
The Sword of Dawn

Gawain is crossed, but something went wrong when he traversed. After floating in the sky over an alien continent for hundreds of thousands of years, he felt that he might need a body to be a complete traverse, but he did not expect that he would still need to carry this body after he succeeded. Climbing out of the coffin and faced two frightened great great great great .. great-granddaughters. And a world that is about to usher at the end of the era.

LimitlessSage · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Finally.... able to move!

After sitting up from a black metal box, Gawain was in a severe state of confusion. In fact, he even performed the movement of "sitting up" unconsciously.

An unprecedented sense of dizziness is tormenting his brain. He feels buzzing in his ears, and all kinds of crazy and indistinguishable sensations are coming from all over his body. His vision is still black and white.

Perhaps I should be grateful that I didn't know who hit the back of my hand with a stick before, and he got precious sobriety when he devoured almost by chaos.

But that stick really hurts...

The thinking gradually returning to the right track, Gao Wen finally recalled what happened before—the sudden interruption of vision, the sound of the escape program, the illusion of constant falling, and now... this real, sentient feeling.,


He got a body!

After tens of thousands of years of staying in the sky, when he almost thought that he was born with a third-person bird's-eye view, Gao Wen gained a body!

The confusion of the mind is understandable, and the trouble of the whole body is also understandable. He has had no perception other than a perspective vision for too many years.

Even if his mind remains normal for unknown reasons, it is still difficult to adapt to this state of being able to perceive varied sensations.

However, Gawain could feel that he was quickly fitting to this body. Adapting to the feelings of returning to the material world, the dizziness in his brain slightly diminished, the sight in front of his eyes finally returned to normal. Then the surrounding situation came into view.

The first thing he saw were the four sturdy armed men close to the front. One of them was a middle-aged man with gray hair, wearing steel armor that looked very strong, and his muscles almost reached his neck. Holding a silver-gray long sword. the armor and weapons of the other three are much simpler, but he can see the traces of the standard equipment.

A petite girl was half-kneeled on the ground in the middle of four bulky men. Because of the concealment of her hair and the angle problem, he could not see her face clearly, But Gawain can see pointed ears sticking out of the hair.

A little farther away, there was a woman in a red dress standing. The graceful face with elegant and mature temperament and the curved figure made Gawain take another peek. He caught a noticeable tension and fear in the eyes of this mature lady.

But the movement from his side quickly attracted Gawain's attention. He turned his head and just saw a girl who seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, was hurriedly jumping off the stone platform he was on. The girl was carrying a metal stick that looked the same he previously felt...

Reminiscing about where the girl was before, Gawain's face suddenly became a little weird: "Just...you smashed me, right?"

As soon as he said this, he himself surprised for a moment: he realized that what he was speaking out was not Chinese, but a language he had never heard before, but this strange language seemed to be incomparably familiar to him.

Rebecca didn't know how many messy thoughts were circulating in the "ancestors" minds. This noble girl who had just inherited the title of Viscount and suffered a vast change is already crying: "My ancestor... I'm sorry, I'm sorry... "

"I..." Gawain hasn't really figured out what's going on until now. Even though he stuck in the sky and looked at the world for many, many years, this is the first time he has switched to the human perspective. He is still troubled. "You are..."

The glamorous lady in the red dress seemed to be the calmest one on the scene. After Gawain sat up and speaking, the fear and tension on her face decreased significantly. At this moment, she was even slightly calmer.

She took a step forward, although her face was still full of the guard, she calmly spoke: "Do you know who you are?"

"Me?" Gao Wen was bewildered for a moment, but before he expressed subconsciously his name, he realized he should be in another identity now.

Look at the box under my body. Although the style is weird, this thing is definitely a coffin. Looking at the surrounding environment, although the spacious house is larger than my previous life, how does it look like a tomb...

Reminiscing about the look on the faces of the surrounding people, Gawain realized one thing: He resurrected from the dead body.

If he said any name that did not match the "body" he gained, he would definitely be wronged as a demon and evil.

What did the little girl next to him say? The ancestor, right? Then he can roughly guess that I possessed the other's ancestor body, regardless of how their ancestor grew up eating so that he died so many years and the flesh is still not corrupt.

It is important to realize As a foreign soul, I not only occupied the body of their ancestor but also slept in their ancestor's grave and just kicked the lid of their ancestor's coffin... After this discovery, it is not good to use the words embarrassment and confusion.

