
The Super Team: Tales of Julia Gurl

Upon Tiran resurrection, the set of heroes has been born to stop Tiran, and their leader is Julia Gurl a 20 year old, most powerful from the Gurl's bloodline and the strongest being in the world of Humans after Tiran, who now wants to end her because she is a threat, will Tiran succeed? Or Julia will destroy him? Julia later finds out an ultimate secret about her existence and the secret of her Crush, she doesn't know whether to love him or not, but she chooses to continue life with her lover, and team now expands from 3 to 5, and Julia is happy about it, she now has a chance of defeating Tiran, but will that be the end of him? Or it is just from one bad state to a worst one, read this book to find out the tales of Julia Gurl AKA Ladylight

Tega_Asadarho · Fantaisie
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Juliet Tiran

Juliet Tiran

Julia was walking back and forth in the control room, not knowing what to do, and then

she remembered something and decided to ask commander Damien; "Commander, what about

that man who called himself Dark Phoenix?" Immediately Commander Damien's face changed

into a frown.

"That is impossible, the dark phoenix is dead and trapped in a coffin which he can't escape,

unless he sacrificed his magic power and cultivation" said Commander Damien more to himself

than others.

"Sir, what do you mean?" asked May, who had been silent since. William also nodded at what

May said, supporting the question.

"In legend and history, there were only 3 Phoenix in the world, Red, Purple, Black (Dark).

During the initial battle of when Tiran tried conquering the magic dimension. The 3 phoenix

helped Julia's ancestor, Gurl in trapping Tiran, but legend had it that the red phoenix had the

power of fire, and the dark phoenix had the power of darkness and manipulation, and the purple

phoenix had the power of Dark Magic. But before Tiran died, he casted a very powerful dark

spell on the Dark and Purple phoenix which made them went ballistic, and they now felt the

darkness of Tiran, and it turned out that Tiran didn't use any dark magic or forbidden spell

because the dark and purple phoenix already contained evil so Tiran dark spell would be futile,

but instead Tiran used an exchange magic that exchanged one's feelings and ambition, so the

dark and purple phoenix became a second Tiran and they caused destruction, the purple phoenix,

later got hold of itself for a couple of moments, and when it remembered everything, he was so

angry at itself and he casted a dark spell, which made it slowly faded away, but when the red

phoenix saw this it knew that the purple phoenix casted a reincarnation spell, with its dark

magic" then commander Damien paused, and looked at everyone with a quick glance, when he

saw everyone was listening attentively most especially Julia, he just nodded and continued; "But

before the purple phoenix passed away, it just told the red phoenix that he would reincarnate and

when the red and dark phoenix dies, they would be united as one in a reincarnated body, that the

boy would be from a very powerful bloodline and the boy would be powerful, then the purple

phoenix died, later, through the combined forces of Gurl and the red phoenix, the red phoenix

sacrificed his life and sealed itself and the dark phoenix in a coffin never to be seen again, and if

you have seen the dark phoenix, it means it had reincarnated and that means it is only a matter of

time before the red and purple phoenix shows themselves too, because all 3 phoenix were

bonded as one through the purple phoenix's spell. So it means, they are all in that boy's body,

but for now the red and purple phoenix are still waiting, but the dark phoenix wants to come out

earlier because he wants to have its revenge on Tiran, but if he had reincarnated, he had truly lost

half of his powers. So he wants revenge" the commander concluded.

Everyone in the command room were shocked at the commander's knowledge, and also this was

a lot for Julia to take in, powerful bloodline, phoenix, dragon, druid, vampire, so on, and the

worst? Reincarnation.As everyone was trying to suck in the information, the danger light beamed, and it was in the

city's museum.

"What would a minran be doing in a museum?" asked William puzzled.

"No time to play around, get going now!" commanded the commander. Then the super team

stood side by side, then they all said; "Super team magic transform" then a light shown and they

transformed to their various heroes, but then they said; "Battle mode activate" then they pressed

their transcom, then and slowly from their legs, metal covered them up to their face, and then

they were wearing a black suit with a mask that looked more like an helmet, for Ladylight she

had white stripes, and for Speedster, he had green stripes, and Sunshine had yellow stripes. Then

fly cycles appeared floating on the air, then they hoped on.

"Let's turn this into a competition, whoever gets there first, gets to do the finishing blow with the

minran attacking the museum" Speedster suggested with a happy tone, as if already anticipating

its victory. Well, as a matter of fact, he was because the fly cycles they were using weren't just

common ones, this was linked with the owner, and the owner could link his ability with the fly

cycles and as Speedster had the ability of speed, his fly cycle was bound to be fast, very fast.

And of course, it was invented by Sabrina, and it was only owned by the STF, and they only use

it on rescue missions like this one.

