

It was 6 in the morning. Just two months away from summer vacation. Come on Beanstalk. Call the Trixie as she stood by Ben's gate ready for school. It had been her tradition since since elementary school to stand by his gate and wake the entire neighborhood up with her shouting regardless of whether or not it was a school day. yeesh Trixie do U have 2 shout? He said texting her You won't wake up if I don't! She yelled rather than texting. So Ben got up through on his clothes and came downstairs. Alright, I'm up so. So quit it already. He said as he opened his door ready to see a beautiful girl with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail wearing a dark red t-shirt with a black vest and jean shorts with gray Capri leggings and black flats. Which made her look shorter than she actually was. Are you prepared to suffer from boring lectures prepared by less enthusiastic teachers? Said Trixie within an amused smile on her face. Why do you think I didn't want to get up today? said Ben with an exasperated voice mid groan. You're welcome. Ben the stalk And with that comment they went off on their bikes to school. By the time they got to the school gate their friend Preston was standing there waiting for them. What took you guys so long said Preston impatient as always. Sorry Prince, but beanstalk here wouldn't get up. Said Trixie. As she slapped Beanstalk's back. Not true. He said through clenched teeth. Whatever the case we should hurry up and get to class. said Preston. Or as I should call him Prince. Now Preston Ben and Trixy had known each other since kindergarten. Therefore they each had their own individual nicknames. Ben was beanstalk due to his long,skinny, yet well built posture. Preston was Prince due to his last name being Charming. As for Trixie there wasn't much you could do with her name. Beanstalk and prints were well known throughout the school for being 2 of the most attractive guys in school Whereas Trixie was known as the hottest girl in school. Together they were in the band known as the OddOnesOut Trixie was the singer slash guitarist. Prince The Pianist / backup Beanstalk drums / also backup. They only ever played music for fun never in their wildest dreams did they ever consider going professional.