
The Spirit of Vengeance

Welcome to the world of Heroes and Villains, a world where becoming a Hero isn't a childhood dream anymore. Being a Hero means bringing justice, hope, extending a helping hand to those in need, and fighting Villains, those who disregard Law. Heroes are good, Villains are evil, but is it that simple? Do all Heroes deserve to be called ones? Do all Villains are truly evil as public opinion says? Where to puts Vigilantes, those who are hunting Villains, but are themselves hunted by Heroes? Are they good? Bad? Does something like "Good" and "Evil" even exist in our world or we just forgot their meaning? Who decides what is good and what is evil? Who gave a right to that person to decide? The answer is simple, there are no good people, there are no bad people. There are only victims and guilty, and I must punish them, as I am the Spirit of Vengeance! ××××××××××××××××××× It's a Fanfic placed in the My Hero Academia universe. The MC is a teenager at the age of 17 but as we all know there isn't a second class in UA High School as our lovely Aizawa-sensei expelled the whole year, thus the MC will have to start from the 1st class, not that he cares. And, omg surprise incoming! He will have Ghost Rider powers! But don't expect super OP characters, NO! I will nerf it slightly, just a little because he is too OP, literally one of the top beings in MCU (probably). And what joy brings reading about someone who is too OP? Where is the struggle? Where is the joy of the unexpected happening?! Oh, and I will add some non-canon characters and events, Enjoy!

ReeviN · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

[...the increasing criminal activity around the whole country becomes a subject of many discussions for many days now. As we speak, the government is holding a meeting to take adequate measures. Only a few days ago, a-]

The Tv was suddenly switched off. A young man sighed and stretched a bit, feeling stiff for sitting too long. A sigh escaped his mouth as he walked toward the kitchen where he grabbed a sandwich he bought yesterday in a convenience store.

Closing the fridge his eyes fell on a photo hung in the very center of the fridge's door. The photo itself showed signs of being old, with tattered edges and folded corners. It showed a family of three people, on the left stood a man in a leather jacket with his tongue outside making a peace sign. To the man's right stood a pretty woman with long, blonde hair dressed in a sweater and jeans, but her expression was mad as the photo was taken when she was midway through hitting the back of the man's head. And between them stood a young boy, not older than six. He was grinning from ear to ear, also showing a peace sign with both of his hands.

The young man grimaced for a moment, took a deep breath, and sighed loudly. "What am I even thinking about..." He berated himself. His voice was quite pleasant to the ear, being not so loud, but clear and quite deep.

He stuffed his sandwich into his backpack and went towards the front door to wear his shoes. As he was about to pull his door open he looked to his left. There, on the wall next to the door, was a big mirror, almost the size of the door.

The young man checked himself in it. He was wearing dark green trousers, a light gray jacket with a white shirt underneath, and a red tie around his neck. His hair was as gray as his uniform jacket, his eyes were orange. He stood for about 180cm, with the physique not over muscular but not too skinny either. Overall he was rather attractive, but he never considered himself as such, rather he thought of himself as someone average, with nothing exceptional.

"It doesn't suit me at all... Damn you, uncle..."

After a moment he clicked his tongue and finally left the house.


On his way towards his destination, a gray-haired boy was inside a train but with nothing to do, he took out a phone from his pocket. He changed a song and lowered the volume by one, as the song was pretty loud itself. It's worth mentioning that he was listening to music with almost or max volume, with both earphones in.

Back to the topic, he clicked inside the messages and opened the only conversation he had on his phone. His eyes scanned through the text.

[To Adam: I got you a spot in a new school, so don't fuck this up like last time. The principal owes me a favor but still, better show that our family has some manners. Don't respond to this message, in case of emergency I will contact you. Also, the principal is aware of our situation, but he's a cool guy and he knows about your condition, so if something goes wrong just talk to him. Peace, kiddo ✌️]

[What? Do I really have to?😒 In a year I could just go to work or something! Also, the landlady came yesterday and said if I don't pay on time she'll throw me on the streets! 😑]

[Yes, yes you do! I have bigger problems here so don't whine and get your sorry ass there tomorrow! Tell that old hag that she will get her money in a few days with compensation. But don't call her an Old Hag! AND I TOLD YOU TO NOT REPLAY IDIOT!!!]

