
The Soldier in MHA

[Description]: A common (patriot) joe from our world died as a true American… during a mass shooting in his building. He wakes up in an unknown world, where people have weird powers called ‘Quirks’ and women go around wearing spandex fighting crime… and why can he pull a rocket launcher out of his arse, and why it is so familiar? Time to show these maggots what a true soldier is. -=- I will not accept reviews that literally have nothing about the fanfic such as emoji spams, or lines with a single word copy pasted again and again, Exp sect, other languagues and not english (If you can read in english, you can write in english) nor baseless offense without any reason or justification. God, does it annoy me when I want an honest review and there is just toxicity and emojis. Regardless if you give me 5 or 1 stars. That’s the law. -=- Also an additional thanks to the creator of "Star Platinum in MHA", who through his fanfic gave me the key on a very important aspect of this fanfic. Read to find out. -=- |● MegaMacho [p a treon . com (slash) MegaMacho (remove all spacing and replace “(slash)” for “/”)] 〠 GQeFpEAjn2 [d i scord . gg (slash) GQeFpEAjn2 (remove all spacing and replace “(slash)” for “/”)]

MegaMacho · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

The Beginning of Another Life

"----" Speech

'----' Thought

(----) Thought in the middle of a sentence.

*----* Sound noises

(Hey guys! Just a short note here. In the last chapter, I messed up MC's age. He is 15 years old now and not 14. I already updated it in the last chapter. Thanks and enjoy the chapter!)


A month passed since Rick arrived in the Kayama's household. He arrived in Japan in late May, and now it was around mid-June, almost summertime. [1]

"Wake up, Rick! It's breakfast time! Bacon and eggs, just like you liked." Said Nemuri.

Rick got out of the bed with an audible growl. He changed his pyjamas for the standard white plain shirt and military cargo pants and went to the kitchen. There he saw his 'mom' with her prostitu- *Ahem!* 'Hero' costume in front of the oven.

"Eat it while it's hot." She looked to him with a smile, and he returned the gesture by rolling his eyes.

She tried to appease him, she really did. Cooking some online American recipes she found and stuff. But it only served to piss him off even more. He didn't like her acting like a mother like all the past stuff didn't happen. It happened, and he would never look at her like she wanted. So why does she have to put this show?

"About the school… I really think that it would be a good experience for you to meet other kids your age and blablabla…" She babbled.

Nemuri wanted him to go to school to socialize, and for some other reasons he didn't care. He already finished elementary school in the United States. He would not go through it again, not even if it's just a year. He was happy lazing around and pulling all-nighters. It was like a year-long vacation. No one in his shoes would choose to let go of such privileges.

"I already finished school. I already told you that. Heaven and earth may part, but I'm not going to school. Quit it." He ate his food quickly.

"I'm going out. Zeus could use some stretch." He knew how she didn't like Zeus. After the whole 'swallowing your cat alive' she hated the bird with passion, and Zeus hated her too for denying him an easy lunch. His birdy friend was his get-out-of-jail ticket.

"… Fine. Just return before twenty, okay?" She relented.

"Deal." He went straight to the front yard, to his car, and to the gate. Starting the engine, he went out of the house.

"Bye Rick!" Ms. Kayama waved to him from the kitchen's window.

He just waved back half-heartedly without even looking back and left. Zeus flying after the car.

Midnight was left there, alone.

"Why things have to be so difficult, right Sushi?"

"Meow~" The cat rubbed himself on her legs while purring. At least she had him to support her. She still didn't believe that he almost became bird food.

She finished her plate and went to her own car. She had classes to give at U.A., and they wouldn't be taught by themselves.


At U.A. at the staff room, many heroes can be seen talking, drinking coffee, normal things any teachers do in them. Three people can be seen in a corner of the room. One of them had long blonde hair that went upwards in almost a spiral, wearing something a rock star would use in the 90'. The other looked like a beggar with a scarf and at last a woman that wore a sadist's costume.

"*Sigh*… He won't even say goodbye to me." The R-Rated Hero said.

"Not surprising." Erasure Head mumbled without care. Blunt as ever.

"He will come around, you will see." President Mic affirmed, trying to console his friend.

