
The Spacial Terror of The Dragon Continent

In a Far, Far Universe. On a Planet as Large as a Star. On a Continent of Dragons, Ravaged by a War of Domination and Supremacy. Someone Takes Their First Steps. Someone Blessed by [Redacted]. Someone Dominates Over the Apex. Someone becomes a threat on a Multiversal Level. The Overlord and Administrator of All Dragon Kind. A Spacial Threat. A Nameless Terror. ... The Planet of 4 Moons and of Mixed Sun. The Great Dragon Continent where the Apex battle for Dominion over their Bretheren. All who Fight Aim to Become the Continent's One and Only Emperor. All who Fight, inevitably, die. At the Centre of the Continent, where the Battle is Most Fierce and the Apex of Ancient times Scheme to Bring Global Ruin, something Defied the Law of Fate and the Law of Desitiny. A Unique Deviant of the Apex Species, of Dragon Kind, is Born through Unnatural means. The Prime Timeline Shifted as [Redacted] themselves interfered. And now, her Youngest Daughter, The Terror Born of Void and Cosmic Dust. Arises. ... Anyway. Captivated? Great. Give it a read if you want. As this is a side-project type book, the updates may vary in response to motivation, inspiration and all that. This book is connected to the original work, World of Reincarnators. I will not spoil in what way since even the original work of mine has barely reached it's quarter mark. Warning: Main characters intellectual Growth won't be instant or anything. Just as a child doesn't instantly become a genius with a single book. Additional Tag Info: Female MC, overpowered MC, child MC, no romance, no reincarnation or transmigration, start of novel has lower action than later parts, small amount of politics and kingdom building in later parts, magic, skills, talents, innate abilities. Cover art is not mine.

Chiken_Sheep · Fantastique
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23 Chs

Born of Void and Cosmic Dust

Floating on the still waters of the lake made of stardust and the cosmos itself was the egg of a dragon.

It floated and moved through the lake like a slow leaf in a puddle during fall.

As it floated through the ever-present sights of stars, cosmic dust and the shapes of universes, the void-like water was seeping into the egg, changing it from the inside as some of the stars and cosmic dust within said void water stuck onto the egg, engraving themselves onto the surface of the egg like they were tattoos.

None had yet to notice the egg within the cosmic waters of the lake as no one ever even got that close. Even if they were to have seen the egg in the lake, they would do nothing as they could do nothing.

The egg stayed slowly floating through the lake for a while. A month? A few months? A year? Two years?

Three. It was three years.

Considering the size of the planet, how fast it spun and how conceived time works on the continents on the planet, a day is 36 hours, a week is 10 days, a month has 5 weeks and a year is 20 months.

Is that how long it takes for the planet to make a circle around its star? The inventors of the calendar here don't know. They just chose the number of days in a week, month and year because the numbers were nice. The seconds, minutes and hours actually correlated to the time in a single day but that was the limit.

Anyway. Right. Three years. Sixty months. Quite a few hours.

By this time, the lake had shrunk in size by a certain amount. The egg of the dragon seemed to be absorbing the cosmic waters.

And now, after all these years, give or take a few months, the egg reached the other side of the lake's shore.

It first bumped into the lake shore and... bounced... back.

F*ck. It happened again.

[Redacted] is totally messing up the plots of all these universes only because they visited them once, sheesh.

The timelines of the Multiverse need to be fixed, I can't tell the stories of these characters as I should when the stories keep changing damn it.


The egg bounced off the shore and started making its way back.

It seems like the cosmic waters of the lake prevent it from hatching. We can not peer into the consciousness of the child as they have yet to be born and it is beyond my territory as a storyteller.

Another three years then. Give or take a few months.

So in total six years and about another half a year on top...

Be right back, going to make a call.



Right, talked with the cause of this mess, [Redacted] and this should be the last time the story is changed in a large way without me knowing.


No, I'm just a storyteller sharing the life stories of the greater beings of the multiverse as I see them. This isn't my first rodeo but because [Redacted] interfered with the timeline of this story and created the lake of cosmic waters the plot has changed.

It's fine though, [Redacted] cleared things up. Such a troublemaker, honestly.

Anyway, this should be the last time so you won't have to listen to me ramble any more from this point on, my job is to tell the stories as they happened and your job to listen or read or whatever.

Let's get back to it, seems like the egg reached the other side of the shore again.



The egg now finally landed on the shore of the lake, having spent many years floating through the cosmic waters that none had dared to ever touch before, the benefits or even detriments of the water's effects stay unknown for now.

The lake had yet again shrunk in size, now not a few sizes away from becoming a large swimming pool.

Beneath the retreated waters of the lake, where void and cosmic rays turned to liquid, there was no sand at the bottom but a type of crystal bedding.

When looking from far above, one might think that the shape of the crystal bedding along with the cosmic waters gives off the feeling of a large bowl, maybe the one used to scoop out everything that was turned to liquid?

Though, to few, the sight when looked at both up close and from far above shared similarities with a crater.

But what could have landed on this planet to create such a strange scene? For now, that will stay a mystery.


On the shore of the 'lake', the sound of glass cracking could be heard.

The egg.

