
The Haunting Nightmare

As I wake up in a thick forest, I am full of questions from the frighteningly scary events that occur. Firstly, on the hard grassy ground, clueless of where I am,I wake up questioning where I am and how I got here. Out of anxiety, I look around my surroundings to see if I recognise anything familiar. Firstly, I look to my left only to see my mother struggling to get through some tree leaves calling my name. Stunned as I was, I called for her to come pick me up. I called countless times but she did not hear my cry.

As I continued to call, out of surprise a liquid dropped on my neck. Out of curiosity I stopped calling for her and reached my hand out to check what it was. After swiping it with my finger and bringing it back, I noticed it was blood. Anxious again, I proceeded to look right. Once I looked right I was shocked to see a boy lying on the floor right next to me. I later found out that he was wearing the same uniform as I was which took me by suprise. He wasn't moving which made me sure he was dead. The features which this boy had was undoubtedly terrifying. It looked like his eye sockets were ripped out from his brain leaving dark hollow holes which had blood dripping out from. His nose looked like a skeleton's with skin around it and his mouth looked exactly like one of his eyes. His ears were ripped out leaving holes connecting to his brain. Frightened as I was, I decided to just look away and close my eyes while staying calm. But as I was doing that, I couldn't help but think whatever or whoever that did that to the boy has me on its menu. Nevertheless, we were wearing the same uniform and lying close to each other. So out of desperation I wanted to called for my mother again. Suddenly, blood dripped on me as I was closing my eyes again. Curious again I opened my eyes only to see torn apart bodies of humans on the tree branches above my head with blood spewing out dropping on my head. I tried to move but I couldn't with that horrific feeling of impending dread. I just kept trembling simultaneously. So I impetuously acted fast calling my mother out of anxiety. "Mom, Mom, Moooooom!!! Mooooo..." "Shut up". As those words arose in the middle of my cry for help right in front of me.

I pondered who could have said that at a time and place like. I looked forward in the spooky fog surrounding the forest as my heart stopped when I saw this girl with a white, short tattered and torn gown. She had no legs with black hair which covered one of her eyes. Her eyelashes were darkish purple and she had claws instead of fingers. Blood leaked of her claws in a maximum rate as an ounce of it was also on he face.

I froze up in fear once I saw her devious looking structure. She proceeded to say "the dead shall not speak to the living". She charged at me which left me with the question "Am I dea...?" She pounces on me and cuts short my very last words.

"Jake,Jake!!!" I hear my mother calling for me one last time as I open my eyes not in the forest anymore but at home. Relieved to find out that it was all a dream, I realised that my mother was waking me up to go to school. Once I saw her again I hurriedly got off bed to hug her wearing a huge smile. She followed up with a question asking "what's wrong?". I answered saying "Nightmare".

But will we learn more about Jake and his family? Will Jake's nightmare come to past? Read it in the next chapter to find out.