
Chapter 3

Two months gone by and know one noticed or figured out that Wade is Melody. One day Tony was out with Wade to pick some things up when some fellahs grabbed Tony and took him down an alley. The fellahs started to punch and Tony tried to hit back, but was worthless. "Stop! Stop hitting him!" "Him and his buddies hurt my brother. Are you one of his tiger friends?" "I'm none of the tiger members, but I am his friend. I know he has done a lot bad, but I also know he does good." "Good? Don't make me laugh.. Get lost or else." "How about a trade?" "A trade?" "Yeah you let him go and I'll take his place." "Bold. You must care a lot for your friends, but sadly I don't accept. Now get lost!" "Wait! You let him go for me to be in his spot and I promise I won't retaliate." "Promise, as if I'll trust you!" "I promise, you can trust me. I won't even move. Well?" "You won't leave or stop this till I agree?" "Nope." "Fine, deal." "Oh and know one goes after him." "Deal.. Your lucky to have a friend to take such a beating for you." As promised Tony was let go and they moved to Wade. Tony could only watch and wait for them. They finished and Wade was on the ground, Tony ran over to help. "Come lets get you home." "Th-thanks."

Wade and Tony finally reached home to Wade's room, "wait. What are you doing?" "You're to hurt to change." "I'm fine, I can do it." "As if. You can barely hold your arm up." Wade sat up little by little, "see I'm fine. I can do it myself." Wade got up and headed to the bathroom, but didn't make it far without falling. "See you need help." "Your right, but I'll wait." "Wait for what?" "You won't understand. Just go!" Without warning Tony started to strip Wade, but stopped. "You.. you. Who are you?" "Well now you know why I didn't want you helping me. My name is Melody, Emily's younger sister. That picture over there, do you recognize them?" "Well that's Emily and that girl.. uh, she stood up against us at the mall." "Yeah that girl is me. Tony can I ask you to keep my secret?" "Why did you do all this?" "I can't tell you right now, but I will when I think its time." "I'll keep it, I promise.. Are you wearing a wig?" "No, I couldn't take a chance." "Oh. Hey I'm sorry about well this, all this." "It's fine. I'd do anything to protect my friends. So stop worrying, if you can help button my shirt back up." "Yes of course."

A knock made them jump, it was grace. "Dear what happened to you?" "Ms. Andrews all this is my fault. Wade made a deal so some people wouldn't hurt me, but.. I'm sorry to both of you." " "Ms. Andrews there has also been a development... Tony now knows my secret, but promised to keep it till I think the time is good." "Is that so? I quess we'll have to trust him. Tony I expect you to help her when she needs it, as for now I will help. You go make something to eat or watch tv." "Tony I'm fine, go. When I'm finished Ms. Andrews will let you know." Tony nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him, but he didn't go anywhere. Instead Tony sat in the hall waiting for Grace to come. Tony could hear every yelp Melody made, at last Grace came out. "Tony you can go in, you might want wipe those tears though." "Right. Thanks Ms. Andrews and I'm also sorry as well." "Go in, I'm sure you want talk to her." "Yeah, thanks again." Tony walked in and saw Melody laying in bed, "Tony you can come over.. sit down." Of course Tony was hesitant to sit, but he did. "Melody I-I." "I know, its ok so stop worrying." Tears was starting up again when Melody touched Tony's hand. "You heard me didn't you?" "I was waiting in the hall. I-I'm so very sorry, if it wasn't for me or if I knew you were a girl I wouldn't of.." "Tony whether I'm a guy or not I would of done it anyway for any of you, so please don't worry or feel sad. Besides what would the others say if they see you like this." "You're right, but I still feel.." "I know. In a week or so I'll be white as rain, oh and promise me you or the others won't go looking for them to avenge me." "I promise, but the others might not." "I know which is why I'll also ask them too." "Are you really okay? Do you need anything?" "I'm fine. No I don't need anything right now. Hey do you want watch tv?" "Yeah."

"Didn't you hear us calling you guys?" "Sorry Eric we didn't. What did you want?" "We're going out to eat, are you guys coming?" "Tell them we aren't going." "Tony it's fine, go have fun." "I'm not." "Uh?" "Wade got hurt because of me." "It's not your fault." Tony then explained what happened, "well lets get ready to kick some butts." "No! Please don't take revenge, I'm fine. Tony go out and eat, but remember to bring something back for me. Eric help me out and get him to go with you." "Wait! What kind of food do you want? Will you call us if.." "I'll be fine, really. How about spaghetti." "Alright, rest while were gone." "Thanks." Wade continued to watch tv while Eric and Tony went downstairs and out with the others. Ms. Andrews was out gardening so Wade was completely alone watching some comedy movie. The moment the boys got home Tony put the spaghetti in the microwave, waited and got a soda and brought it all up to Wade. "Thanks." "Yeah. So were you bored without us?" "No.. I'm joking yeah, it was quiet here." "Wade it's us. How are ya?" "Good." "Tony and Eric told us what happened." "I see and did they also told you about not getting revenge." "Yeah, as much as we want to we all promise. Right Gary and Ricky?" "Yeah." "Thanks guys. You'll see in like a week I'll be running around."

"Night Wade." "Good night everyone." Everyone left, Wade got up to go downstairs to get a drink when Eric bumped into Wade. "Should you be up? I mean Tony-" "I know he's worried and probably feel regret, but I'm fine now. Its been weeks and the only person who knows how my body feel is me." "Where are you going?" "Taking a walk and get some fresh air." "Alright, night." "Night." Some time after getting outside Tony came out, "what are you doing?" " "Nothing just walking.. Hey Tony do me a favor,treat me like any other guy." "Fact is your not, so I can't." "True, but if you keep acting different toward me the others will question both of us. Please just act as if I'm.. well you know." "Fine. I can see your point, but-" "When we're alone and after the time comes to tell everyone you can treat me as.. you know." "Deal."

"Ms. Andrews is everyone home?" "No." "I quess Melody is also gone?" "No she's in her room. Melody is expecting two of her friends over." "I need talk to her." Emily went upstairs to Melody's room, but she also saw Tony. "Uh Wade I need to talk to you and it's a personal matter." "I see. Sorry Tony I'll be back and no I haven't told her." "Tell me what." "Well a few months ago something crazy happened in any case Tony knows my secret, but he also promises to keep it." "I see, well thank you and I hope you'll help her when she asks." "I know." "Emily you wanted to talk about a personal matter?" "Oh right. Yes, I'm moving to help our great aunt although I feel bad cause you.. your stuff and being here." "I'll pack it and put it in storage for the time being, don't worry about me. Do you need help packing?" "You got friends coming over." "Later or tomorrow I can help." "Uh can I help?" "If you want. Although it might make the others wonder why you'd want to help." "True.. I'll think of something." "Tony it'll be fine, we can handle it, but if you really want help then it's ok."