
The survival of the last hunter in the magical world

A young soldier is trapped inside an old fortress with a mutant monster chasing him everywhere, and the only way to survive is to escape from this world.

High_castle · Fantaisie
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219 Chs

Spying on the heiress

Rustin stood firm, holding a giant black sword that was as tall as Rustin himself

 "Hmm..." Alexander stroked his chin. "What do you think, Elena? Don't you think that the shape of this sword suits Rustin's build and gives him that atmosphere?"

 "I don't know what the significance of the sword's shape is, and what kind of atmosphere you are talking about?" Elena glanced at Alexander quickly

 "It's all about appearances, my dear..." Alexander spread his hand. "If a person's appearance is fierce and strong, he will destroy his enemy's morale, don't you think?"

 "Well...I think you're a very superficial person..." Elena examined Rustin carefully

 Then she returned her gaze to Alexander. "Did you just call me 'my dear'?"

 Alexander clapped his hands. "Okay, now our basic training will begin."

 Rustin straightened his back, ready to receive instructions from Alexander

 Alexander pointed to Rustin. "The next test is not far away, so we don't have much time to train. That's why we'll be using a harsh training program. Are you ready for this?"

 "I'm ready for anything." Rustin shouted excitedly

 Who doesn't want to become stronger?

 He was able to raise his strength to a completely new level in record time

 That's why he wants to continue like this, even if it means abandoning the weapon he has trained on for years and using a completely new weapon.

 "Good..." Alexander nodded satisfied, then looked at Elena. "Can you hit this boy..."

 "You mean training him?"

 "It's the same for me." Then Alexander whispered in a voice that only Elena could hear. "I want you to hit this man as hard as you can. Just make sure you don't kill him."

"..." I don't know how that idiot could put his trust in someone like you

 Elena was speechless

 But she had decided to help Rustin strengthen himself

 Rustin was a servant of the Penhaligon family, so the stronger he was, the more he would support the family heirs

 Plus, she wouldn't be able to refuse Alexander's request in her current situation

 So helping Rustin was the best option for everyone

 "..." Rustin stood silently waiting for the training to begin

 Receiving personal training from the ancestor of the Penhaligon family was like a dream

 But there is one problem

 How should she train me when she's stuck in that teddy bear?

 Elena stood in front of Rustin. " are you ready?."

 "This..." Rustin rubbed his cheek anxiously. "With all my respect, ancestor, but are you sure that this will not be an inconvenience for you?"

 "Oh, you mean I can't face you while I'm stuck in this teddy bear?" Elena immediately understood the reason for Rustin's hesitation

 Rustin avoided her eyes, feeling a little embarrassed because she was able to know his intentions so easily

 "I love your confidence." Elena praised him

 " Thank you-"

 Before Rustin could complete his sentence, Elena appeared in front of his face and slapped him, sending him flying five meters into the air.

 "Boo..." Rustin fell on a tree trunk three meters high

 "But you must have the strength to support your self-confidence." Elena walked towards Rustin and started hitting him

 "Shesh…" Alexander felt some pity for Rustin

 Hang in there, boy, it's for your own good... Alexander silently encouraged him

 Ring! Ring!

 Alexander took out his phone, which was vibrating

 The caller was Larry

 Alexander answered the call and put the phone near his ear

 "I found the target."

 " where...?"

 "She is currently in a park near the first-year building, with an elf girl and a vampire."

 Alexander narrowed his eyes

 It seemed that his goal was very popular and there were a lot of people around her

 This would make it a bit difficult if he was trying to target her

 But he couldn't stop now

 "Well done, Larry. I don't know what I would do without your help."

 "No problem, but..." Larry's voice carried a lot of worry

 Larry overcame his hesitation and said. "You're not planning to do anything bad, are you?"

 Alexander smiled and reassured him. "Who do you think I am? I just want to monitor her to get some information and nothing more."

 "Oh..." Larry's voice became greatly relaxed

 Alexander ended the call and put the phone in his pocket, looking at Rustin who was struggling desperately against Elena.

 The smile disappeared from his face as he thought about the heiress of the Dior family

 He began to move with light steps and leave the place quietly


 "Now that's a good view." Alexander stood in front of the window in one of the restaurants near the first-year building

 The distance between the two buildings was great, but he could see his target well from here

 There was a black-haired girl wearing a school uniform sitting next to her an elf girl

 The elf girl had green hair, but the hair color was different from Seraphina's

Seraphina had light green hair that felt as if it glowed in the sun. But this elf had dark green hair that looked like moss, but it was soft and unnaturally long

 I think I've seen that elf girl before?... Alexander arched an eyebrow

 But he couldn't remember where he had seen her

 Well, since I don't remember her, it means she's not an important person

 "Sir, do you plan to stay standing here without ordering anything..." A waitress stood behind Alexander, smiling even though her annoyance was evident.

 Alexander frowned. "I already order for something."

 He knows basic manners when visiting restaurants

 If you go to a restaurant for any purpose, you should at least order something

 "A glass of water is not a request, sir..." The waitress had reached the limit of her tolerance

 "Then I will ask for a cup of tea."

 "…" The waitress looked at him with a blank expression

 "I will politely ask you to leave." The waitress bowed her head

 "You will get a bad review for your poor service..." Alexander pointed at the waitress angrily. "Even your water is tasteless."

 "..." Isn't the water supposed to be tasteless?

The waitress let out a sigh of relief after seeing this annoying customer leave


 "What's going on, Sella?" Louise stopped walking when her friend looked around suspiciously

 Sella's eyes were confused, as if searching for something specific

 After some searching she looked at Louise. "I don't know...I feel like we are being watched and followed by someone."

 "Someone is tracking us?" Louise looked at her in surprise

 But soon she calmed down and asked. "Are you sure about this?"

 "No…" Sella shook her head. "Normally I can tell the approximate location of any monster or person hiding around me. But now I feel like I'm being watched but it's just a vague feeling and I can't pinpoint the exact location."

 "Are you sure you're not imagining this?" Louise knew Sella's circumstances

 Most members of the elf race lived in harmony with the rest of the races within the various empires

 But Sella belonged to an elf tribe that lived in the northwestern forests

 This tribe often remained isolated from the empires and avoided mixing with other races

 This made it difficult for Sella to get along with the rest of the students

 But Louise quickly grew closer to her after they studied a few times together

 However, Louise noticed that Sella's personality was often skeptical and this was evident from her careful examination of her surroundings wherever she went.

 At the beginning of their friendship, when they were walking together, Sella often looked at everyone who walked near her with suspicion

 She justified this by saying that an enemy might approach her or spy on her

 But Louise was able to help her gradually get rid of this strange habit after a lot of effort

 She won't be able to make more friends if she continues to doubt everyone around her

 "I think it's just my imagination." Sella continued walking, although her expression was uncomfortable

 She couldn't get rid of this feeling

 The feeling of being watched left her weak and helpless

 She hates this feeling