"Yeah, I'm so in, to dust you guys sorry buts" said Sunshine, smiling widely in her helmet like a

toddler who was given a jar of chocolates.

"Not to brag but you guys know who would win right? I don't need to tell you" said teasingly.

Then they drove off all at once at an alarming speed. Julia placed her palm on the cycle's screen

and it bonded with her special ability and herself. Then she commanded the wind and it boosted

her fly cycle almost like it had been it, he flipped over speedster and sunshine's fly cycle it met

on the way; "Woohoo, now this my style of riding" Julia whistled in excitement.

But then speedster passed her at an alarming speed, and she sighed knowing she couldn't

compete with someone who was born with the speed ability that would be hopeless, but then and

idea struck her. If the fly cycle flew on air, it was powered by wind, then she closed her eyes and

muttered some words, and soon a huge tornado attacked causing trees to fall and the ground

suddenly shaking violently, but Julia activated her shield and passed like it was nothing, but the

tornado had caused the overspeeding speedster to crash on a tree, and it also did the same to

sunshine. And soon she arrived first, and when she saw the place there were people kneeling,

some lying on the ground and their eyes filled with tears, while some groaned and she knew that

they were in a Nightmare, so the person she wanted to fight was Giran, he had put people into

Nightmare, who did he think he was? This made Julia clenched her hands into fists. Just then

Sunshine arrived, and Speedster followed and they saw all those people on the floor and they

were immediately enraged at this and just like Ladylight, they knew this would't be easy and

they also smelled a very dark alluring aura so powerful. Then they knew either Giran had

upgraded or he had company and if it was the latter then things wouldn't be so good, but just

when they taught they were hallucinating, a lady's figure came out walking side by side with

Nightmare and she gave out a danger sign aura.'This is not going to be good' Julia thought.

Then the lady who looked exactly like Julia's age said; "If it isn't the super team" then she came

out from the museum clearly to the sun and everyone could she her, she wore a up and down

black suit, it was exactly like the super team's, but she didn't wore an helmet and that exposed

her face and long brown hair and she also had a cape, and she looked like a knight. She looked

unfamiliar, and no one knew her, no one except Ladylight, the girl looked oddly familiar, and

also Ladylight's demon abilities started coming to life and a familiar sight evaded her nostrils

and then she froze and she looked, the girl in her front was Juliet, her best friend, 'what would

she be doing here?' Julia asked herself. 'Is she working on Tiran's side, side of evil? But with the

dark aura she is emitting, she looks powerful' and then it struck her, since she was a descendant

of Gurl, could Juliet be a descendant of Tiran, but how would she fight her best friend. She was

in a dilemma either she didn't fight and died or fight and hurt her best friend.

Julia was still frozen stiff when Juliet spoke; "I am Juliet Tiran, the direct descendant of Tiran

and I am a General of the army of Tiran, I am pleased to meet the defenders of Treasure city" she


"We wished we could say the same" Sunshine said in sarcasm, just then T-bots arose and started

attacking the super team, so they fought back, Ladylight, Sunshine and Speedster were fighting

with the best of their ability, and in no time they were done. That only caused Juliet to smirk and

she threw something was holding and the ground, and when they saw it, they knew what it was,

it was a dinosaur tooth from the museum, then Juliet started chanting some incoherent words and

immediately the tooth flew up on its own and turned into a real Dinosaur. And then Juliet

commanded it to attack them, that made Julia snap out of her thought of holding back, she

couldn't hold back when Juliet openly wanted to kill them, but thanks to the back helmet she

wore Juliet wasn't able to see her face.

'But how did she become so cruel' Julia asked herself feeling lost, because a week ago Juliet was

Juliet, a pretty girl with a dream of becoming a doctor. But who and what she was seeing now

wasn't her friend how could she ever dream of world domination. So Julia made up her heart and

it was to fight, who was there was not Juliet, so she would fight for the safety of Treasure City.

The dinosaur kept on attacking them, and all they could do was hide, and attack with their

abilities. But they were running low on magic power and they were also weak physically. But

they kept on fighting for the greater good, and then they finally became very exhausted,

including Julia.

"So is this the best we get from the Ladylight of this century? Poor thing too poor you can't

control your powers, but I want them I can control them and I will get them today, today I must

leave here with something that I promise you" said Juliet as she was taunting Julia who just

basically ignored her and just focused on recuperating. Sunshine was using the sun's energy to

power herself up, but it was still no match for the dinosaur and it just tired her out, while

Speedster, sat in a spot also recuperating, but the dinosaur was making it futile as he continued

attacking them. Then the dinosaur lifted its foot as he was about to step on them and they had

already given up hope as they lay on the floor, they were breathing heavily, and that was they

knew fighting a dinosaur is useless, and just as the legs were about to step on them….. BOOM!!!