
The Beginning of the Hauntings

I got ready for school quickly as I overslept having that horrible nightmare. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and wore my new school uniform as I headed of to school.

Anyway, my name is Jake Gerphotta, a fifteen year old boy who was related to an extraordinary family. I just moved from the U.S to Canada into an old house which had belonged to one of my relatives, passed down, and now it was me and my mum's. My dad came on a mission somewhere near this house when I was four but then I never saw him again. He just never came back. Some people say that the house I live in is cursed having killed more than ten people when around it. But it seems pretty interesting to me. I don't think the universe brought me here for no reason. So with a little hardwork and determination I can really find out what's going on here.

While I was on my way to my new school a few yards away I noticed a strange forests with tall trees. After, I quickly noticed a sign in front of the forest. I went ahead to go read what the sign was about and then I quickly realised that the words that were written on the sign were all written in blood. There was also a barrier which covered the whole forest with a line. That line was also made by blood. The blood written words on the sign were "GO BACK NOW". I got absolutely spooked by that. Without hesitation I found another way to the school without passing through the forest. I became really late because I looked for another path to the school and overslept. But I still got there anyway. Once at school I introduced myself to the class, learnt and did more basic school stuff. The bell rung for lunch, so I went to pack my books in my locker. After just closing my locker some two fat dudes pushed me on the floor. As I turned to look, I noticed that the two boys were bullies. They told me that they were going to beat me up because at school I answered a question that they couldn't and the teacher embarrassed them infront of the class saying " Mitch and Barter you couldn't answer this math question while even this newcomer can, what a shame". After those words our teacher said they were astonished and wanted revenge. The first bully continued "We're going to teach you a math lesson about coming into our school turf." He said that as he raised his hand to deliver a punch. Across the hallway of lockers I heard steps simultaneously as they became louder every second as if someone was running to me. Behold there he came running at the bullies and before the first bully could deliver his first blow on me, the boy jumped and kicked the second bully behind the first one. As the first bully heard a huge thump behind himself, his punch stopped in its tracks as the boy behind him said "Lay a hand on him and you're dead". The first bully was shook in fear as the boy continued to threaten him." It's either you take your unconscious friend on the floor there and help him get away or you continued to beat this boy up and get your face pounded like the one I kicked, understood" the first bully nodded as he ran away leaving his friend behind. After that the boy turned his attention to me saying "Now as for you". As he said that he looked hostile as I thought he was going to beat me up. His mood them changed friendly and he pulled out his hand to help me of the floor. After he apologised about the bullies and we exchanged names." My name is Cody Cooper." After that he said something really weird to me "On Wednesday I saw you and your mom moving into that haunted house." I continued by saying "Haunted, that was a family house". Cody added" Well whatever it is, it's the closest house to the haunted woods. Have you ever heard of it?" I answered "No but..." I was interrupted again by Cody saying " Also, it's the only house who's had the people living in die, more than seven times. Are you sure you're not going to fall a victim? And..." he was interrupted by me as I said "Cody, I really have to get to class so can we talk about this later." After saying that we both went our separate ways but before that he asked if I could pay him a visit after school. I accepted that offer and was given a paper which contained his address.

After school, I ran home in a haste manner. When I got there around 6:00 I found nobody there as my mother had gone to her new job. So I wrote a letter to my mother telling her that I had gone to a friend's place and left the letter and my bag both on a table in a dark hollow hallway leading to the stairs. I locked the door and set of to Cody's house following the address he gave me. Cody was the first and only friend I had in the school so I couldn't let him down once and he also saved me from those bullies so I owe him a favour. As I was running to it I stumbled across the forest I saw in the morning. This time blood dripped from the trees and I heard screams echoing across with the sign and blood line still there but this time the sign said "Stop Do Not Cross". I was extremely stunned as I remembered earlier that morning when I passed by it, it had been "GO BACK NOW". As frightened as I was I walked backwards as I was too scared to face the forest with my back. I kept on walking backwards until I bumped into someone. Out of anxiety and pure instinct, my fighting skills kicked in and I started hitting the person who bumped into me. I immediately stopped once I found out that it was the friend from school who save me from bullies, Cody. I apologised and told him how I was looking for his house. After that he lead me to it which was also not far from my house or the forest. After that we both went into the house to do a lot of fun stuff like him teaching me how to build a camp-fire, we also told scary stories and we ate some of his favourite Canadian dishes. After that he asked me something very mysterious " Hey Jake, do you remember the time you bumped into me?". I replied " Yeah, about that where we're you going? I thought we were supposed to meet here". He stated "I was going to the haunted woods" I continued with the sequence of questions "what are the haunted woods?" He continued " Really I thought you knew what you were staring at." As he paused it left me pondering if I've seen the haunted woods he was talking about.

He explained "The haunted woods is this weird, spooky forest which has a sign and a barrier rope which expands to cover the entire forest. The sign always states "BEWARE FALLING ROCKS". Legend says almost anyone who trespassed and walked over the rope barrier is cursed and will never make it out of there alive. It is the spookiest place that has existed in the entire world and unfortunately you and I live the closest to it.