
the supreme demon lord on a watery vacation

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16 Chs

chapter 6

Chapter 6

Demon lord meets future king of pirates

"So Demon Lord Rimuru Tempest it seems you're quite an interesting person, let's see what you will do to this world Gurararara" oldman whitebeard said as laughed to himself.

Meanwhile inside of the ship

Mako sat down drinkin with his head on the table around him were many other powerful and well known pirates.

"So what did you think of this new stuff?" vista asked out of the blue.

"If i'm being honest it's not much trouble however the world will surely think that we are trying to take red haired territory's and so i would like to avoid our main troops especially pops from going into their lands don't you think?" Jozu said knowing something like that would make the world on edge.

"Yes that's true they would probably try to stop us or at least send troops to take care of the one who wins in a situation like that tho" Marko said nonchalantly.

"What about that Rimuru girl, what do y'all think of her?" the voice of the newcomer said

"teach, you finished your watch?" Marko said as he stood up knowing he was next to watch the surroundings.

"yes but as for the Rimuru girl i don't know anything about her and couldn't tell much" Teach said lying as in his mind he thought about how he could not be careless around her as she had given him really weird vibes and seemed to be really strong but he smiled his confident 'once i get the yami yami no mi and get the other fruits she will be nothing compared to me just like the others! ZEE HAHAHA!' he thought to himself thinking of his plans.

"What about you Jozu?" marko ask

"She doesn't look like much." Jozu said in a bit of a nonchalant voice.

"And you vista"

"I think she is very beautiful but I am not sure where she is in the strength department."

Marko nodded hearing his crewmates thoughts as he did so he got up ready to leave as he heard the Teach ask "Marko what about you, what's your opinion on her?"

Marko opened the door before stopping "her beauty aside in terms of strength i believe she is very strong however something seems off about her as no matter how hard i try i could not sense anything accurate from her it was like she was strong but i couldn't tell by how much at all so i would be worry of her in any events." and with that being said he closed the door leaving to do his patrol duties for the day.

Meanwhile back on Dawn island.

"Mariko i'm here" the screaming of a kid was heard as he called out for the girl who he had come to see as a big sister.

"Luffy you came!" said the excited voice of a beautiful young lady at the age of 19 she had dark green hair with brown eyes and a well developed chest with good curves.

Mariko walked over to the boy and picked him up, putting him to her lap as they started to talk with him saying that he'll become a pirate and explaining how his grandpa Garp had been trying to make him be a marine.

The girl simply laughed and ruffled his hair before she put him down on the stool next to Shank, who had Uta who was sitting on his lap.

"Hey kid, you said you wanted to become a pirate?"

"Yes, wait why are you calling me a kid aren't you the same age as me???" luffy said with a proud face before it became a confused comical one.

Uta simply laughed before she saw the two cups of orange juice that Mariko had brought them before she looked back at Luffy and smirking mischievously.

"Say kid are you up for a challenge"

"What is it?"

"Just a little competition unless the great pirate is scared of a little girl?"

Luffy failed for it rather quickly and instantly got angry instantly accepting as he grit his teeth.

"Good then we'll simply see who can drink more orange juice."

With that being said Luffy stood up on the stool and grabbed his orange juice and started to drink it and Uta did the same the two drank and drank for a while each drinking 10 before both falling back.

"Damn your good kid, what's your name?" Uta asked

"My names Luffy Monkey D Luffy and i'm gonna be a pirate"

"My names Uta"

The kids wore themselves out huh said a new voice as they looked up to see Rimuru standing next to Shanks.

"Ahh Rimuru, come join me for a drink."

<master please refuse this offer>

"What but why?"

<showing the events of the last time master got dunk>

As we see Rimuru who had participated in a drinking event where all skills such as poison resistance witch would get rid of the alcohol would be deactivated he had gotten drunk and his power went out of control causing him to summon multiple tornadoes lightning make tsunamis and all type of madness causing Ciel to have to fix all of this witch had ended alright in the end as they reversed time on everything that got destroyed and brought back the people who died but Rimuru had gotten punished by being forced to do a weeks worth of paper work using a human body so no super speed no help from Ciel the entire week unless it was a emergency.


"I wont get that drunk it's only one cup-"



<fine> Ciel said in an annoyed tone as she deactivated poison resistance and thought acceleration.

"Sure" Rimuru said as he and Shanks started drinking, with Shanks constantly offering him more.


It had been 2 days since the red hair pirates accompanied by Rimuru had come here and started to hang out at Mariko's bar. They had started to like Luffy and Luffy admiring them for being pirates quickly warmed up to them.

"Take me on your next voyage! I wanna be a pirate too!"

"Dahaha, as if you could ever be a pirate" Shanks said laughing"it's a fatal flaw for a devil fruit user to be an anchor."

"I'll be okay as long as I don't fall out of the ship! And I'm good at fighting too! I'm well-trained so my punches are like pistols!" Luffy said as he excitedly punched the air.

"Pistols? oh, really?" Shanks said in a voice that was full of obvious doubt

"What's that mean?!"

"Luffy! You're in such a bad mood! Have fun at whatever you're doing! Yes! Being a pirate is fun! The sea is broad and vast! We're traveling to various islands! Above all, we're free!" said a few members of the red haired crew.

"Guys, don't teach him such silly stuff." Shanks said

"But it's true! Right?!"

"Boss, why not take him on just one voyage?" said someone eles who sat at a table

"I think so too." agreed another.

"Then, somebody, trade places with him."

"Okay, we're done talking! let's drink!" the group that had started it all quickly turned around and started to head out.

"Didnt you side with me?!"

"In short, you're too much of a kid. I'll consider it when you're 10 years older!" Shanks said smiling.

"Stupid shanks! I'm not a kid!"

"Now, now. Don't get so mad. Have some juice!" Shanks said, putting a cup of orange juice in front of him.

"Wow, thanks!" luffy said as he quickly grabbed the juice and started happily drinking it not knowing he had just messed up.

"See, you are a kid! Dahaha!"

"That wasn't fair, shanks!"

After this Luffy tried to sneak away but was stopped by Benn Beckman who stopped him and had a chat with him making Luffy realize that Shank was not trying to break his spirit.

To the side was Rimuru who was wondering why Ciel had been so quiet lately.

<i have been analyzing the content from yesterday's events>

The events she was referring to being mountain bandits coming in and causing a mess witch made luffy stress eat and ate the Gum Gum fruit and gaining the name anchor by shanks and then a few fights and in the end shanks lost his arm to a sea king to this Rimuru had to him that he knew that it was unnecessary as he would have stepped in but Shanks smiled saying he was betting the future of the new era on luffy.

After analyzing everything Ciel smiled knowingly to herself.

<so this is how you come back Joy Boy>

"What was that"

"It is just your imagination master."

End of chapter 6

1. Will luffy be successful at becoming a pirate?

2. How much does whitebeard know?

3. Will blackbeard truly be able to beat Rimuru and the others?

4. What is blackbeard planning?

5. What does whitebeard plan to do with his knowledge of Rimuru and the world itself?

Me: Who knows?

Ciel: "i do, the answers are…"

Me: jumping and landing on Ciel covering her mouth to stop her from spoiling the story.

Ciel: removing my hand she speaks again"but you asked and they want to know..."

Me: "but it would spoil the story now go back to your master before you say anything to spoil this masterpiece."

Ciel: "Hmph i can hold myself back" she says as she walks away fading away into the distance.

Me: "Damn she's so hot and Rimuru too. I would smash so hard if i got the chance, wait shit this camera is still on i-i was joking guys..."