.

It had been a while since Hope had seen them, and when she had, she hadn't had her memories.

"Just a moment, I think," Tina said to the waiter, who walked away with a nod and assurance he'd be back soon with water and wine.

Queenie leaned forward. "How have you all been? It's been a while, hasn't it?"

The conversation began very average, with talk about recent events in the Muggle and Magical worlds. The most significant topic, however, was Hope regaining her memories.

"How did you get them back?" Jacob asked brows furrowed in confused curiosity. "I thought Obliviate is permanent if it works."

Hope nodded as she sipped her glass of wine. "We assume my brain sort of reset after I died."

Queenie blinked her doe eyes. "You really died?"

"Yeah," Hope nodded and waved it off, "don't worry, it's not the first time it's happened."

They stared at her. "Are you killed often?" Tina asked a bit apprehensively, reaching for her water glass.

Hope's eyes darted between them before looking over at Albus and Newt. Oh, right, don't sound so nonchalant about literally dying.

"Uh," Hope rubbed the back of her neck, "I mean, yeah. Violence is kind of a staple in my family. I mean, the day I was born, I was literally ripped from my mother's womb as she lay dying in a church so that I could be sacrificed in a cemetery by New Orleans witches and…" 

Their expressions turned from surprised to intensely concerned. A bead of sweat dripped down the middle of Hope's back.

"And…that's not…appropriate conversation at a dinner table…" Hope swallowed harshly, but her shoulders almost immediately relaxed as Albus rested his hand against her leg and stroked his thumb across her knee.

"Hope," Albus smiled, steering the conversation away from her frightening backstory that she treated like average news, "weren't you telling me you brought something for Jacob?"

The memory surfaced immediately, and she nodded. "Oh, yeah." she reached into Newt's pocket, pulled out an ugly piece of jewelry, and set it on the table. It was a black and silver ring with a thick band and massive stone that didn't exactly look like it would fit any finger.

"Uh," Jacob smiled, though his eyes were wide as he picked the ring up, "thanks. What's the occasion?"

Downing a couple mouthfuls of wine, she said, "I would have brought one for you both," she gestured to Queenie and Tina, "but it only works on people without magic."

Holding the ring up to inspect it, Jacob nodded slowly. "Is it magic?"

With a smile, Hope nodded. "It's a resurrection ring."

The table stared at the gaudy black ring as if glowing with mystical enchantment.

Tina, not taking her eyes from it, spoke now. "Does it do what it sounds like it does?"

"It's an invention from my grandmother, Esther," Hope continued with a smile, "if you were to die while wearing it, it'll bring you back."

"Impossible…" Albus murmured, staring at it like a wonder of the world.

"Not impossible. I've seen it used in action, but naturally, with all the magic of my kind, it isn't as simple as it sounds."

Jacob looked up, blinking the shock from his eyes. "What's the catch?"

"Well," Hope started, "like I said, it will only work on someone who doesn't have magic. They can't be a supernatural being of any kind. Additionally, it will only protect you against someone who is a supernatural being. So, if a Witch or Wizard or Vampire- anyone supernatural, walked in right now and killed you. You'd come back, but if you were to walk across the street and some random guy hit you with a car, you wouldn't. It's simply precautionary, of course. Don't go into danger because you have that ring. Using it too often could spell disaster for your mind and body. Best to just wear it while still avoiding direct danger."

Jacob stared at her, bewildered. "This is…wow. It's almost too much, it's amazing. Why me?"

Hope frowned, tilting her head as she studied him. "You're my friend. You helped save my life from Henry. I protect the people I care about. Like I said, I'd make one for everyone, but unfortunately, it only works on, you know, Muggles." She gestured to him with a smile.

Jacob beamed brightly and nodded. "Hope. That's-that's really great. Thank you…"

Hope smiled and sipped more wine as the waiter returned to take their orders.

The remainder of dinner had less awkward moments of Hope relaying too much grotesque information. Still, she quickly realized the childhood she had was so much different from the ones they had.

Sure, she'd played, but growing up, she'd been isolated from others. 

"It was mostly my mom and me," Hope answered Tina's question, spearing a mushroom cap and placing it between her teeth, "until I was about seven, then the rest of my family came back into the picture." Hope nodded, keeping her answer reasonably discrete. She'd already told Albus and Newt about the prophecy her family had faced and the slumber they'd gone into so that they could give her mom time to find a cure.

Hope had told them almost everything about herself.

Almost everything.

