
The Super Team: Tales of Julia Gurl

Upon Tiran resurrection, the set of heroes has been born to stop Tiran, and their leader is Julia Gurl a 20 year old, most powerful from the Gurl's bloodline and the strongest being in the world of Humans after Tiran, who now wants to end her because she is a threat, will Tiran succeed? Or Julia will destroy him? Julia later finds out an ultimate secret about her existence and the secret of her Crush, she doesn't know whether to love him or not, but she chooses to continue life with her lover, and team now expands from 3 to 5, and Julia is happy about it, she now has a chance of defeating Tiran, but will that be the end of him? Or it is just from one bad state to a worst one, read this book to find out the tales of Julia Gurl AKA Ladylight

Tega_Asadarho · Fantaisie
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Nightmare Part 2

Nightmare Part 2

Then he appeared a spear, then he threw his spear at them, then it strike at speedster

(William) causing him to fall, then it flew to sunshine (May), and it also strike at her and she fell

to the ground, then she said; "If only Ladylight was here"

"And I'm here, so it means he is down" said Ladylight (Julia).

Then Speedster and Sunshine looked up in surprised.

"But I thought you were dead" said Speedster in shock.

"Impossible, no one has ever escaped my Nightmare world, how?" said Jungy in shock.

"You want to know why? Listen closely and I will tell you, when I was by that lake, and I

fell to the ground and my eyes closed, I was about to die, then I started feeling energised, and I

discovered that the moon gave me power and strength, and now I have learnt how to use my

power more" said Julia smiling.

Then she stood on the ground, and she put her left knee on the ground, then she put her

two hands on the floor and raised her right knee up from the ground, she posed as if she was

about to run a relay race, then she closed her eyes. Immediately the wind started blowing very

serious around her forming a tornado, then the tornado moved Jungy's way, and then it carried

him and spin him around, then the tornado disappeared, and he fell hardly on the ground. Then

he said; "You will pay for this Ladylight" then he started moving to her direction, then she seized

the air from him, so he couldn't breathe, the he started gasping for air, then she restored the air to

him, and he started breathing heavily, then he told up and said; "Is that all you can do? I will

show you what true power is like, I summon the power of Dark Wing" then his spear started

shinning black, then he strike at her, as it was about to hit her, it paused right in front of her face,

then she said; "You are right, now let me show you what true power is all about" then she

returned the power he stroke at her to him, then it stroke him and he fell to the floor, then the sky

became dark and the moon rose and heavy wind was blowing, then she said; "I summon the

power of the wind and moon" then she stood up,

stretched her hands forward, and lightening stroke on her hand, then she stroke at Jungy, but then

Jungy disappeared right when the blast was about to hit him.

Then Julia said; "You better run" then the cloud cleared back and the sun was shining


Then she heard a noise, and she turned around, then she saw June filming the whole

event. Then June said; "Wow, Ladylight please can I ask a question?"

"No not now" replied Ladylight.Then Speedster and Sunshine pressed their transcom and then they disappeared, the

Ladylightm also pressed hers, and then she appeared at STF.

Then Commander Damien called her to the command room, then he said; "Nice job Julia,

you did well on the battle field, but according to what I saw, you were very powerful, and you

were able to turn the sun to moon, I am seeing your powers are becoming to grow, but you have

to learn to control it, because if you are able to control your powers, you will be the strongest

Gurl ever to have lived"

"Thanks sir, OMG I missed class, got to go commander" said Julia as she left.

Then Commander Damien told Sabrina; "She does have a lot to learn"

"I have to agree to that" said Sabrina.

Meanwhile Julia went back to college, then she learnt from June that she missed 2

classes, but June then told her that she sent the note concerning the topic and the assignments to

Julia study desktop.

"Thanks June" said Julia happily.

"Don't thank me you owe me ten bucks" said June.

"Okay, how about this? We go to High Class restaurant for lunch my treat" said Julia.

"Alright! Then" said June.

As soon as the school closed, Julia ran to the gate where she, June and Juliet normally

stay to wait for each other. She waited for a long time, then she saw June coming, then she

asked; "What took you so long?"

"Nothing! It's just that Juliet, she is nowhere to be found" said June. Then June saw a

note under Julia leg, then she said again; "Look, you are standing on a note" then Julia looked

down then bent and took it, she unwrapped and what she saw that was written on it shocked her,

and June saw her face and then she took the note from her and read it, it said; "Hey guys, sorry I

couldn't wait, it's my dad, he is back and he summoned me so I have to go"

"Didn't she say her father was dead, so how is he back? And he summoned her? She

would have just used the word called, so this means whoever her father is, he is powerful" said

Julia, as they entered the High Class restaurant.

"I understand it now, maybe her father is a king, or emperor or a lord. And maybe the

father also rose from the dead" said June.

"Seriously? No one ever rise from the dead" said Julia.

"That's not true the person who The Super Team consider their enemy lord Tiran rose

from the dead" said June in a low tone.

"How do you know all that?" asked Julia in surprise.

"I was passing through a forest one night, then I saw a girl, I couldn't see her face, she

was pressing her transcom and saying 'Wings out, power unleash' but it didn't work, then she

kept on trying soon a robot shot at her and she fell, then Sunshine started arguing with her but

Speedster encouraged her to try one more time, and whoosh she transformed, she was glowing as

the moon as I was about to see her face, I heard a noise behind me and when I turned back, I saw

nothing then faced my front, but then she had stop glowing and I couldn't see her face" said


"And well! What about the video?" asked Julia in fear

"I lost it on my way to school to school today, any problem? Why are you so concerned

about the video?" asked June looking her right in the face.