"But he isn't even a little different from he arrived. Am I doing something wrong? Am I really fit for this?"

"Yes, you are. The kid got issues and has a grudge towards you. You are doing your part, now it's his turn to do something. Relationships are two-way streets, it's impossible to exist with only one person waiting for it to happen. In my opinion, it's better than I hoped, honestly." Aizawa said while drinking a juice box.

Hizashi (President Mic) and Nemuri just stared at their friend with wide eyes, and Hizashi had a mischievous grin on his face that unsettled the 'beggar'. "Aizawa… You know quite a lot about relationships, huh? How is Emi by the way?" The Rock star asked. [2]

"Annoying as ever. Now, leave me alone." Erasure head said while preparing to leave, seeing how he was now the target.

"Why don't you start a relationship with Ms. Joke? Maybe Nemuri will get some clues on how to deal with the kid." Hizashi proposed with a stupid smile and Nemuri chuckling in the background at the exchange.

"I would rather die." He left the staff room to be grumpy somewhere else.

"Haaa… I guess this is it. See ya later, Nemuri. Good luck with the boy! Things will turn out well, you'll see." President Mic yelled and also left the room.

"… I hope you are right." She whispered while watching him go.


(Rick's POV)

After another discussion with Nemuri, I managed to get out of the house for the entire day using Zeus. Mission accomplished!

And to make matters even better… I found a place that made homemade Mac'n'Cheeses! It took two weeks or driving all over Musutafu to find it, but it was worth every gallon of fuel (if my car wasn't an electric one).

It was owned by an American couple that moved out of the U.S. and made traditional American burgers as a business. I respected their honorable job of showing these Japanese plebeians the true glory of a cheesy. Every week since then I went there and brought some of them.

My enhanced metabolism made me never get the bad fats of it. I can eat all of them while being healthy! Women would dream of having a body like mine, heh. I am more than willing to let them get some of it.

I went there and brought a cheesy with a milkshake, and drove along the beaches of this city. I was pretty lucky for this city to have them. It would s*ck otherwise.

I stopped the car and went for a walk on the sand to clear my head a little. Zeus just kept flying around me far away in the sky, probably searching for a fish in the sea. You would be surprised how well an eagle as big and he can fish. As I trailed along the sand I found an interesting sight:

A boy with green hair doing push-ups with a bunch of junk on top of him, around even more junk. Was this a dumpster or something? Who had the stupid idea of making one in the middle of a beach?!

"HEY, YOU! What the f*ck are you doing?!"

The meek boy immediately stood up trembling more than someone naked in Alaska and looked at me, his hands already in the surrender position. What?

"S-S-So-Sorry, sir! I-I w-was just training my muscles using this trash… I-I'm so sorry if I bothered you, sir!" The greenette said while bowing to him.

What the hell? Was he a distant sibling of Toby? I never met someone who made the achievement of being even shier than that shark. How was it even possible? I could barely understand him from his gaging and sputtering.

"Hey, chill there maggot. You will choke on your spit if you sputter so much. Let's restart this. I'm Rick May, and stop calling me 'sir', I'm probably your age. What's your name?"

The boy looked at me with wide eyes, as if I was an alien or something. Did I look that much older? I mean, I know I look older than I should but to call me sir? That's weird.

"I-I-I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you!" Dude, this kid's social skills are more wreaked than this beach.

"Okay. Now that we got over this, why are you lifting junk?" I questioned him again.

"I-I'm lifting this trash to train my body and…"

"And?" I inquired.

"… You will laugh at me." The depressed boy mumbled.

"Why would I laugh at you? I'm not akinator to just know stuff." Put your issues aside and get to the point!

Izuku looked to the side and then to the ground, refusing to meet my eyes.

"… I want to be a hero. I want to pass U.A.'s entrance exam."

U.A.? I know this place. This is where Nemuri works at! I heard it was the 'best hero school in the world' or some crap. I understand how a shy guy like him would be awkward to say that, but why he looks almost… ashamed?

"Again, why would I laugh at tha-"

"I'm quirkless" Izuku clenched his own arms still looking down, his body slightly trembling.

