
The Super Team: Tales of Julia Gurl

Upon Tiran resurrection, the set of heroes has been born to stop Tiran, and their leader is Julia Gurl a 20 year old, most powerful from the Gurl's bloodline and the strongest being in the world of Humans after Tiran, who now wants to end her because she is a threat, will Tiran succeed? Or Julia will destroy him? Julia later finds out an ultimate secret about her existence and the secret of her Crush, she doesn't know whether to love him or not, but she chooses to continue life with her lover, and team now expands from 3 to 5, and Julia is happy about it, she now has a chance of defeating Tiran, but will that be the end of him? Or it is just from one bad state to a worst one, read this book to find out the tales of Julia Gurl AKA Ladylight

Tega_Asadarho · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Dark Phoenix

Dark Phoenix

Julia was surprised at what she did, she didn't expect that a stretch of her hand could do

that to Tiran, but she immediately composed herself, but the man in black wasn't surprised at all

he just stood healing his injuries and they were covering and that surprised Julia, the more the

man injured the faster he healed and there was no way to describe it other than scary. Then Tiran

stood up and said; "As expected of the Gurl descendant, Julia, your power is unstable for now, so

you are weak, very weak, I will go for now, but if I come back, you will regret it" then Tiran

disappeared. Just then, Speedster and Sunshine arrived in their Fly cycles. Then the man in black

turned his black and started walking away, "Haven't you heard of a thank you before?" Julia

asked with a slight frown.

"I don't say thank you from where I come from, I only believe in returning a favour and that time

would come soon" said the man in black. Julia was a little confused, but then she asked; "Can I

at least know your name?" Julia was shocked at what she said and what she thought, she didn't

know why she was asking, but a part of her was indeed curious.

"Dark Phoenix, call me Dark Phoenix, and let me just make this clear, I never really needed your

help I would have finished Tiran if I hadn't lost a huge portion of my power" said the man in

black. This made all the good things Julia was thinking to vanish in thin air as she was now filled

with irritation. Then Dark phoenix pulled out his Jacket – like – hoodie, which made the cap that

covered his hair removed and a shoulder length raven black hair came out so shiny and from its

appearance it looked so soft, and his face had a half mask, it covered from his eyes to his nose,

only his mouth was free from the mask, and his lips looked so soft, but he wore a black shirt and

a black skinned pants, then a very long black coat that was from his neck to his foot, and there

was a rope that was tied on his waist which completed his look he looked perfect.

'Snap out of it' thought Julia as she shook her head, she reminded herself he was a rude person.

Then she said; "You are so rude"

"Yeah, I know" just as he said that, wings appeared at his back and he flew up and vanished. The

rest of the super team was shocked. On their way back to the STF, William and May gave Julia

an earful, never to face Tiran without calling for backup, but she wasn't listening to them her

attention was going back to the mysterious so called dark phoenix, she didn't know why she was

thinking about him and she reprimanded herself.

Later in the STF, Commander Damien stood in the command room. The commander also told

her not to go by herself again, that something bad may have happened assuming Tiran hadn't

left. Then Julia asked a question that has been bothering her since; "Commander, i would like to

know what I did to Tiran that caused such a huge impact, I have never done that before"

"I guess it is time for you to know a little about your bloodline" Commander Damien sighed as

he paused, then he looked at the team and saw them listening attentively and waiting for him to

continue, it looked like they were quite curious also, although they didn't know what power Julia

was talking about since they weren't there when she used her magic on Tiran. Then Commander

Damien continued; "You are not the first Ladylight in history, in every millennia a Ladylight isborn, someone from different races united as one, many races do not always agree so it takes

difficulty in bonding, so it is almost impossible for two different races to be united, hence once

every millennia. And also, it wouldn't be good for two Ladylight to be in the world, so that is

also why they came every millennia. And you are the Ladylight of this era, although it has not

been up to millennia since the last Ladylight came, and that was why most people called the Gurl

bloodline a taboo, because your ancestor

Gurl was a Dragon who cultivated into a human and he was also a druid the most powerful of all.

His wife was called Crystal and she an Elf and the most beautiful.

His son; 'Arden' was an half Elf and half dragon, also a druid, since the magic flows in his

blood. But the only power that was he could use was his half dragon and druid powers but that

didn't mean that the Elf blood wasn't there it just remained dormant. And Arden married a

vampire called Ava, the queen of vampire for that matter.

Then Arden's Son, 'Eric' also had those bloodlines, the dragon, elf, Vampire, druid. But he

could only use the Gurl's magic, the dragon and the druid. And also Eric went ahead and married

a werewolf called Mia, the daughter of an Alpha. In fact he was the one who discovered the

existence of the werewolf and he got married to one, but unlike like the rest, he gave birth to a


His daughter, 'Olivia', like the rest could just use her dragon and druid magic mostly, but she

was able to transform into a wolf, that was how powerful her mother's wolf blood was, but

unlike the rest only the wolf chose to come out, the rest blood just feel too proud, and thinks she

can't handle their powers, because for if they had proved active, there would have been a

Ladylight then but it wouldn't have been good, the only thing the elf blood did, was to make

them both handsome and beautiful, while the vampire, gave long life. Just like that, she married a

demon named Karin, the most powerful, he could burn down a nation with his flames.

Then they both gave birth to Rotan your father, and like always, the elf, vampire, werewolf,

demon. He couldn't use them, but he could use the claws of his demon side, and the speed and

sharp senses of his wolf side. But his major power was the Gurl's bloodline, but with only the

dragon and druid power, your father made heads bow because he was the best at controlling his

dragon and druid power after Gurl, as Gurl owned the powers, your father could control the wind

so perfectly, he could listen to nature and also objects created by men. He destroy any place and

nobody was his match, not even his mother nor father when he because a teenager. But there was

only one who could beat this great man, the Witch of the moon, Irene, your mother. She beat

your father, both in martial arts and magic, and later they fell in love and got you, Julia.

Julia. You can use all the powers in your bloodline as you are the Ladylight of this era, you can

use the elf, vampire, werewolf, demon, dragon, druid, witch. You are the 7 combination, all of

this are in you. The ability you shown earlier was the repelling ability of your druid, it is starting

to awake" The Commander said after the long explanation, no one has ever seen the commander

talk so much before, but Julia didn't understand something, it was that although she bear the

name Gurl, but her mother wasn't a witch and her mother wasn't Irene, she was Fiona, and her

father, he was not even Rotan, he was Caleb, could it be she was adopted, nut why? Her parentscouldn't be dead, demon and witches have long lives, so why are they not here, or could they

have been killed or they died? Or is the Commander lying to her? 'No, it can't be', she thought,

'he wouldn't gain anything by lying after all, I am just exaggerating' she couldn't think straight,

she knew nothing, and there was one particular thing she knew and that was something is fishy

and she had to find it out by hook or by crook.

Author's Note

Please forgive me for not posting chapters frequently, but it is just that, we lack electricity supply

for the last couple of days, so posting of chapters was quite impossible, so please bear with me,

as our electricity supply isn't that frequent.

Thanks my dear readers, so much love♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ and thanks to you all.💋💋💋