She hadn't mentioned in detail how her parents had died; she hadn't been ready to talk about that. Knowing it would break an emotional wall- one she'd kept perfectly preserved over the past ten years.

"I-" Hope started, reaching up to twirl her earring, but realized there was nothing to twirl. Frowning, she looked at the ground and pulled the tablecloth aside to look under the table, where the Niffler was tucking her earring and bracelet into its neverending pouch.

"Hey! That was a gift!" She reached for him, but in a split second, he zoomed off toward the kitchens. Hope's eyes widened as she watched the door open and close as if caused by a draft. 

"Uh oh…" Hope looked over at Newt, who looked at her with furrowed brows.

"What's wrong?"

"The Niffler is loose!" Hope hissed in a lowered whisper at him, watching his eyes practically bulge from his head. Looking down at his suitcase next to his chair, he clicked the lock that had somehow been opened and looked around.

"Where did he go?" He whispered back, all eyes at the table on them.

"Kitchen." Hope pointed to the door.

Newt stood without excusing himself and quickly made his way to the kitchen doors, removing his jacket so that he was only in his white button-down. With his quick thinking, he now resembled the other staff and slipped through the kitchen doors.

Hope shared a wide-eyed gaze with Albus as clanging and the clatter of fallen items could suddenly be heard from beyond the kitchen doors.

Other patrons began to take notice, and just as someone from another table waved down a waiter, asking what the ruckus was, Newt came racing out, chasing the Niffler that ran at top speed through the restaurant. 

Hope smacked her forehead with her palm, cringing as she watched Newt dive under one of the tables and snatch the Niffler by his stubby little legs. 

"Oh my." Queenie gasped, fighting a smile as they watched Newt wrestle the Niffler into his jacket to bring him back to the suitcase, breathing heavily when he finally latched it closed.

"I'll," Newt panted, "get back what he took once we leave."

"Hey!" The waiter, who had been bringing them water when the commotion started, walked over with his hands on his hips. "What was that thing! That was not some dog or cat, sir. What-"

Hope stood just as Albus did, reaching for his wand, likely ready to Obliviate the man before he continued shouting.

"What are you talking about?" Hope asked first.

The waiter glared at her. "I saw a Creature wreaking mayhem in the kitchen!"

Hope's eyes dilated as she smiled. "You didn't see a Creature. There was no mayhem in the kitchen."

There was a pause as the waiter's entire demeanor shifted. As though he were in a trance. "There was no Creature…"

"Of course not," Hope smiled, "you had an ordinary night at your place of work and remember nothing else."

He blinked a few times. "I had an ordinary night."

"That's all you remember," Hope murmured.

"That's all I remember."

"Good. I'd love another glass of wine, please." Hope smiled as Tina excused herself to take care of what happened in the kitchen and ensure no other Muggles could be a witness to the Niffler's shenanigans.

Hope sat down, watching the waiter leave, but was met with astounded expressions.

"It's called compulsion," Hope smiled with a wink, "nifty little trick, but not always reliable depending on the vampire using it. If they're weaker, the compulsion is weaker. I happen to be excellent at using it, though. I'm basically a professional gaslighter."

Albus chuckled then. "Ah, yes, that's why you're insistent on Vervain in our tea."

"Mmhm," Hope smiled as she sipped from her water glass before reaching her other ear to take out the earring so she'd at least be matching, but then huffed when it wasn't there, "he snatched both of them. Sneaky thing."

They couldn't help but laugh. It was a wonder they'd made it that long without something happening; perhaps they'd broken a new record.

After dessert was consumed, a delicious chocolate cake with raspberry garnishings, they left the restaurant to make it to the theatre before the production started. They joked about the Niffler and Newt's cheetah reflexes to capture it before they arrived and eventually found their seats.

It was lovely sitting nestled between Newt and Albus as the curtain rose. This would be the best ending to the night. What was a night out without a bit of action and drama anyway?

Not even fifteen minutes into the play, Hope remembered why the name of the production had left such a bad taste in her mouth. When she read this play, she nearly threw it at the wall.

Hope rolled her eyes and leaned her head back.

This was about to be a very long three hours.

By the time the play ended, everyone had bid each other goodnight, and they were returning to the hotel. 

Hope still felt nauseous.

"Are you alright, Hope?" Albus asked, almost knowingly.

"Peachy." She rolled her eyes, thinking back to how men in the audience had reacted when leaving the play.

"Always sensational." Sne had said.

"That's right. Always best for a woman to know her place." Said another.

Albus grinned over at her. "You're annoyed," he chuckled, eyes twinkling.

