
The Time Class 1A Became Monsters

After the world ends everything changes and shamefully Class 1A become monster but not just any monsters but rather, interesting monsters, with a dungeon master who is there class mate.

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

The Wipe

The world had come to a close all of humanity was wiped out. Well that was until they woke up, everything had changed the way people looked, felt, and even though had all changed however one thing that had stayed the same were the memories of what once was. Families separated as a group of teenagers awoke with their sensei however some of them were missing.

" Ugh my head." Groaned Iris as she sat up. Her hands were being held by something warm as she rolled over and pulled along with her Bakugou Katsuki who hissed in pain.

" What happened, where are we?" Bakugou asked as he helped Iris up.

" Aah!" Iris screamed seeing Bakugou with fangs and fur he had brighter red eyes as he had claws and a tail, along with wolf ears.

" What? What's wrong?!" Bakugou asked as he turned around and gasped at his tail and hands.

" Why do you have a werewolf like appearance, what's going on with us, where the hell are we?!" Iris was hysterical.

Bakugou grabbed Iris and hugged her sniffing her neck, licking at the joint between her shoulder and neck.

" Calm down, breathe, and what were we on when we woke up?" Iris breathed and pointed to the rock they were on.

" We were up there, almost sun bathing, we need to find shelter or something because it looks like it's about to storm." Iris suggested. Bakugou picked the girl by her thighs.

" Hang on, I think I can climb up there quickly." Bakugou whispered as he climbed up the peak with a speed neither parties was aware he had.  Bakugou looked over to find some of the others. Iris and Bakugou exchanged glances and quickly understood that they needed to find not only shelter, but some way to survive.

Iris tried using her quirk but sighed and shook her head.

" Nothing, maybe I need to rest. I see a cave it's surrounded by wolves though." Bakugo conjured up an explosion and pulled Iris behind him.

" Try and see if you can find water or food, and watch over them." Bakugou stated and Iris nodded and watched the boy take off.

" You're gorgeous, beautiful body, brains, and heart." Iris heard as she turned around to find a male he had fangs but his body unlike Bakugou's was pale, and had veins that came out of his eyes, and those eyes glowed. Iris was pulled but she dropped all of her body weight before grabbing a rock and smashing the guy with the rock. She kept going seeing the strength the man still had until she finally hit him hard enough that he fell unconscious.

Iris huffed and moved some of her hair out of the way as she sat up and turned around. Only to hear a ding.

' Congratulations, Young Monster leader, you've accomplished the feet known as brutal rage, which allows you to use your powers based on rage or anger!'

Iris scrambled over to the injured Midoriya and began to heal him and was thankful to find she could she used up all her anger to heal all of her friends whose appearances varied, some had tails, scales, or different body shapes however she knew them all by name, and they all had a werewolf trait to them. Iris stood up and found that there was a stream near by along with an apple tree.

Iris looked at herself, she was naked. She sighed and looked at the creature.

' Kill it, kill it, or consume it, you need it.'. Her body screamed in her head. She looked down at the creature and gulped feeling fangs tear through her gums painfully. She climbed on top of the man and breathed.

" You're going to eat him?" Bakugou asked from behind her. Iris looked at him and nodded seeing the blood running from the boy's mouth.

" Something told me to, and I got an accomplishment."

" Really? Same I got lvl 1 protector of royalty. Eat the thing before he wakes up." Bakugou stated and with that Iris gulped and dug her fangs into the man's neck tasting blood as she drained him of blood before tearing apart the man's clothes. Bakugou took the man's pants while Iris tied a sleeve around her chest and and used the rest as a skirt.

" You think we should hide it?" Iris said slightly disgusted with herself.

" No, leave it, it'll give us some time till we have to deal with predictors." Bakugou said comforting the girl. Bakugou and Iris spent and hour moving their friends to the cave with Aizawa being one of the last. They were all naked for some odd reason.

" Bakugou, I'm so fucking scared." Iris admitted.

" Call me Katsuki, and I am as well, you're more composed then me, and it shows, you're in charge between the two of us." Iris nodded.

" We need to eat, I saw an apple tree along the way with water."

" What was that thing carrying?" Bakugou asked pulling the girl into a comforting hug.

" Some seeds, water, these viles, a book, and some currency."

" I see, no weapons?"

" He had knives on him but he has a fishing rod, fire starter, and camping kit."

" Do you know how to fish?"

" Yeah, you know how to camp?"

" Hell yeah, so it's agreed?"

" Yeah you set up a proper camp and I'll get food and water."

The two young people set out to do their respective tasks.