

That afternoon during rehearsal for the school play "Grease" a talent scout had come to see what their school had to offer. The moment He saw Trixie standing up on stage acting as Rizo. He knew this girl could go places. Before approaching the girl herself He went around asking about her. He found out that she was in a band with a couple other people He investigated said people, But had decided against approaching them. He also found out that she was a senior and was going to graduate soon. Perfect! He thought quietly to himself. Where else can I find a girl who is both beautiful and talented like this one here? Thus having set his sights on Trixie he decided he would approach her the next day. But how? he murmured She was still young. How could he convince her that this would be the right thing to do? As he pondered that the school day had ended. Just as he was walking out He caught sight of Trixie And without a moment to lose he walked up to her and said. Hello my name is Wilson I'm a talent scout from the Austin agency I happened to see your audition for Rizzo and was wondering if you would like to consider maybe going into showbiz? He said as he handed her his card. He was in a hurry So he simply said to call him up if she would like to talk more about it with him....

This wasn't the first time Trixy had been approached by talent scouts. They had approached her on the streets, at the mall, and now at school. Most of them had been scams(don't ask how I know) and the ones that weren't she had politely declined. After all she was still in high school. But this time was different and not just because it wasn't a scam, because she would graduate soon and she wasn't too keen about going to college. She also had to consider her grandparents they had yet to retire and she had decided long ago that she would make sure they lived comfortably when they did. Of course she also wanted to do it, but she had learned long ago not to jump into something just because she wanted to do it. That was the ONE thing her father had taught her before he left. She would think this through before she jumped. So the question was "to be or not to be".