With a scathing glance, she knew what he was doing. "What gave you the first clue?"

"Is it because I stopped you from tearing out the throats of the misogynistic men in the audience?"

Hope sighed softly. "I wasn't going to actually…" She caught Newt's knowing glance and then sighed. "I was only going to…maim. A little."

"You can't maim, Hope," Albus smiled softly as he opened the door for them, "the best we can do is stand for what's just and right."

"And I will do what's just and right," Hope countered as she closed the door behind them, "while holding the still beating heart of any man who tells me my place is in a kitchen."

Albus and Newt grinned but said nothing as they walked toward the elevator.

"For the record," Newt murmured as he pressed their button floor, "I didn't care for the play."

"I know." Hope nodded with a smile. "Neither of you did."

Albus smiled, not arguing but asking. "How do you know that?"

Turning to look at him, she grinned. "Because you rolled your eyes as often as I did," she turned to Newt, "and I heard you scoff after what happened to Katharina. Because you are both good and decent men who know women are strong, smart, and resilient. Not to be tamed by some man simply because they have a different set of genitals."

The bell dinged, and Hope strode off, her temper still flaring as she thought about how many men believed what the play portrayed as the world's natural order rather than trying to see it for what it was.

Abusive control.

Hope first felt his hands on her hips, then his lips on her ear.

Chuckling, Albus kissed her ear as the door to their hotel room swung open, and they staggered inside. "I love seeing so much passion." He murmured as Newt closed the door, moving so that he stood on the other side, sandwiching Hope between them.

Gazing up at them, Hope tilted her head and smiled slyly. "What are you doing?" She asked, biting her lip. Albus' eyes glinted as he and Newt exchanged a glance and then settled their gaze on her again.

Hope's stomach bottomed out. "This morning?" She asked, throat dry.

"Hm," Albus stroked her chin, "you made Newt a pawn to torture me. I think we both have a reason for a bit of revenge."

Swallowing hard, Hope glanced over at Newt, who was smiling crookedly. His usually innocent eyes glittered with mischief.

"Oh shit…"

Albus took her chin with a low chuckle and turned her head to look at him. "Hm, you don't like The Taming of the Shrew, and quite frankly, neither do I. I find it to be a gross and negligent way for men to portray women as nothing more than submissive mules. However," he grinned, "I think you might like something I have in mind."

Hope swallowed hard, her palms already sweaty with excited anxiety. "What's that?" She breathed.

Albus smirked, his eyes drinking her in.

"Tonight, you're going to be submissive to us. You're going to take everything we give you. You're going to wish you'd thought twice about tormenting us this morning. I like to call it," he bit his lip, "Taming The Tribrid."

Hope's back slammed against the bed, giggling as she tried to get back up, but it was too late. Albus took hold of her wrists, and her hands were bound behind her back with Newt's wand work.

"You did bring this on yourself," Newt smiled as he bound her ankles together, "your actions simply have consequences to them."

"Consequences indeed," Albus smirked, rolling her to her side as she squirmed her torso, connecting her ankles to her wrists and then rolling her back again. With a quick tap of his wand, her black dress shriveled away. 

Hope was left completely naked on her back, hog-tied on the bed.

Albus moved swiftly, sitting down at her head while Newt sat at her knees. Their eyes practically devoured her- her skin scorched just by their penetrating stares.

"Go on then," Hope shuddered, bare chest heaving as she spoke, "tame me."

With a chuckle, Albus trailed his fingers lightly up and down the center of Hope's stomach, sending a thrill of chills through her spine. Making her lightheaded immediately.

"Newt," Albus murmured, "be a dear and fetch me the honey."

Newt didn't hesitate to leave and return a few moments later, holding the honey jar from that morning.

Hope frowned, straining her neck to watch Newt settle back on the bed and pass the jar to Albus. "Wasn't that from our breakfast?"

"Hm, it was," Albus murmured as he dipped his middle finger into the thick substance, "ever since I watched you sucking it off your fingers this morning, I just knew I needed it for tonight." 

Swallowing hard, Hope could only watch as he reached forward and began gliding his finger along the smooth plain of her stomach. Gasping softly, Hope bit her lip as he spelled out his name before handing the jar to Newt for him to do the same.

"Open," Albus demanded, his middle finger at her lips.

Hope looked up at him and smirked defiantly, keeping her lips shut. 

Raising an eyebrow, Albus chuckled. "You're going to be difficult tonight, aren't you?" He slowly shook his head, watching Newt write his name in honey.