Quirkless. A condition where someone is born without a quirk. It was super rare these days. I searched this one day since you know, in my past life no one had a quirk. I also know how their suicide rates are high as f*ck and how people treat them. It pissed me off! People in the past were quirkless and we made unimaginable crap with our brains.

Society doesn't need quirks to work, they are just a cool DLC, nothing more. Now, I know why this kid is so submissive. As a non-quirk holder in my past life, it is my duty to show him the way!

"And what about it?" I asked him.

"…What?" He looked at me.

"You said you were quirkless and want to pass in U.A. What about it?" I resumed.

"I am quirkless! Aren't you going to say how a quirkless can't become a hero?" He screamed while falling to his knees. I remained firm.

"Why would I say that? I think a quirkless can become a hero. And quite simple in fact."

He just looked into my eyes briefly.

"I-Is this a joke or something? Are you making fun of me?" His eyes were puffy from restraining his tears.

"No, I am not joking. I think you, or any quirkless for a fact can become a hero if they try hard enough."

"… Do you really think I can be a hero?" He stared at me with such emotion… The face he gave me…

The face of someone who was in despair and found hope. Of someone who desperately searched for it. Someone who knew helplessness… someone who I swore to help, and would never abandon.

Not while I existed.

"You can be a hero." I towered over him with a firm face, erasing any room for doubts.

He cried until his nose started 'crying' too, with so many sobs I thought he was choking. It was such a pitiful sight. I went here to clear my mind…

"Stop crying! You are making me feel bad!" I yelled to 'Izuku'.

"Y-Yes!" He cleaned his tears with his hand and stood up.

"You said that you were here to exercise. Why are you in this junkyard and not in a gym?" I asked him.

"I… don't really have the money to go in them." I see…

"Another question. Are you following any kind of exercise plan at all?"

"Yes! I-I'm following this." He handed me a paper from his pocket. I picked it up and read it out loud.

"[Aim to Pass! American Dream Plan]

Daily Routine:

1,5km run with 10-15kg backpack

3x50m rope pull

3x200m farmers carry

3x200m overhead carry

3x300m tire push

3x100 squats."


"Are you an American?!" I yelled excitedly, lifting him with my arms like that scene from the lion king. I found the chosen one!

"N-N-No! I'm a Japanese, a Japanese!" He screamed while waving his hands left and right.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. I put him down and went back to analyzing his workout.

Wow. That's a pretty hardcore workout. In my past world, something like this would break someone on our age. With quirks though, because of the quirk genes (not factor!) accumulated all those years the limits of humanity were raised. All Olympic records were left in the dust. It even had a diet plan and a period of 10 months. This was a meticulous regimen, almost like someone made it for him…

"Did someone made this for you?"


"I gotta say. The guy knew his stuff, but this won't cut it."


"Like you said, maggot. You are quirkless and want to compete in the most prestigious high school in maybe in the entire world. A rigorous routine will not help you enough."

He deflated more quickly than a ballon.

"But, you are in luck! I'm an American. And there's nothing more American than exercise! I will guide you to America's ways. You'll be a hero in no time!" [3]

"First of all, I need to tell you everything you are doing wrong. You won't interrupt me until I finish. Understood?!"


"I didn't HEAR IT!"


"Good! Now, let's starts with what you are doing. First of all, I saw your training has a diet on it. It's a good one, but it didn't have any supplement whatsoever. If you want to get big, they are essential!"

"I-I don't have the money to-" I cut him off.

"Shut up! I figure it that a long ago when you said that you couldn't even pay a gym. About the money part, don't worry about it. I have more than enough to help a maggot playing with trash… are you crying again?" I asked the boy who was trying to contain the Mississippi flowing down his face.

"I-I… thank you." The boy bowed to me again.

"Meh. It's pocket change. And you interrupted me again! Down and give me twenty!" [4]

As he did the push-ups I continued.

"Where I was? Oh yeah, your training. While this guy who gave you this was good, he was not as good as me! As someone who went through military training, I have more effective ways to build your body than this!" The boy looked at me in his push-ups, wanting to ask me something again. Probably the military part, but I shut him up with a look.