After that, there were no new messages, as he was afraid of pissing off his uncle. He shoved his phone back into the pocket and as soon as the train stopped he left towards his new school.

On his way there he saw a few people in the same uniform as he wore. 'Wonder if they would be in my class...' Thinking that he took out his Student ID.

On the left side was his picture in a white shirt and an awkward smile on his face. Then on the right were listed things like:

Grade: Year 1, Class 1-A

Seat: No.20

Name: Adam Blaze

DOB: 04/11

Quirk: Hellfire

This card confirms that the individual is a student of UA.

Lost in his thoughts he didn't even realize that he has already arrived at the school entrance. He couldn't help but admire the huge gate that was built as if to withstand some kind of mass attack. Yet somehow, it was the two letters of the school name, the "UA", that he kept staring at.

'UA, the most prestigious school of young people aspiring to become future Heroes... What I am even doing here... Where should I even go?'

With these thoughts, he walked forward and showed his ID to the school worker who was checking them at the entrance. With everything being normal, Adam walked up the stairs to the doors where stood a man Adam immediately recognized due to his eccentric outfit. It was a pro hero, Present Mic.

"Eeee-Heeeey, Kiddo! Welcome to the UA, yey! I don't know what's going on but the principal told me to fetch you up to him, so let's go! And even if I love music myself, better take them out. Ya'know, better first impression, and all that stuff." Present Mic said in his typical loud and energetic voice, leading the way without even worrying if Adam was following him.

Adam just stared at him for a moment before he hesitantly took out his earphones and closed his eyes, fist clenched. He winced as if in pain and said to himself "It's not too bad... it's school, after all, that would be surprising if 'it' get stronger here...".

Through the school's corridors, Adam passed by many doors and bizarre people, if you can put it like that. But even more bizarre thing for him was the pro hero who led him to the principal. Man, he loves to talk for sure!

But now, standing in front of the school principal, Adam was sure that it was the most bizarre thing he has ever seen in the world.

"Welcome to the UA!" Screamed cheerfully small, humanoid, white mouse wearing human clothes. It hoped from its chair on the desk in front. "You must Adam Blaze! It's nice to meet you! Your uncle contacted me and explained the situation, so if you behave as is expected of a student, then everything is going to be fine! By the way, I'm a principal of this fine facility!"


"Oh my! You must be so happy that you can't say anything! Hahaha!" Principal Nezu started laughing wholeheartedly still standing on his desk, looking like a living mascot.

"Yeah... Should I go to my classes or...?" Said hesitantly Adam, confused about the whole conversation. It was completely different from anything he imagined.

"Yes, you should! Your homeroom teacher will hand you your schedule for the whole week! Travel safely, study hard and BEHAVE, Blaze-san!" Nezu replied cheerfully, but Adam could swear that the principal put a particularly strong emphasis on one of the words. Somehow, that sounded like a warning.

'He's disturbing...' Adam thought and bowed before he left. "I will, principal. Now, if you excuse me."

"Adam-san" Nezu called to him one last time.

Boy just turned to look at him wordlessly, wanting to just go to his classes and survive the day.

"When I said that your uncle explained the situation to me I really mean it." The cheerful aura Nezu had just a second ago was completely gone, replaced by a serious expression and calm, collected voice. "If it starts going out of control immediately notify either me or your homeroom teacher. We can't and we won't allow the incident from your last school to repeat. I owe your uncle very much, so I'll do my best to take care of you. Close the door behind you, and see you later!" White mouse hoped back to its chair with a small wave of the hand for the goodbye.

Adam looked at Nezu for a moment, then he just nodded slightly and left the office, closing the door behind.

'For what did he even want to see me? Strange... Doesn't matter, I should find my class and just endure the day.' Thought Adam walking throughout the hallway.

And soon he arrived under the door labeled as "1A". He checked the time on his phone. 'The period didn't start yet... I wonder how would they be..." He couldn't help but imagine even rows of students, standing with their back straight, reciting some kind of heroic code.

He finally found himself sliding the door open, but what he saw inside, wasn't anything he imagined.

I know people said I shouldn't write about MHA for various reasons, but still, I had to give it a shot and get rid of it from my head.

Tell me to burn in hell, I did.

ReeviNcreators' thoughts