
The Transmigrator Takes Revenge

What would you do if you fell into the world of a novel, which you hadn't even started reading?! I was on the prologue of Lunium Chronicles: Book 1, and suddenly, I woke up in the very same world of the novel. I had led a fairly peaceful life so far, so I obviously wanted to go back to my own world, but that doesn't seem like it would be possible unless I found out how I got here. Which didn't seem so easy. I will go back to my own world, no matter whom I have to face, and if I can't go back, I shall wreak havoc upon this one.

eryxnap · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: A Web of Lies

"Wait, I don't need them, I want to know more about who I am. Can you tell me Mister?" He looked a bit disappointed. I knew I should have called him father, I simply couldn't, I still couldn't see him as such in this state of absurdity.

"What do you want to hear, my dear?" He asked kindly, even though he was hurt by my words.

"I want to know where I am first, and how long I have been asleep for," I still had to confirm this was indeed the world of The Lunium Chronicles.

"Ah yes, this should be all very new to you. You are my child who got lost at birth. Three years ago, we found you unconscious in the slums and we were able to recognise you instantly because of your hair colour, you were just fifteen back then" He took a deep breath before continuing.

"You were quite far away from home, in a war torn zone in Helikhat. You woke up yesterday and we were able to finally transfer you to Lunium today Elynora. I can't say I can imagine how your life was before and the pain you must have endured, but I hope to give you the best in this world from now on," He said with a proud smile, as if he could bring the world to its knees if I asked him to, like a doting father.

I sat quietly, trying to process the information. So, what he's saying was that, he found me in a whole another continent, and in a war torn slum at that. So there must be no known records of me in this continent, not that one. The good thing is, that means they don't know how I behaved previously either since I'd been in a coma after I was rescued.

I don't have to be careful about how I act.

Thank goodness, I'd have gone crazy if I had to act like someone else. As I was in another continent, and from what I remember in the prologue, this world had been at war for quite sometime, so if I was in Lunium, my past in Helikhat wouldn't be able to catch up with me.

I also decided to do a false admission for my own sake.

"I, don't remember anything. I don't even remember my name. And my head hurts a lot. Was my head injured when you found me?" I asked, trying to make small conversation with him. I had to show him that I would definitely not try to escape or anything.

"Yes. Your head was injured, and the veykrin said that you might be suffering from Amnesia once you woke up."

"I see. Has the same person been treating me from the start?"

"No we had to switch many of them since you weren't waking up," He said this with a somber look on his face.

"I think I need some time alone. And a… Veykrin," It felt strange to use that word. I almost said doctor.

"Sure my dear, I'll call them and they'll be here soon." He looked a bit sad that I was chasing him out, but it had to be done.

As soon as he left the room, I went to the mirror and checked my heavily hurting back. As I thought, there were small scars on my back that I could see from the uncovered parts. They looked like they had been formed within the past month, but my head was void of injuries.

This man was lying.

If they could heal my "head" injuries, there shouldn't be any scars on my back. Especially ones that looked to be barely a month old. What was this dude playing at?

I had the feeling that he was lying, and escaping this place wouldn't be so easy. Maybe I was paranoid, but I could already feel at least two people watching me. Who the hell puts tails on their own daughter?

I had to get information, and fastly at that. I tried my best not to panic at the situation I was present in.

I transmigrated into a novel I hadn't read, my so called father was lying to me, someone was spying on me and it might be the father.

What a shitty life.

As I was contemplating jumping out of a window and running far away from this place, looking blankly at the mirror, I noticed something awkward.

I looked basically the same from my previous life, except for my hair and eye colour. Only those two had changed. What in the world? I was trying to think of a logical conclusion while I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled, out of habit.

The door opened and a pale man, who was dressed elegantly in a pastel green shirt with a black vest and long black trousers came in. His blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail which showed off his pointy ears and he had a small suitcase with him.

He looked like an elf from a fantasy manhwa.

All in all, he was very handsome and I might have hit on him, if it weren't for my present situation.

"A pleasure to meet you Lady Elynora, I am Aiden, the veykrin assigned to you. I'm glad that you are finally awake under my care," He said as he bowed politely.

"Thank you for taking care of me," I said as I took a seat on the bed.

"Do you have any complaints aside from the headache, my lady?"

"My back hurts a lot and there are scars on them, I would like to know about those," I asked, staring at him directly, hoping to fish some information out of him.

"I'm sorry to say that I don't know anything about them. I've only been taking care of you for a week now Lady Elynora, but I have been trying to heal them to my best" He said, confused.

He then took something that resembled a pill out of a box from his suitcase and have it to me with a bitter smelling liquid. I drank it and swallowed the pill in one gulp. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bitter.

"This should help alleviate the pain for a while. The injuries were more severe when you came under my care so the pain would last for quite a while, since I can only heal the wounds on the surface."

So the wounds were severe even during the week before. I could sense that he wasn't lying about what he said. If I was in a coma for three years, how could I have got that badly injured?

"Do you have any idea on who took care of me before you, Aiden?" I asked, curious about that fact, maybe I could get a little more information.

"I'm afraid that everything about your treatment has been veiled in secrecy, including the veykrin. I did not even get a copy of the assessment that must have been. taken before I was assigned to you. Even the public did not know you existed till a week ago. If there are no other complaints, I shall take my leave." He said, stiffening a bit while packing his things up.

"Why are you leaving so soon? Do you have other patients to look after?" I asked dumbly. Why was this dude in a hurry? He was giving me so much information for free.

"I was ordered to not stay for long and I'm not keen on finding out what the Marquis does to the people who don't listen to his orders," He said with a sigh and started to walk away.

He hesitated a bit when he reached the door.

"You can call for me anytime my lady, I would advise you to be careful," He said, pointing to my back.

I did not know if he told me to not get hurt anymore, or if I should be wary of the reason I had gotten hurt in the first place.

It was all very confusing.

And it seemed I had some digging to do.

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