"But having a good body is just the start. Muscles won't do much against strong quirks. This is where combat training comes in! I heard that the entrance exam is a robot battlefield, and from how fragile you look and act, I bet you never even threw a punch in your life! I've seen little girls tougher than you! I will remedy that with my own firsts." I cracked my knuckles with a smile. His *gulp* was rather loud.

"But even then it won't be enough to contend with quirks from all around Japan that will compete with you for a spot in U.A."

He looked up to me in hopelessness again.

"And that's where you come in! You look like a smart fella. Start putting this brain of yours into use. Let me ask you a question. In ancient times, how did humans hunted their food?" I asked him.

He reflected for a while and said: "They made weapons?"

"Exactly! Humans are not as strong as a lion, as a rhino, and almost all predators. Working your body has a limit, and this is where imagination comes in: If quirkless you can't fight quirks naturally, then fight unnaturally!" He finished his push-ups and stared at me intently.

"Have you seen how many heroes use support equipment? Some of them are even better than some quirks out there! There are some shitty quirks that somehow made it into the hero career. With a proper body, training, skills, and equipment, you can become a pretty good hero. I'm surprised there wasn't at least one quirkless hero. Have they never read DC or Marvel?"

This seemed to enlighten him, as he had that 'wide eyes open mouth' epiphany-type face. Oh, and he punched his own face.

"I-I-I'm such an idiot! The answer was in front of me all this time… and I wasted it all. I'm an IDIOT!" Wow, that must be the longest speech he did ever, with almost no stuttering.

"Of course you are an idiot! You were lifting trash hoping to pass something that might be the most sought-after high school in the world! But don't hate yourself too much. Most people in the world are idiots, the thing is realizing you are one before it's too late."

"But isn't it too late? I have only 7 months, maybe 8 if I round the days, to the exam."

"That's enough time for me to break your body and build you a new one. Put some fight in you. The stuff about equipment? That's entirely on you. I'm doing charity here, the effort to make the impossible, possible, is on you. So, are you gonna give up?"

Izuku clenched his firsts, showing that raw will shown in cartoon protagonists. I could almost feel the fire in his eyes.


"GOOD ANSWER! You didn't even stutter! That's what I want to see! Let's start this right away. First, let me get you a gym pass-"

"I-I can't. I promised someone that in ten months I would clean this beach. I can't let him down. I-I'm sorry."

"Hmm… You said that you need to clean this beach. I'll have to readjust my plans but I can work with this. I'll help you clean this beach to free you for the heavier part of the training at the end. For the start, I think lifting junk won't matter too much."

I summoned a pen and paper and started making a new routine for the crybaby. He immediately went into a frenzy.

"Where did you pull this pen and paper from? Is it your quirk? Is it a teleportation or storage quirk? Ihaveneverseenaquirklikethisbeforeand…" Dear God, he is possessed! I summoned my shovel and


Hit his head.

"OWW! W-Why did you do that?!" He yelled to me while rubbing his head.

"You were possessed! But no worry, my shovel seemed to have exorcised it."

He looked to me as if I was a lunatic, so I hit him again for good measure. After him apologizing for the way he looked at me and explaining his habit of muttering. He only stopped when I explained to him it was my quirk [Gun Summoning] and its inventory. He pulled a notebook out of nowhere and started writing. Where did he pull that out from?

"Okay, that's enough! Let's begin this right away! First, wear this." I summoned my metal wire suit. Yes, the same one I used in my dad's training and in J.A.M.S.

"This is a wire suit. It's made of metal wires that not only are heavy but constricts your movement by squeezing all your muscles, straining all of them at the same time and more effectively. You can adjust the tightness of the wires with these 3 buttons. Don't press them if you are not ready, or else your head will pop like soda when shaken, except with blood." I explained to him, he visibly paled at the last part.

"Clean this beach while wearing this, and do these specific work-outs and stretching I will show you. It will strengthen the muscles you never really got to work. Give me your phone number so that I can send you videos about all of them."

We exchanged numbers and left him to clean the beach. I had to make some calls to get some 'special' supplements for the maggot. For him to survive my Spartan training his quirkless body won't be enough. Not even those expensive supplements and the best diet in the world will be enough. But quirks are a wonderful thing aren't they.

