
The Subtle Revenge

Leo_Smith_7849 · Urbain
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

Why are you looking at me like that "Chloe asked?"

Did I say something out of context?

You amaze me Chloe, Lydia said.

Help you get John back you said.Why?

What about Paul?

"Paul is a playboy while John is a keeper.

No man have ever treated me well as John did "Chloe replied."

Really!! wonders shall never end.."exclaimed Lydia"

I can't help you, I can't hurt John again.

Chloe started crying,I'm so sorry, please help me.

Are you punishing me for what I did to you in the family meeting?

She was weeping and wailing so loudly

Lydia left her and went into her room.Her drama was too much.

Dad and mum were having an awesome time together.

Dad was sipping tea while mum was licking ice cream.

Mummy said to daddy, honey I enjoy our time out.

Just me and you, like when we were courting.

Daddy smiled and continued sipping his tea.

He cleared his throat and said, "I remembered it too. Cythnia, the love of my life.

No man passes Cythnia without turning unless his neck is paining h.

And she was all his. He felt blessed and honoured beyong measure. Men envied him.

Beautiful, attractive, sexy, tall, Cythnia.

But all that glitters is not gold. As years passed he became dissatisfied with her.

Her nagging attitude was something else.

No peace of mind at home then I met Katie.

Homely, humble, sweet Katie. A wife and a home maker.

She was a listener. She listens to my struggle, frustration,dreams, aspirations.Everyhing.

While, Cythnia dominated the conversation, Katie listen and encourages.

Mike fell in Love for the first time.

Real love. Geniune love.

Honey! Honey!!!. What are thinking?

Nothing, just remembering our courtship.

Cythnia continued talking, it was loving, the dinner dates, site seeing, travelling, shopping, I loved them

Humm said Mike, I hated them but went along for your sake.

Remember, but with Katie, it was a different story. The time spent was amazing, super filled, extra ordinary.

Time flies with her Not enough time.

Mike felt on top of the world.

Nothing was impossible.Everything was achievable.

Honey, you are not listening. I am talking.

In short, forget drink your tea .You are always lost in thought.

Mummy, Cythnia phone rang she looked and it was her daughter Lillian.

Hello, sweet heart. Lillian burst out,mum I need your help.

Speak I'm listening.

I need Lydia to stay in the supermarket for me. But you know she can't come out of the house. Daddy's order.

I need Daddy to release her to help me.

Can you beg him for me?I want to go somewhere.

A party.

Very important and necessary. Please mum.

O.k. I will see what I can do.

Mike, was still reconciling his affair with Katie,his days with her was the best days of his life.

He always cry silently for her death whenever he is alone.

I miss you Katie. I love you. I will take care of Lydia

Why is it that I am allowing Cythnia and her daughters to mistreat her.

I must from today stand up for her as the daughter of my love.

"Honey! honey!! honey!!!. Still day dreaming" Cythnia called.

Yes dear, Mike answered

I need a favour from you "Cythnia replied."

Please, can you allow Lydia to go the supermarket today to relief Lillian, she need to go somewhere?

No, Lydia shouldn't leave that house.

I am taking her to work in one of my businesses so that she can be monitored.

"No honey don't move Lydia away from the supermarket, please"Cythnia pleaded."

Why honey? Lydia is not helping at all there. Lillian and Chloe are doing well.

Cythnia shouted, they need Lydia there,they need her.

Well replied Mike, I am pulling her out.period.

In the house, Chloe was still in her dramatic mood but Lydia is in the room planning and strategising on her next move.

Lydia phone rang and she picked it without checking the caller.

Hello..Lydia,it's dad.

This is an order, don't go to the supermarket again.

You will start work somewhere else by Monday.

He dropped the call.

Lydia was still wondering what brought about the call.

At the family house, mummy is shouting and ranting at the top of her voice.

Why will you give such an order?

I will not allow it...blah,blah,blah

Daddy was in a corner, with his ears closed. Their sweet couple time awhile ago a forgotten issue.

Time was going, Lillian had not heard from mum.

She needed to prepare for the party.

Maybe, daddy refused the request.

Oh!! no..

why now I need Lydia so bad.

I need to meet Dan,my crush,my dream lover. Nothing must stop me.

Lillian picked her phone and dialed Chloe number.

Chloe answered, still sniffing. Why are crying Chloe?

"Nothing" she replied.Just one of those my moods. Why did you call?

"Lillian answered"..I need your help badly, I must go to this party tonight to meet someone special.

Do you get?

Please, do me this favour and I will pay you back when you need me."

I am a mess right now. My eyes is swollen and red.I can't come out like this. Please ,call dad and beg him to release Lydia "Chloe told her..

O.k. Let me try.

Cythnia was still quarrelling with Mike when his phone rang. He picked it and said, hello sweet heart.

Cythnia snatched the phone from him thinking of abusing the caller but as she heard Lilian's voice she calmed down.

Mum,why are you quarrelling with dad?

Nothing dear.. speak with him.

Dad, sorry on behalf of mum. No problem " He said"

I need a favour from you, dad.

I have an important engagement to attend and need Lydia to come to the supermarket.

Let Chloe assist you.

Lydia is not useful according to your report.

I don't want problem. You and Chloe are doing great..

Lillian was silent.

Should she tell the truth now about Lydia's hardworking attitude in the supermarket.

Daddy, please, just this once.

Let Lydia assist. She won't misbehave,I promise

This appointment is very,very, important and necessary.

"What's it all about, that is very important.

Sort your self out.

Lydia is not going anywhere. Let her serve her punishment to the fullest "replied dad."

I will not hear about this matter again,scorned dad.

Lillian started crying, please dad, please dad.

Immediately, He put off the phone.

He hissed..

Meanwhile, Lydia was in her room, thinking and making good use of the remaining day of detention.

She took out her diary and went through it to remind herself of her mission and revenge.