"You know what you can do, don't you, Albus?" Newt smiled, making Hope cast a glare down at him, suspicious of him already.

"What's that?" 

Newt smiled, blushing. "The same thing I do when she tries to eat my food. She does it quite often if I'm honest. I've had to start defending it."

Hope's eyes widened, and before she could protest, Newt reached forward and, with a grin, tickled her sides. She immediately opened her mouth in a silent squeal. Still, the moment her mouth was open, Albus fed her his honey-coated finger. 

Swirling it in her mouth and to the back of her throat, he quickly added another finger. Testing her gag reflex, he thrust his fingers in and out.

"Suck." He demanded, but her yellow eyes locked on his as she growled defiantly. Simply smirking, he pinched her left nipple, making her cry out around his fingers.

Albus and Newt exchanged a look, and without a word, the sensation of fingers ghosting across her sex made her suck in a sharp breath. Newt's middle finger glided through her soaked folds, making it a mission to miss her clit with every swipe.

"Are you going to be our pet tonight, darling?" Albus murmured, thrusting his fingers in and out of her mouth. Forcing her to gag.

Hope shuddered as Newt lightly flicked her clit with his finger.

"Yes." She gasped.

"Yes, what," Albus murmured, rolling her nipple between his fingers, moving his fingers to stroke her bottom lip so she could be heard.

Swallowing the last taste of honey down her throat, she shivered. "Yes, sir…"

Albus grinned. "Good girl." He murmured before waving his hand, and his suitcase lay on the bed next to them.

He removed the shiny golden ball that Hope noticed when he'd been packing; she hadn't realized it until now. He placed it around her head, pushing it past her pouty lips, and fit the ball into her mouth. The attached elastic kept it firmly in place.

Hope traced her tongue across the smooth surface and looked up at him. It was like a kinky golden snitch.

She watched then as their eyes drifted to her stomach, where their names were shiny and sticky against her skin. Neither spoke as they both leaned down and dragged their tongues across her stomach, over and over.

Slamming her head back, Hope gasped and moaned around the ball. Her torso squirmed and writhed, but that didn't stop the assault of their tongues against her sensitive skin. 

They didn't stop until they'd licked up every last sticky bit of honey, and even then, they weren't finished tasting her. Albus' sucked her nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the peaked tip while Newt's head disappeared between her legs. He licked her from crack to clit, his nose pressing firmly against her fupa as he ate her out.

Hope panted around the ball, watching their mouths work, and when she thought she couldn't take anymore, they switched positions. Now Albus' mouth devoured her dripping pussy while Newt's hot tongue lavished her aching nipples.

The sudden sensation of penetration made Hope look down with wide eyes, seeing a smirking Albus slowly push in one, then two, then three fingers before flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue.

Crying out, her hips squirmed as he began stroking her G-spot harshly. Taking her sensitive bud between his teeth and sucking hard. All while maintaining eye contact.

Just as she had that morning.

His fingers and mouth were gone when she felt that pressure building to the perfect moment. Hope lifted her head again, watching them desperately as they removed their clothing.

When Newt was bare, he leaned forward and kissed her forehead softly before taking her chin as she had to him earlier.

"You belong to us, Hope."

Hope nodded, shuddering as his hand glided down her breasts, which were already dewed with sweat.

They stood on their knees above her now, staring down at her naked body with their cocks in their hands. Hope watched in fascination as they stroked themselves hard and fast. At first, Hope wondered if this was payback for her making Albus watch her masturbate, but this seemed more primal. As if they had a different destination in mind.

Hope's jaw dropped as she watched their skin flush red, the angry tips of their cocks weeping with precum. They shared a glance before they both came undone at the same time with a deep grunt, but they positioned themselves so that every bit of their cum landed on Hope's stomach.

Gasping, she realized they had quite literally marked her as their territory.

Oh, fuck. That had to be the hottest way for them to make her theirs.

It was as though their energy couldn't cease now that they were started. While their cocks might be out of service for a moment, they both pressed scalding kisses up and down her throat. Sucking and kneading every inch of her body.

Hope moaned, leaning back as she took in every sensation they offered. They worshiped her like a Queen.

Albus' palm cupped her mound and squeezed, sending a shock wave through Hope that made her squeeze her thighs together. He smacked each thigh in turn.

"Do you want to come, Hope?" Albus asked, taking her earlobe between his teeth, another smack, this time directly against her throbbing sex.

Hope whimpered and nodded.

"Good," Albus grinned, "but first we're going to punish that perfect pussy of yours. Is that understood?"