Some quirks allowed the invention of special supplements and hormones that when used with an equally special workout, can make even the tiniest man into a space marine (not that intense but you get the gist of it). However, it is almost impossible to buy them. You either have contacts or buy in the black market.

And I happen to have plenty of contacts through my father, and a government that values me and my quirk. Money? I had a monthly salary and a heck of an inheritance. I brought enough for a year and send it all to the maggot's address. I couldn't just show up with an entire shipment of supplements in my house since Nemuri would probably say some crap and bitch over about it.

I may have forgotten that Izuku might also have a family to deal with. I had to go to Izuku's house and explain to his mom why a metric ton of boxes arrived at her front door. At first, she was scared of me, probably because I look like a tank and not the boy she expected. Hell, she even asked if I was a yakuza *pfft*. But after clarifying all that she was ecstasy to know about her Izuku's friends, or rather, only friend.

The guy had nobody. Not a single soul to call a friend… what a miserable existence. From that day I swore to make him a proper human being.


Weeks later since Izuku and Rick's meeting, a skeletal figure can be seen talking on his phone with someone.

"A-All Might! Y-Yes, I'm following another exercise regimen. B-But it's super good! It's made by a guy I meet on the beach. His name is Rick May, and he is awesome, and knows a bunch of things about working out! With equipment, to diet, everything. You must meet him!" The boy on the other side of the line told the figure about his new friend, visibly excited.

"That's great, young Midoriya! However… may I see this new regimen?" The skeleton, now identified as the world's No.1 hero, Toshinori Yagi but most known as All Might, replied.

"Y-Yes, of course! H-Here it is." An image arrived on Toshi's phone.

'T-This… who is he?!' All Might read the routine and diet flabbergasted. That routine was downright masochist and probably went against human rights. He even wondered if this person wanted to kill his successor. But coupled with the diet and these… supplements? It looked legit. It said that he had to take them for the training not to cripple him.

"Midoriya, may I ask about these 'special supplements'? What exactly are they?" Yagi inquired.

"Oh, Rick brought them for me. He said that they are not easy to get but super effective! That the military used it to raise the best soldiers. I-I think he exaggerated that last part though. He seems to be a fan of the army." His protégé answered.

This Rick was not what he seemed, and he took interest in Izuku. This could be dangerous. He had to make a call and find out who this Rick May truly is.

"That's great Midoriya! Unfortunately, I have something to do. We continue this talk later, bye." He turned off the call and immediately started a new one.

"Nezu? I need you to investigate someone called Rick May. This person has suspicious activity and is possibly targeting my successor."

"Oh? Rick May? I know him. He is Midnight's son." The rodent spoke

"What?!" Toshinori yelled his shock.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that. Turn out that Midnight had a son years ago in the United States with an American guy. What did he do?"

Recovering from the stunning info he heard he said. "He gave to young Midoriya supplements that are too suspicious, for a training regimen that should be impossible to any human being, especially for a 14 years old boy."

"Hmm… interesting. Why don't we look into these supplements then? Give me one so I can analyze it with Recover Girl here in U.A. I think you should be here with us for this." The call went off.

All Might did as Nezu asked. Izuku gave him one of the supplements and he hopped to U.A. in a single jump. Arriving there Nezu and Recovery Girl headed to the lab with him and found out what exactly these supplements were.

"Astounding. These are more than just supplements, they have hormones in them too." Nezu read the data provided by the doctor (Recovery Girl).

"Are they dangerous? What did they do to Midoriya? Can it be reversed?" The top hero blurted out.

"Calm down. These supplements are not dangerous, rather, they enhance it." The principal stated.


"These supplements contain hormones mostly definitely derived from quirks, that stimulate the body's growth rate, metabolism, muscle recovery, bone recovery, bone density, and other amazing effects. The only bad effects it might have are if someone overdosed on them, which by Rick's diet you sent me, it should not happen. Izuku Midoriya should be more than fine." Nezu explained to Yagi.

The hero went back to his skinny form with a sigh of relief, knowing that his chosen is not in danger. But one question is still unanswered.

"Who is he? How did he get this?"

