
Chapter 4

"Tony come on, wake up." "Let me be, I want sleep in. You guys go have fun." "See ya later then." Ms. Andrews came in the house, upstairs to Tony's room to let him know that they were out of sight. Interesting, he wants to help her. I doubt he would of if Melody didn't agree to my plan. "So what are we packing up first?" "My room going to be packed first, so we can get it in a storage that way if the others want help they can and won't be suspicious or snooping around. NO offense." "None taking, it makes sense. Lets get to work then." The door bell rang and thinking it was the delivery Tony answered the door. How wrong was he, "guys?" "We came back to pick you up, but Ms. Andrews said you was here helping Wade and Emily.." "Is the-" "Hey.. So how's the packing going?" "Still a lot to pack. Why don't you go have fun." "No. Can't do that Wade, I try to help my friends. Don't I fellahs?" "True to that. Why don't we help ya?" "Yeah, we all can." While they were coming in Wade pulled Tony to the side, whispering about her room. Emily came downstairs also thinking the pizza arrived, "oh.. h hi boys." "We heard that Tony came over to help so we decided to come and help too." "I see, well thanks. Now we ordered pizza, but if we don't have enough or if you're still hungry you can make sandwiches." The boys didn't say anything since the door bell rang again. "I got it." Wade got plates out while Emily paid for the pizza and brought it in. Pizza didn't last long with seven people there so sandwiches was made. "So where are we packing?" "Tony and I have Melody's room so Emily will have to decide." "I thought she moved to help a family member?" "Well Eric she did leave, but didn't move. I'm not sure when she'll be back." "Oh."

"Emily we finished packing, Tony and I are going to Truckers." "Wait! While you're out get more boxes, tape, and bubble wrap." Giving some money, they both left. "A you sure that it'd be alright to let them be there?" "It's fine, everything in my room is packed." "Yeah it is." Melody and Tony got everything Emily asked for, Tony insisted on driving the moving truck, so Melody drove the car back. "Emily we're back." "Alright guys lets put Melody's stuff in the truck." After the truck was packed Melody and Tony drove to a Lizzy's lockers rented a medium size storage and unpacked. They drove back to Emily's to see if they would need that truck again today, but they didn't so once again melody drove behind Tony to take the vehicle back to Truckers. It was the next day that Emily needed a moving truck and everyone helped pack it full. Emily was now gone, and once again that house was empty.