
The survival of the last hunter in the magical world

A young soldier is trapped inside an old fortress with a mutant monster chasing him everywhere, and the only way to survive is to escape from this world.

High_castle · Fantasy
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218 Chs

The assassins vs the delivery workers

"..." Larry sat in front of Alexander, awaiting orders

 Alexander called him without warning and told him to come to his room, then he began to deliver a stream of words so quickly that he did not have time to comprehend what he heard.

 He managed to catch a few words about that they were going to hand out teddy bears or something, but that didn't help him at all to understand what was happening.

 " Do you understand what I said?." asked Alexander, who was sitting on the edge of the bed with one foot crossed over the other

 "Not at all..." Larry admitted the truth

 " good..."

 "..." What's good about this?

 Alexander threw a bag containing ten teddy bears to Larry, who quickly picked up the bag

 "Go and distribute these dolls to some random students, and make sure they are first-year students." Alexander instructed

 "But what will I tell them?" Larry asked

 "I don't know, this is your role. Think about what you will tell them."

 "And what will I tell the boys who will distribute these things with me?" Larry asked again

 "This is for you to think about as well..." Alexander shook his head in annoyance and quickly turned away. "In fact, all you have to do is tell them that I am the one who ordered them to do this, and if any of them dares to violate it, write their name on a piece of paper and send it to me."

 "..." Doesn't this mean that I would be complicit in taking an innocent life?

  Larry was well aware that Alexander was crazy enough to carry out any threat he made

 Alexander was one of the easiest people to deal with

 He was not arrogant or possessed that charisma or condescending aura that put pressure on those around him. In fact, most people who dealt with him agreed that his personality was closer to that of a commoner.

 Not to mention the high-ranking nobles, even the low-level nobles behaved with more dignity and nobility than him, even though he was from the Ford family.

 Of course, everyone was careful not to anger him, as they did not know when he might turn against them or use his family's power

 And yet, in rare cases, he may act nervously towards trivial matters, and there are times when he resorts to force in dealing with matters that are considered very ridiculous by many.

 That's why Larry knew that Alexander would send this miserable person who refused to follow orders on a short trip to the academy hospital

 Larry sighed resignedly and decided to do this even if he didn't want to

 After all, he couldn't say no to Alexander even if he had nine lives

 His family owns an information trading company and has relationships with many companies and families at various levels

 That's why he was more than happy to collaborate with a member of the Ford family

 As one of the people vying for the position of heir to the company, building a relationship with one of the most powerful families in the empire would give him a boost and bring him closer to achieving his goal.

 All for the future... Larry decided to endure everything in order to achieve his goal

 "Okay..." Alexander looked at Rustin, who was sitting on the sofa. "Prepare yourself, we will attack at any moment."

 "..." Rustin remained silent, crossing his arms with an angry face

 " what happened to him?." Larry whispered close to Alexander

 "I don't know..." Alexander shrugged innocently. "All I did was help him train to prepare himself for the practical test. I don't know why he throws a tantrum for no reason."

 Rustin's eyes widened angrily

Is this my fault now?

 Alexander left him in Elena's hands, who beat him until he lost consciousness

 When he woke up, she did not give him any chance to breathe, so she beat him again until he lost consciousness for the second time

 This went on for several hours

 He faints, then wakes up, then gets hit and faints again

 Rustin wanted to escape, but Elena had no mercy on him

 He couldn't throw a tantrum at Elena because she was the ancestor of the Penhaligon family

 Therefore, he could only blame Alexander, who left him alone to face this torment

 Rustin opened his mouth to curse Alexander, but stopped when he heard a light knock on the door

 Knock! Knock!

 The three turned towards the door involuntarily

Alexander looked at them suspiciously. "Are you waiting for someone to come here?"

 Rustin and Larry shook their heads

 Alexander headed towards the door with steady movements and extended his right hand to open the door while preparing his left hand to draw his weapon to confront any sudden attack.

 Rustin and Larry felt the strange atmosphere so they stood up and adjusted their posture as well

 The door opened to reveal a man dressed as a Micallef delivery man

 Alexander's eyes widened and sirens rang inside his head

 The delivery man took off his hat and asked respectfully. "Are you Mr. Alexander?"

 Alexander narrowed his eyes warily. "It depends on who's asking."

 "…" The delivery man stared at him in astonishment for a moment at this unexpected answer

 The delivery man quickly came to his senses and said politely. "I'm here to deliver a special order. Are you Alexander Ford?"

"This depends on the type of order." Alexander answered coldly

 "..." Does this mean you are Alexander or not?

 The delivery man was confused and didn't know what to say

 Should he deliver the shipment to this person or not?

 The delivery man took a deep breath to calm himself. He had dealt with different types of people throughout his years of work. So there is no need for him to lose his calm because of this boy in front of him

 The delivery man looked at the tablet. "According to what is written in front of me, it is a shipment sent by Mr. Berg from the Eastern Workshop and must be delivered to Alexander Ford."