Thinking of this, Gawain lowered his head to think, but in fact, he was looking for excuses quickly. For example, after a long deep sleep, his memory was a little troubled, but at the moment of concentration, there was sharp vertigo attacked him.

He just finally got used to the new body and got rid of the dizziness. As a result, he fainting again for the second time. He almost fell back into the coffin when he swayed his body.

The lady in the long skirt seeing him, raised the staff nervously when he behaving strangely, seeing that she was about to let out a big fireball on the face of his ancestor, a low voice from Gao Wen's mouth stopped her movements..,

"Gawain Cecil, I'm Gawain Cecil, the pioneer of the Anzu Kingdom... what age is it now?"

As Gao Wen spoke, he raised his head slightly, his eyes calm and deep as the sea.

In fact, my mind was still in confusion.

The memories belonging to Gawain Cecil are pouring out frantically, but they are archived quickly and recorded like data on a computer hard drive. He read the most obvious part of these data in the short dizziness state now and knows who I am now.

His biggest surprise was the name of this body-it turned out to be Gawain as well.

It's just that this "Gao Wen" does not have a surname Gao. He has another surname, Cecil.

Is this some kind of coincidence?

At this moment, Gawain has no room to think about how wonderful this coincidence is, because the memories belonging to Gawain Cecil are still pouring out, and he must do his best to control himself from fainting or showing a ghastly expression.

And in this dazed state, he vaguely heard the girl beside him who just knocked him with an iron staff, replying with a crisp voice: "It's 735 years in Anzu calendar, ancestor you slept for over 700 years..."

This also relieved Heidi after hearing Gawain's answer. As a spell caster with extremely rich theoretical knowledge, she still has some understanding of the resurrection of the dead.

These desecrated creatures have fatal flaws in their soul. When you wake up, you can hardly speak or think. Even if the more powerful part of them can quickly gain the ability to think, they will completely forget what happened before they were alive.

And they must not say their names—whether they have retrieved their memories or suggested.

once the deceased say their names during their lifetime, it will cause backlash and burn their soul fire, even if it does not burn them to "dead", that kind of pain is also unbearable for the undead.

Moreover, the phenomenon of the burning of soul fire is absolutely impossible to hide.

So she relaxed, but she was still in great confusion, because if the pollution did not resurrect the ancestor in front of her, then it would be even more impossible to explain the phenomenon at this moment——

But no matter how confused, the politeness is still necessary, so Heidi stepped forward and bent down with tension and awe: "The ancestors of the Cecil family, I am your descendant, Heidi Cecil, The one next to you is also your descendant Rebecca Cecil, please don't pursue her reckless behavior, she is just young and ignorant, and... please forgive us for disturbing your sleep."

Uh, she is Great Great Great Great... great-granddaughter, and the one next to him seems to be too.

The crazy memory infusion seems to have finally ended. Gawain now doesn't care about reading the neatly arranged materials in his mind, but wants to understand the surrounding situation as soon as possible. He is holding his coffin to get up, and muttering at the same time.: "It's okay. I don't know how I woke up. Who will help me?"

He found he had overestimated his ability to adapt to the new body, and he was a little embarrassed that he hadn't even stood up even after a hard effort.

Rebecca, who was watching nervously for a long time with staff, next to him realized it was finally time for her to perform. She immediately jumped onto the stone platform, and while holding Gawain's arm, she said, "I'm here. I'll help you out of the coffin, I'll help you out of the coffin..."

How awkward it is to listen.

"Over seven hundred years..." the girl stiffly lifted Gawain out of the coffin. He looked down at his clothes. What he was telling made Rebecca very confused, "What is the material of this material?"

"It seems to be a moon-scarred cloth made by elves..." Rebecca said uncertainly.

"It's really black technology."

Rebecca: "Hah?"

The ancestors speaking so profoundly.

With Rebecca's support, Gawain finally stepped off the stone platform and stood firmly on the ground. He felt that his ability to control this body was rapidly improving, just as the soul was rapidly installing like a driver. His mind and body are integrating at a staggering speed.

He let go of Rebecca's hand and tried to take a small step forward.

The next moment, he almost burst into tears. If there is a microphone next to him, he feels he can thank everyone he knows and every TV station should get a lot of attention.

After so many years, the traverser in the novel can almost slaughter the gods and destroy the Buddha to unify the universe, but he has just completed his first challenge as a human being: walking upright...

After the achievement of walking upright, he remembered the little girl and the surrounding people who were almost forgotten by himself.