
The Transmigrator Takes Revenge

What would you do if you fell into the world of a novel, which you hadn't even started reading?! I was on the prologue of Lunium Chronicles: Book 1, and suddenly, I woke up in the very same world of the novel. I had led a fairly peaceful life so far, so I obviously wanted to go back to my own world, but that doesn't seem like it would be possible unless I found out how I got here. Which didn't seem so easy. I will go back to my own world, no matter whom I have to face, and if I can't go back, I shall wreak havoc upon this one.

eryxnap · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Isekai?

I woke up gasping for breath.

What the hell kind of dream was that?

No, a nightmare. It felt so realistic that it jolted me awake. I groaned at the pain in my back and stretched. Even that hurt like hell.

I tried to get up from my bed, I really did, but the bed was so soft and comfortable that I just couldn't make myself get up.

Soft bed? I woke up and swiftly got out of bed, alert and ready to fight. As expected, it was not my room. I examined my surroundings with my eyes wide open just like my jaw.

Where in the palace was I? What in the world was this assortment of luxurious furniture around me that I definitely couldn't afford? Maybe I was still in a dream?

I must have been lucid dreaming again. I decided to do what I always did to wake up from a lucid dream.

I started yelling like a madman.

"Help! I'm stuck in here! You lazy brain just listen to me for once and wake up this is no fun!" I screamed so loud that I almost felt like my throat was hurting even in a dream. Then I closed my eyes, blinking rapidly.

Nothing happened, except for a door opening loudly and people dressed in weird maid outfits rushing in, along with a fancily dressed man.

"My lady, are you okay? Does anything hurt? We will call for the Veykrin, soon the pain will be gone," some lady said.

I looked at her confused. This is my dream right, who are these people and why haven't I woken up yet?.

The fancily dressed man suddenly enveloped me in a hug while I stood still in shock, because what in the world was going on.

"Elynora, you are finally back. This father has been waiting for you for too long," He said then backed away and held my shoulders, looking proud. He had blue hair, ligh skin and gold eyes, and a subtle but noticable blue stubble, sharp jaw, and a stern face.

I started at him, realising that something was terribly off. There was no way that I was lucid dreaming. I was sure of it. This is reality and although I was not sure of what was happening, I sensed that I had to play along with these people to find out where exactly I was.

"Elynora?" I asked first, not knowing why he called me that. It was similar to my name but not the same so I was curious.

"Yes dear, that's you name. You are Elynora Crescente, my daughter, and I am your father, Jareth Crescente,"

Huh. What the hell. I started at him in absolute confusion. I knew I had to play along to escape from wherever this was but, what was with these fantasy-esque names? And father? Mine was probably back home, reading some boring book about birds, he didn't look nearly as good as this man.

And Crescente, where have I seen that name before?

Looking at my confused face, he ordered the other people to go out and sat me down on the bed. I obeyed.

He looked at me with an understanding expression on his face.

"I see that this all too much to take in for you, after all, the veykrin said your memories may have been affected after the accident and it has been two whole years. I just never imagined that it would be so bad that you could not even recall your name my dear," he said with a concerned expression.

I processed the information that had just been given to me and something in me clicked.

Crescente, that was the family name of the guy who had sacrificed himself in frontlines for the main character in the prologue of the book I was starting to read.

Don't tell me… Isekai? Really? Of all the things that could happen to me.

I groaned and rubbed my face with my hand. The man who called himself my 'father' looked very concerned at this.

"Are you okay Elynora? Does your back hurt? Do not worry, we will call the veykrin to heal you the pain will be gone soon." He repeated the same thing the lady previously said as he fretted over me.

I assumed the veykrin were some kind of doctors in the world. I didn't know much about the world except the name of the continent I seemed to be in, the name of the main character and a few side characters that appeared in the prologue.

Because, I did not get past the prologue of this novel!

If there was a god in this universe, they seemed to hate me because I've read novels where the protagonist transmigrates into novels they have read and survived and all but, what was this situation I have been faced with?

I have transmigrated into a novel that I have never read.

Screw me.