   Alexander quickly jumped into the box behind the delivery man

 What?...The delivery man turned his head towards the shipment quickly

 But he was late because Alexander opened the box and took out what was in it

 Alexander carefully and delicately carried a metal tool the length of an adult's arm

 Rustin and Larry approached him to see what this thing was

 The item in Alexander's hands was a metal saw with silver metal teeth and a black leather handle

 The weapon's appearance was fierce and dazzling at the same time

 Alexander wiped away the tear that was on the corner of his eye. "It's more beautiful than I expected."

 Alexander felt the weapon and his hands wandered over the body of the weapon

 "…" Larry and the delivery man stared at what was happening in front of them with a blank expression

 While Rustin was disgusted by Alexander's suspicious movements

 The delivery boy turned to Larry and Rustin and whispered a question, hoping to get a real answer from them. "So, should I assume that this person is Alexander Ford?"

 "Yes...it is him." Larry nodded half-heartedly

 " What is this thing?." Rustin asked

 The delivery man looked at the tablet. "It's a saw."

 " a saw...?" Rustin returned his eyes to the metal tool in Alexander's hands strangely

 Well, it really looks like a saw... Rustin was able to confirm the delivery man's words after carefully looking at this tool

 Alexander entered the room carrying the saw like a baby, then carefully placed it on the sofa as if it were a fragile piece of porcelain.

 Alexander returned to the delivery man. " Thank you for your efforts."

 The delivery man smiled. "No need to thank me, this is my job."

 Alexander pointed his finger. "Wait a minute, you deserve a small reward."

The delivery man's eyes lit up and he swallowed excitedly

 Members of noble or wealthy families often tipped delivery workers

 In the eyes of these families, this money was just a tip

 But in the eyes of simple delivery workers like him, it is an amount that cannot be underestimated

 Now he was lucky to have delivered an order to a member of the Ford family

 He will definitely get a decent amount for this service

 Alexander returned with a teddy bear

 He handed the teddy bear to the delivery man who automatically took the teddy bear

 Alexander winked at the delivery man. " enjoy it..."


 Alexander closed the door before the delivery man could understand what was happening

 The delivery man stared at the teddy bear in amazement and then returned his eyes to the door spitefully

 He resisted the urge to curse the Ford family because he knew it would cost him his head


 "You seemed worried about that man." Larry asked as he returned to the chair he was sitting on

 "I thought he was a hitman." Alexander answered simply

 "..." Hitman?

 Rustin and Larry looked at each other in surprise

 Alexander's face became serious as he took it upon himself to teach these ignorant children some life lessons. "Most hitmans disguise themselves as deliverymen to assassinate their targets."

 He still remembered the disaster that the world had gone through because of the Assassins Guild

 The problem started because of one of those scoundrels who followed the assassin's path, who was disguised as a delivery man to assassinate his targets, and because of the series of successes he achieved, many assassins began to imitate him.

And guess what, it actually worked

But it succeeded in such an exaggerated way that the situation began to get out of control

 No one knows where that person who started this chaos went, but what everyone knows is that a huge economic disaster has befallen many companies that depend on the delivery of materials between the different worlds

 The repeated assassinations at the hands of fake delivery workers have made many people afraid to order anything from delivery companies

 Of course, some people tried to circumvent this situation, by taking some bodyguards when receiving the order, or even sending someone else to receive the shipment in their place.

 But not everyone had the time or ability to do this

 The matter reached a point that prompted many small companies to close their offices and declare that they were unable to continue this matter

 Even big companies suffered because of this, but they did not sit idly by

 Major delivery companies have hired an army of mercenaries

 The mercenary army raided several Assassins Guild headquarters

 After this fierce attack, the Assassins Guild responded by assassinating the heads of many companies that participated in financing those mercenaries.

 Worst of all is that the matter has developed into a proxy war between the great powers

He always wondered about the ability of these organizations to stick their noses into any conflict

In every conflict in the various worlds, the names of a few specific organizations and churches came up, to the point that he began to suspect that the leaders of those organizations had no real life and no family to return to.

This caused the conflict to expand further and consequently greater loss of life and money

  It's hard to believe that it all started because of the delivery profession

 It was disastrous on every level

 In the end, the warring parties were able to reach a temporary truce to deal with the huge disaster caused by the Church of Reincarnation, which was much more important.

 But the matter left an impression on everyone who participated in that conflict, including Alexander

 That's why he felt nervous if a delivery man suddenly appeared in front of him

 It's not like he has a phobia of delivery workers. He often orders the materials he uses in his potions from the Internet or orders food from a restaurant

 That's why he deals with delivery workers in one way or another

 But the sudden appearance of a delivery worker at his door made him remember those unpleasant memories involuntarily, especially since he was not waiting for any order to be delivered and did not order anything.

 Alexander sighed condescendingly

 "Should we wake him up?" Larry whispered, seeing that Alexander was deep in thought with his expression changing every moment

 "No, leave him. The place is quieter that way." Rustin quickly responded to prevent him from doing anything