
The Subtle Revenge

Leo_Smith_7849 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Later in the day as Lydia was all alone in the house, she remembered her conversation with Chloe that morning as she made breakfast.

Chloe: Lydia,I am really sorry for yesterday's meeting. Can you forgive me?

Lydia, please get out of my way before I lash out on you again.

Lydia went to make breakfast for herself.

As she ate, she felt bad about the way she talked to Chloe but she was hurt badly yesterday.

Maybe, I should forgive her, "she said."

After some days, still lonely in the house wishing of going out,her phone rang. Lydia picked it and it was John.

John, I'm so excited to hear from you.How are you?

Same here, Lydia.

I haven't seen you for some days. I decided to give you a call.

Are you o.k?

Is everything fine?

Yes, everything is fine, I am just resting I will see you later, Lydia replied.

O.k. Take care. Love you.

John was disturbed because Lydia didn't sound her as though she was normal.

She sounded sad and depressed.

John cared go much for her than Chloe, she is the one,he loved first.

Chloe was Lydia suggestions and to please her, he agreed.

Now, he regrets agreeing to the suggestion. No challenge.

All he knows is that Lydia is a better lady than Chloe.

She is sweet, humble, respectful and fun to be with unlike Chloe.

Chloe is arrogant, disrespectful and full of herself.

Which man will love a girl like that? Spoilt brat.

Lydia felt sad in not being able to leave the house and go and have fun with John.

John is a kind hearted gentle man

Why did Chloe cheat on him.

This is burdening me. It's so disheartening.

Lydia! Lydia!! Lydia!!!. leave other people's problem and focus on yours.

John is my problem.I am the architect of his problem.I will solve it for him.

What a world?

Lydia took her bath, changed into some nice dress and went to living room to watch TV. She scroll through the channels,nothing interesting

She took a novel titled "Forever, ever" and start reading, what a nice storyline.Nice family,lovely parents,loving siblings,conducive atmosphere for love.she sighed

I wished for such a family.Where you love and you are love back.

I love Lillian and Chloe with all my heart.But what do I get from them.I will surely get my pound of flesh.

Staying indoors makes you hunger,let me make lunch.I hope I don't get fat eventually.

Food helps me fill the empty space in my heart.I need to be loved.

It's Friday already.Thank God it's Friday.A bright and beautiful Friday.

Lydia woke up with a better mood than before.Time heals but I still have a mission to fulfill.

She took out her diary and read the letter again that she wrote to her self.She got to goal and read it 20times.


She reaffirmed it 20 times again. What am I becoming,a sweet devil.

Why am I allowing my parents,my sisters to mold me?

But, I need to pay them back in their own coins.

Life is meant to be live not endured.I should make myself happym

These house arrest can help me become a better person.I have one day to go.what do I do?

At the supermarket, Lillian was chatting on the phone with her friends.Thank God, it's Friday.There is a party to attend.The latest party in town.

Vivian said to Lillian"you must attend this party.Dan is coming and you mustn't miss.I will introduce you to him.

Really,I don't know who will stay in the supermarket for me.

What of Lydia? Vivian asked

Lydia can't leave the house for now. Daddy's order.

Oh,oh! You must attend. Find a way.See you later.

Vivian cut off the phone and left Lillian racking her brain on what to do.

Lydia phone rang ,she look at the caller and it was lillian.what does she want now? She haven't spoken to her for days since she was detained.

She picked and said "hello"

"I want you to come to the supermarket right now"said Lillian.

What did you say? replied Lydia.I am not leaving the house,dad's order.

Lillian shouted,come right now,I will explain to dad later.

Lydia laugh hahahaha and dropped the call.

Explain to dad indeed.I hear you.

Please, don't spoil my mood today.I am getting inspired on how to live my life to the fullest.

Lydia went back thinking and planning how to make the best of her days wonderful.

Chloe was driving back home.She bought some cakes,vmeatpie,doughts and ice cream for Lydia.

Chloe have a plan of making Lydia help her reconcile with John.John listen to Lydia and like pleasing her.she want to use that to her advantage.

Chloe phone rang and it was her sister Lillian. Hi sis.

Lillian said,hello,where are you? Chloe replied on my way home.Any problem.

I need help in the supermarket.Lydia is not helping matters at all.Can you help me convince her?

Chloe said in her mind,not now sis.I need a favor from Lydia.I need her to be on my side.I can't help.

But she said,"Oh, no problem I will do that for you when I get home.love you sis."

Lydia was pesting up and down in deep thoughts of ways of surviving in the family and situation she have found herself

Lydia! Lydia!! Lydia!!! What are you thinking about? I have been standing here for 5 minutes .You didn't notice"shouted Chloe

You are still angry with me.

"You are not my problem at all.I have better things to dwell on"replied Lydia.

"Thanks for forgiving me.I got some delicacies for us"said Chloe

"Thanks but I am not hungry.I am busy.I have some thinking to do"Lydia answered

I bought your favourite,"ice cream,meat pie, cake,dought.You will love them.I promise"Chloe persuaded

"I need to get her attention for my plans to work". she said silently.

"By the way, Lillian called me asking me to force you to the supermarket.Imagine that.She is trying to get you into more trouble with dad. "Chloe said loudly because She was deep into thoughts again.

Chloe dragged Lydia and sat her down. I need a favour from you. I want John back in my life. Please help me.

Lydia stared at her in amazement