Julia didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, because June treated it like it was nothing,

when that video could ruin her life. 'Now that June lost the video on her to school this morning,what if it got into the wrong hands and then I will be doomed' thought Julia. 'Because

Commander Damien had warned us not to display our identity out to anyone, I am so dead'

"ehm, it's ….. Just that, did you cut the video, before the light shone? I mean if you were still

recording and you closed your eyes because of the light, the camera will still be able to capture

the person's face right?" Julia asked trying to hide her fear, she didn't want people to know she

was Ladylight, because people may use her family against her, so she have to get that video by

hook or by crook.

"Wow, you are genius Julia, and I thought the video was useless, the camera surely got the face,

do you know what I will do with it? I want to know who the awesome Ladylight is in real life"

said June happily, like she just found a golden treasure. Well, to her she sort of found a golden

Treasure, knowing Ladylight identity is worth sacrificing a right arm for.

"Oh, June" said Julia shaking her head pitifully, she had known June since they were children

and when she puts her mind in doing something, even if the sky came down she won't easily

change her mind. But Julia had two options, one was to transform to Ladylight and track the

camera down through her transcom, but that is a wrong one, because if it was with someone the

media would twist things and it would look like she was attacking a poor civilian. While the

second option was to lay low and let June figure it out after all, it was better for her best friend to

find out who she was than a total stranger.

"My camera has a tracker on its chip, so i will just track it and find my camera, are you coming

Julia?" asked June as she pressed something on her device, then she got hold of the place, it was

located at the heart of the green forest.

"Nah! June I would just take a stroll at the hill side" said Julia as she prepared her bag, ready to

go, just then June called the waiter and gave him her credit card, then they debited her the bills

and she also left alongside Julia.

"Can you believe this Julia? The camera is at the green forest and according to the tracker, the

camera is moving, I am sure someone on a camping trip took my camera, how dare they?" said

June as she was analyzing some data on her device while stamping her feet on the ground out of

anger. Then they came to a crossroad and they departed after saying their goodbyes, then Julia

went towards the hill side, there was nobody on the way, and it was super quiet, Julia kept on

strolling down the road and when she was close to the hill, behind the hill was a big field, that

was majorly used for battle or local wrestling by militaries. As Julia got closer, she heard a loud

noise like someone was battling a serious battle and she could even hear the ground shaking

under the might of the battle. That was one of her powers when she was young, she could hear

far away noises that normal people couldn't, but that can only happen if she wishes to use her

special ears, she doesn't know if it was magic or it was a gift. And right now, she summoned her

special ears, so she could hear clearer, but no matter how she tried she could only hear them as if

that was only whisper, and that only happens if the person doesn't want their conversation to be

heard and then Julia's suspicion was confirmed that this battle was not ordinary, and it was not

also a normal military battle, because humans don't have magic or superpowers, or they do have

but it was sealed so as to avoid the war that broke out thousands of years ago, then a powerful

force from the sky came down and sealed their ability, never to use magic again, some people

say it was The Supreme Being(God) that did that so as to provide peace, but The STF came up

with a device(transcom) that can unleashed the magic in their bloodline, but it would not be as

powerful as it should have been, but at the very least it is still magic. And with that transcom,

they can make the world full of magic once again.

Now back to the storyThen Julia raced there to see those who were battling, when she got there she first saw a man in

all black skin suit, with a long cape made of black feathers and he also had black horns, and the

face, ooh... It was gorgeous, like as if an angel had come to Earth. The horn weren't that big

and the cape was almost like a feather itself, and there was a black crown on his head and he

wore very shiny black leather shoe. And the other person was well... Tiran. Tiran and the man

in black were battling fiercely and the man in black was on the losing side.

'I got to help him, or else Tiran would destroy him, but who is he?' Julia thought. Then she

contacted Speedster and Sunshine, to come to her location, then she said; "Super team Magic

Transform" then she transformed into Ladylight, and her transcom was beaming, then she saw an

upgrade on her transcom, then she knew it was from Sabrina. Then Julia jumped into the battle

field, as Tiran was about to strike the man in black a bright light shone and Julia appeared.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size Tiran" said Julia, as she held her sword. Tiran

was taking aback and he said; "Oh! And so that would be you? You little pest why don't you go

dig your nose somewhere else"

"No time to talk, Tiran" said Julia as she attacked him. They got into a fierce exchange and Julia

was knocked out, then Julia said; "No more time to waste, battle mode activate" then she pressed

her transcom and slowly from her leg, metal covered her up to her face, and then she was

wearing a black suit with a mask that looked more like an helmet, she looked epic, the black suit

was designed with white strips. Then she took out her blaster, and shot at Tiran and they got into

another exchange, but this time more fierce and Julia said;

"Wind hear me, and obey my command" then a tornado appeared and attacked Tiran, then Tiran

raised his hand in an attempt to stop the tornado, and then Julia blasted Tiran's hand down, and

before anyone could notice, the sky was already dark, and Julia started to shine, and she attacked

Tiran with her full might while he was in the Tornado, and Tiran flew back, but he stood still not

falling and he said; "My turn" then from the dark sky, a dark lightening descended the sky

coming for Julia.

"Moon Shield" said Julia, then a shield covered her and the lightening hit the shield, while she

was focusing on shielding Tiran's lightening attack, Tiran attacked here with his staff and fire

flew towards her, as soon as it wanted to hit her, she found herself behind Tiran, 'How?' she

thought, but she came back to herself and she attacked Tiran, and then Tiran shielded her attack

and they both were attacking each other. Just then her friends arrived, Speedster and Sunshine,

but they were happily welcomed by Tiran's T-bots, making them unable to get to Julia.

Meanwhile Julia stretched her hands forward as if she was pushing the air, then Tiran, flew away

and hit one of the hills, causing a deep crater there, Julia was surprised, what did she do?