A sudden wave of arousal flooded, wetting the bed beneath. Hope moaned, but it quickly turned into a whine as Albus sent a wet smack against her pussy.

Working together, they traveled to her legs. While Newt spread her thighs to keep her open and vulnerable, Albus spanked her clit over and over in rapid succession.

Hope strained against her binds, panting as she looked down past her glistening stomach still coated in their cum, and watched them quite literally torture her. She threw her head back as Newt leaned down and began eating her out again.

One flick of his tongue and Hope was done.

Screaming around the gag, Hope came hard. Her channel clenched in throbbing waves, sending her past the clouds.

When she opened her eyes again and could focus, Albus spoke against her shaking thighs. "Let's play a game, Newt. How many times can we make the Tribrid come before midnight."

"I like that game." Hope could hear his smile.

Oh, she was so fucked.

Then, Albus pressed his lips to her ear and smiled softly. "Doing alright, sweetheart?" 

Hope smiled, flutters of warmth flurrying through her chest and stomach. She nodded as she opened her eyes to look into his.

He kissed her temple before lifting her up so that she was propped against his hips. When she thought that was all, he put his legs up between her thighs and spread them further. Leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.

Newt, on the other hand, sat between her knees, his cock hard in his hand. 

"Ready?" Newt asked her, and Hope nodded with a soft whine, sensing another flood coming as he lined his tip with her entrance. Instead of a slow penetration, Newt thrust his hips harshly, bottoming out immediately.

Hope screamed, her head falling back against Albus' chest as Newt pistoned his hips as fast as he could.

Newt, the one who made such sweet love to her, was fucking her so hard that Hope could hardly breathe.

Her breasts bounced and jiggled with each harsh thrust, but Albus soon took them captive in his hands, squeezing her nipples and rolling them between his fingers.

Only a few more moments later, Hope came hard around Newt's cock, squeezing him like a vice, but he refrained from coming. Perhaps that was another reason they both came on her after jerking themselves off- so they'd last longer for this.

It happened so quickly, but suddenly, Hope was rolled to her stomach, and Newt and Albus switched ends.

Albus rammed his cock deep into her still-quivering channel. She screamed out just as Newt took the golden ball from Hope's mouth, tossing it aside before holding her jaw in place.

"Through your nose," Newt said before slamming his cock into her mouth without another warning, hitting the back of her throat.

Albus and Newt rammed her from both ends mercilessly. Tears stung her eyes, her red lips wrapped around Newt's cock. He punished her mouth while Albus punished her pussy.

All while her fingers and toes were beginning to get numb from being bound together for so long. 

Hope didn't have time to suck Newt; he didn't give her a chance as he rhythmically pounded to the back of her throat. Suddenly, she could breathe, and it was because they'd switched positions again, as if on a timed rotation. 

Again, Newt slammed into her soaked and stretched pussy from behind while Albus grabbed hold of her chin and smirked down at her.

"Our good girl," Albus stroked her jaw before lining his tip to her lips and pushing past, "your mouth looks so good around my cock, Hope."

Hope moaned, trying not to gag as he thrust a bit slower than Newt did. Forcing her to taste the mixture of his precum and her own arousal.

"She's so close," Albus murmured with a smile while his fingers stroked the soft pads of her feet, making her practically scream around his cock, but he didn't stop. Knowing there was nothing she could do to stop him, he lightly tickled her feet until it sent her over the edge, and she was coming around Newt's cock again.

"You're terrible." Newt grinned, laughing breathlessly as he massaged Hope's backside. He, too, had come inside her, his cock soggy and limp.

Albus laughed. "Whatever works," he held both sides of her jaw now as he gazed into Hope's eyes, "I'm going to come down your throat, and you're going to take everything I give you, aren't you, darling?"

Hope nodded, moaning around his cock again, bracing herself before he rammed harder and faster down her throat. Tears streamed down her cheeks, carrying mascara with it as drool pooled around the corners of her mouth and dripped onto the bed sheets.

With a cursed growl, Albus released his load down her throat. Watching her face as she gulped down every last bit of his cum. 

Nimble fingers unfastened her binds, and Hope's body unfolded with a deep sigh of relief. She lay there on her stomach, panting heavily as Newt massaged her ankles while Albus rubbed her wrists. Trying to bring back the circulation she'd missed. Melting into the mattress, she had no fight left in her; all she could do was lay there as they took care of the mess they'd made of her.

Well, they'd done what they'd set out to do. Hope thought, smiling.

They tamed the Tribrid.