"I looked into his background and the May family has a big history in the army. Rick himself has already a rank in the army while being only 15! I couldn't find more about him or his family, almost as if his data was erased. My guess is that they are special soldiers of the U.S. army with enough connections to acquire this supplement. This is definitely a military restricted supplement. I wonder why he took interest in your successor and go to such lengths to give this to him." The white animal answered. "Why don't you meet him in person? Get to know him, I'm equally interested as well."

All Might stood there reflecting on what he heard. While having suspicious origins, this Rick has not done anything bad until now, and the fact he was the son of a Pro-Hero and knew Midnight was a good person, put him more at ease.

"I will watch him first, then I'll talk to him in my civilian persona and as Izuku's teacher." Toshinori declared.

"Do as you see fit. Mind you that this boy's father died quite recently, that's the reason he is here after all. Don't be too invasive." The principal warned All Might.

"I will remember that."

The top hero buffed into his hero form and went for a city patrol to clear his mind. He got a feeling he would have a long year ahead of him.


Writing Notes:

[1] Just an important note here. MC's father died in late May, and MC's birthday is also in May but at the start of it, on day 3. I might do something with it later. It's easy to remember since MC's last name is literally 'May'.

[2] Ms. Joke is a woman and hero that likes Aizawa and is determined to make him laugh with her quirk, but he finds her annoying. Her name is Emi Fukukado.

[3] "There's nothing more American than exercise!" – Soldier voice line.

[4] "Down and give me twenty!" – Soldier voice line.

Author Notes:


You guys have no idea how much I had to search to actually make a (kinda) accurate timeline of when Izuku started training, when the entrance exam happened, and when the scholarly year in Japan ends and starts, with also when the final exams happen. I learned more about Japan in this chapter than in my entire life!

I searched Izuku training plan that all might gave him. EVERYTHING.

I even had to search when kids in the U.S.A. end their scholarly year in the U.S.A to make an accurate timeline based on reality! I wanna die.

But it was necessary for many of my events before U.A. After that, I honestly won't care too much about exact days & months. Except if I want to make birthday or holiday-based chapters.

And we finally get to see our favorite useless crybaby: Izuku Midoriya!

I have some big plans for him, mainly making him grow a pair of balls and not be a dumbass. I also have a bunch of funny interactions between him and MC. He also the best way to introduce MC to the OFA and AFO secrets naturally. For a good plot progression, Izuku is necessary. He is, or was, the protagonist after all.

He is going to be stronger than canon Deku. Both in attitude and power.

People don't like Deku because of how much he desired to become a hero, yet didn't even do a couple of push-ups before in his life. While this can be explained by the torture which is his life, it still leaves a sore taste to the fans. I present this by making him realize how much an idiot he is.

There is also one thing that I really hated about him: His greatest skill, quirk analysis, was never used! They only show him writing stuff but never really using that knowledge in meaningful, ground-breaking ways. Hell, I bet Izuku can guess a quirk's side-effect/limits just by looking at it like a JoJo character, even think of ingenious ways to use and develop them. Yet, he fights with his fists and breaks them all the time. He is supposed to be a smart guy, not a brawler.

He discovered he had LEGS when he almost obliterated his arms! WTF! And why he never analyzed his own quirk, one for all? He could have achieved full cowl way earlier.

This Izuku is gonna be what he should have been: A tactician, a detective, an All Might wanna-be, a shy guy, everything he is and should have been. His character development is gonna be amazing. And all of this triggered by Rick's guidance and badassery.

Another thing. How lifting trash can properly train your muscles? They have irregular weight and shape, plus you can't really have the necessary angles to train the important muscles of your back and stuff. All Might is rich for sure, can't he afford a gym for his sucessor?

I also hope that the reason for my MC helping Izuku wasn't too forced and reasonable enough. As a reincarnator who lived in our world, I think it makes sense for him to be pissed off about the treatment of the quirkless.

Anyway, see you guys (hopefully) soon. Don't forget to send me those sweet reviews and comments, I really enjoy reading them :D

Now, I'm going to sleep. Bye!

I hate so much that webonvel doesn't allow rubrics, marked text or italics. You guys have no idea.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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MegaMachocreators' thoughts