Surrounding the egg that had spent a long few years inside of the strange lake was a completely invisible sheet barrier of mana. The previously mentioned tattoos were also etched onto this barrier and not the egg itself.

It cracked and shattered like glass only to be absorbed a moment later by the egg.

Along with the mana of the barrier, the egg started consuming all the ambient mana as well. Like a gluttonous black hole, the surroundings except for the lake became mana deprived.

It seems like the barrier around the egg was what kept it from hatching, allowing it to absorb as much of the galaxies, stars and void waters from the lake as it could.

The egg, after a few moments, seemed to be satisfied with the amount of mana it had devoured and shook slightly.


A single crack appeared on the egg.

Mana erupted from that single crack with enough force to create multiple more cracks on the egg.

All that erupted mana was then reabsorbed a moment later, creating a visual mobius strip around the egg, mana would erupt out and then circle the egg while being slowly absorbed. Truly, the egg was like a black hole.

Now what would be born of said black hole?

The final cracks in the egg appeared and it shattered a second later.

Mana exploded out in a fashion similar to a supernova, it reached the edges of the continent and beyond before being reabsorbed and devoured by the entity from the egg in half the time it takes for a superspeed creature to blink.

Eyes closed, resting in the fetal position.

Extraordinarily long hair coloured as blond as a beautiful golden star. In the shining light of this planet's sun, her golden blond hair glistened with hidden colours of pink, purple and violet. Long black eyelashes, sharp eyebrows, a body the size of a human child and features to match. Those features include spotless skin, a fair complexion and plump cheeks.

One might ask, where are the dragon parts of this dragon that was born from a dragon egg?

It is unknown, but it seems that a Unique Deviant has been born in the dragon species.

To find out more about 'her' she would first have to gain 'sentience'.

Now, unique deviants are known for their traits and talents that don't align with their race.

As an example, one might bring up Epolon, the Flame Bearer Mermaid. One who finds greater comfort in deep magma crevices rather than the cold ocean waters surrounding the continents.

There have been unique deviants born for nearly every race, some having multiple. They are far more powerful than average, their potential seemingly limitless, their lifespans extended beyond reason and so on.

The previously seen Titan dragon was also a deviant, though not a unique one as those dragon species deviants have been seen in history before, all being written of as legends.

And yet, until this moment now, not a single Unique Deviant of the Dragon species has ever been recorded.

All species from goblins to slime to humans to dogs and even frogs have had Unique Deviants discovered within their species. The Dragons now join and fully complete that list.

And with, Unique Deviants now partially covered, for now, the deviant of the Dragon species awakens.

Her eyes are deep void purple, and the edges of her irises have a thin golden outline as if her eyes themselves were absorbing the light of the surroundings like two black holes.

Her pupils were void black and surrounding them was a small swirl of violet within the deep dark purple irises.

She scanned the area as she woke up.

Stopping her gaze on the cosmic water lake for a moment, she looked down at her hands and feet.

And under her body was a crystal and diamond floor that spread below the strange cosmic waters.

Her consciousness was fully there as she observed herself and her surroundings, there simply wasn't a single clear thought running through her head. It was empty.

She tried to stand up but tripped on her hair that reached beyond her ankles.



Falling face-first onto the crystal floor was her first experience of pain.

Unconsciously reacting to the pain with an "Ah." was her first time hearing anything, it was her own voice.

Confused and in slight pain, she touched her neck as her own voice had surprised her.


She barked out as she poked at her own neck with her hands that she barely knew how to use.


She 'spoke' to herself as she closed her mouth while still making noises, seemingly studying her range of sounds.


She made the sound she had made after she fell.


A satisfied smile sat on her face unconsciously, though her eyes did not smile and stayed unchanged and wide open.

Trying to stand yet again, she pulled her hair out from under her feet only to slightly hurt herself.


Slowly moving her legs away one at a time as she was sitting on her own hair, she tried to push the hair away only for it to come back and block her vision.

Trying again but failing, she pushed her hair behind her head and observed the ground.

Placing her hands down for support, she touched the cold and smooth crystal floor as she slowly moved her feet.

Planting her first foot below her she moved her second in the same fashion.

She stopped for a moment.

'Now what' was what she was basically thinking.

She was on her hands and legs, uncertain how to remove her arms' support without falling on her face again, she closed her eyes and pushed at the ground with all her strength and stood up straight.

Task complete.

Waving her hands around to try and keep her balance, after a moment she felt stable in her footing.

Looking at her hands, she clenched them together before loosening her grip again, doing this a few times, she attempted the same with her feet but was slightly disappointed as she could not clench her feet as well as she could her fists.

Turning her head to the right and left only to see nothing in the distance but barren, uninteresting lands and far away strange foliage, she turned back to the lake of cosmic waters in front of her.

The sight confused her.

She felt both rejected and welcomed by the lake, this made her unconsciously tilt her head in confusion.

Looking at the faint reflections of the lake water that no longer had enough galaxies or stars on its surface to hide the reflections of the void, she saw herself in a reflection.

Thus, came her first coherent thought.

'Who? Am I, me?'

And with confirmation of sentience achieved, it activated for her as it does for every sentient being.

{<Violet Star Growth System>}

<Status Analysis> = System Initiating; Data Loading...