
The Third Birth

THE THIRD BIRTH ( Volume 1 ) She takes birth on earth as human by mistake to trust on someone. So, superior god cursed her for her mistake. She was daughter of superior god. He was a Lord devil’ s son. Without know each other they both fall in love. Can their loves story possible? over their hates of their origin and destiny???

Vasundhra_Vats · Fantasy
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144 Chs

Chapter 55 Will Ami also understand vicious Xavia?

" Jae! Jae! don't escape, don't escape. " Alin said Jae, but Jae! She didn't listen to anything, she ran away to escape the situation.

Also, Alin ran in worry of Jae.

" Students, today ' selection has been cancelled. We'll see it another day, ...and you, Xavia; the director is calling you in his office. You have to meet them at 1: 40 pm, after luncheon the the the the the the . " class's teacher said,

Xavia breathed out, she sit on the bench. She folded her arms in each other, and disquietness a see on her face.

" Xavia, tell me; you did it? Seriously, I can't believe t you can do such this" Ami asked Xavia.

But she, she didn't reply. Ami questions again, " Xavia ! will you tell me, that you did it? "

But still, she didn't any reaction to her Que.,

" Look, look, Ami is asking Xavia, that she did it. "a girl said to her friends

" Also, I am surprised! What's your thoughts about it. " her friend asked,

" Thoughts! Xavia accepted it, with her strong voice in class. What's anything else to think . " a girl said,

" Yeah, I can't believe on mine eyes and nose that Xavia can do such this! Powers can make anyone

blind. " her another friend and.,

" I don't think it when Xavia confesses blame on her. There was no guilty on her face. How could anyone say this without any ruefully? Xavia can't do this. She helped Ami to save from Jae, without any purpose. Xavia ' s rank and skills are higher than Jae. She did not need to do this. It's strange... Why did Xavia do it, her chance of Win was uld be possible... the truth is not; that is seeing us. " her another friend said,

" Come on, don't make her stand. She did it that mean she did it. I am feeling very bad for Jae, her life is shredded not of Xavia! And if I think you are telling which about Xavia is surely, then Why did Jae hurt her leg with an axe? For a monitor election! Why did she show inferior her in others eyes? " another girl said,

" Yes, we know Jae is not good, but after all, she is a girl. We can't judge Jae by her malfunctions! We should support Jae. We are all girls, Jae's health is more pitiful. " another girl supports Jae.

" Xavia! I am asking you last time You did it? " Ami asked to say over,

"What do you think about me? You tell me it, II did it or I didn't it? " Xavia back Que.,

" Mmmm..... " Ami perused,

" I know your answer. , what're your thoughts about me? Also, you are understanding me wrong " Xavia said,

"No! You can't make your mind without knowing mine and., " Ami said,

" So, what's your ideate for me? "Xavia asked,

" I don't believe in you...

I mean, I don't believe in your words, you said for Jae that you did it.

As I know you since the first day, you can't do this. I have always seen your literature You helped me,

whereas it did not matter to you. You helped me without any selfishness. You didn't, You didn't it. Did you hear? " Ami and.

" Jae! Jae! Where are you? Where are you? don't escape, don't escape, Jae, Jae... " Alin was shouting to find Jae.

Alin was searching for Jae in each place of the academy Jae was disappeared from Alin eyes.

Alin was too frightening for Jae, a kind of dread was in their eyes to lost Jae. He asked a girl, " Listen si did, yo,u Jae? Where did she go "

" Sorry! No, I didn't see her. I didn't notice. " she replied,

" No! No! where are you, Jae? Where are you, Jae? " Alin screamed in his loud voice. Apun reached in some restricted vacant room.

Alin had handed over his all hopes. He snuggled all of the room. He was thinking about only Jae. He quit. in mind, "Where did you walk off? Where did you walk off? "

" Ahh. What's this sound like? Where did it come from? isn't it come from that room! " Alin spoke,

A sound glided any iron's thing. It was produced by friction, such anyone pushed it.

" Isn't Jae in that room? I should check. " Alin thought,

Alin opened the between of the room, Jae has sat at tat these last room. She folded her arms and she turned down her head under her arms in defence position.

" Jae! are you here? come out! come out! " Alin asked,

Jae raised her eyes, she cleaned her face from streaming tears. Alin was afore her.

" Alin! You shouldn't come here. You leave me, please... you leave me. " Jae requested,

" Jae! What are you taking? This time you need a strong shoulder, and you are saying me to get off. I won't leave you, then no matter what'll happen? " Alin recited his decision.

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