
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantaisie
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144 Chs

Chapter 56 " I like you! I can't stop my feelings anymore. "

" Why? Why are you taking my stand? " Jae Que.,

" Why! I don't need any reason to stay on your side.

You didn't do wrong. So, stop crying. " Alin consecration,

" I don't wanna listen to anything. So, leave me alone! Please! "Jae requests,

" Ney! I don't leave you alone. You don't know! When you ran from the room, I was searching for you everywhere, when I did get about you; I can't take a breath of peace. I was frightened of you!

I thought that I love you. You can't guess, How much was I worry about you! " Jae said,

" Worry! Worry for me! Why? Why were you worrying for me! Why are you scaring about me? If I'll die then What' you lose yours? " Jae asked Que., She get on some steps and went close to Alin.

Alin swallowed saliva in his throat, he stopped and then He caught her arms with his both hand.

He and, " You want to know, Who are you for me! You want to know, why was I worry about you!

listen, You are the most important person in life. Since I ' started saw you, I am mad at you! I am not able to control, You are rotating in my mind.

Your eyes, Your face, your talk can't allow me to sleep at the night. I lost my sleep of night! I spent ts your dream with my open eyes.

I can't control it, I can't stop my feeling for you anymore! I like you, I like you! "

Jae was shocked to get ans and the reason for Alin's discomfort. She blinked her eyes, she did not realize, that what should she say.

" Alin... Alin... " Jae was taking his name.

Alin shoved Jae in his arms. He locked her in his arms and under the influence of his feelings, he kissed Jae on her lips. Alin and also Jae closed their eyes, and they were feeling their closeness.

Their 's warm breathes were running across their lips. They both were lost in each other.

" Director, may I come in? " Xavia took permission to get in office.

" Come, sit," he replied,

Xavia sit on cheer, which was afore of exact director. Director was working on some papers,

He set up it and put it in a box on the table.

He said, " Xavia, you did an unexpected work! You showed up you. I can't believe, that you did it for the Win monitor position as I listened from my ears. You are proud of our college, I didn't expect from you. You are a mature, responsible student.

You also should respect your name, your academy! Do you wanna you say something in your favour? "

" No!, Director, you should do your work, then no matter what'll I suffer. " Xavia and. , in her clear voice.

" Director, can I come in? " A teacher asked outside of the door.

" Later. "the director said,

" Sir, it's an emergency! There happened a big problem. " the teacher informed,

" Come in, what's the problem? " the director asked alarmingly.

" Sir, Xavia ' s act ' s article is raised in media and some news reporter rumour on her father to increase their TRP of their channel and papers. " the teacher explained,

" What? We have to do something to stop them! " the director said,

" Director, you should call my father to get rid of this situation. He'l'peak in the media and clear all rumour about the academy. " Xavia gave a solution,

" Are you sure.? Your father will furore on you! Can still I call him? "the director asked,

" Yes! Academy's respect is of first importance. " Xavia said.

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