
The Sixth Liar. (Book One)

Alisa Marin is a sixteen-year-old teenage girl who was an average girl, who loved her parents. Then all of a sudden, on the night that she went to spend the night with her best friend on the first day of summer, her ex, Jacob Sanderson, killed her parents. He thought Alisa was home but she wasn't. Jacob got locked up. Alisa stayed with her best friend, Jessica, for the summer. Alisa will live with her aunt Ashley Marin and her cousin Hanna Marin. It was going to be tough to adjust to living in Perfect Rosewood but she'll have to get used to it. On the first day of Rosewood High, she gets a text from the mysterious A. Knowing her secrets. Dark, haunting secrets. Even the ones that she wants to keep buried. A knows what happened to her parents.

Ivy_Cain · Sports, voyage et activités
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Chapter Three: Trainwreck.

Icy sweat went down the back of my neck, I reread the text over and over again. Why is this happening? I don't even know who is even targeting me. Or the other girls. This is scary. It frightens me to the core. The other girls were freaking out.

"How in the hell does A know that we were all together?" I asked them.

"A is always one step ahead of us," answered Emily. "Every time that we tried to get a step ahead of A, they know what we are planning."

A scoff left my lips and I stood up, pushing back my chair. "This is crazy," I snapped. "This person doesn't know shit." I groaned lowly.

"We just have to stay calm, okay?" said Aria gently.

"Stay calm? Stay calm?" Hanna snapped. "How in the hell do we stay calm? Everyone will know our secrets. Everyone will know that the four of us blinded Jenna Cavanaugh! We are officially screwed, Aria!"

"Han, this is what A wants. He, she, it—wants us to freak out," said Spencer. "We won't let A do this to us. We have to stay calm and think about what our next move is before A does."

"Really? How are we going to do that?" I asked. "This isn't some damn movie or show. This is reality, Spencer. We live in the real world. This sort of stuff doesn't happen."

"I just wish our lives could go back to normal," said Emily. "Before they discovered Alison's body. Before A started messaging us. Life was good before this happened."

Silence filled the room, no one spoke until Aria's phone buzzed in her hands. She jumped and looked at the text, a soft sigh left her lips. "It's not from A, it's my mom. She wants me back home." She gathered her things and said bye to everyone and that she'll talk to us tomorrow.

One by one the girls left, except for Hanna and I, we were still in the kitchen, not saying a word. Neither Hanna nor I could find the words to say about this whole situation.

"I'm gonna head to bed," I said to Hanna, making my way up the stairs and into my room. I quickly changed into my pajamas then I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. All I could think about was: Is A going to expose my secrets? No one would ever look at me the same anymore. Everyone would know the truth about what had actually happened that night and I can't let that happen.

When I finished brushing my teeth, I slipped under my covers and tried to fall asleep. My life is a trainwreck ever since my parents died. I want my life to be nice and normal again. When I did finally fall asleep around 12:16 A.M., I had a dream about my parents and it was a nice dream too. Until I held a knife in my hands, stabbing them to death. Their blood all over me. Their faces were in shock and fear. Like they were asking me, Why are you doing this to us? We gave you everything you wanted.

I screamed and quickly sat up in my bed, it was 6:31 A.M., and I had to get ready for school. I panted heavily as sweat poured down my forehead, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom, and washed my face. I looked into the mirror for a moment, flashes of my dead parents came to my mind. I shook my head trying to forget about that horrible dream. It felt so real.

What has my life come too? I thought as I was getting ready for school.

Hanna and I arrived at school, Aria, Emily, and Spencer were in the hallway and the three of them were whispering.

"What's going on?" Hanna asked as we approached them.

"Jenna's back," whispered Aria.

"What?" I asked. "I thought you guys said that she was going to that school for the blind."

"She was," said Spencer. "But I guess she's back now. I don't understand why she's back now."

"This is all too weird. First, Alison went missing then they found her body. Second, this A person is texting us about our secrets. And lastly, Jenna is back. Doesn't that scream weird to you guys?" I said, looking at them. "What if…what if Jenna is A?"

"But Jenna is blind, how could she send out texts or e-mails?" Emily asked.

"Maybe someone is helping her send them out?" Hanna said, not sure if it could be true or not.

"It's possible," I said. "But who could else could it be? You four—and Alison—blinded Jenna. I wasn't even a part of your group." I sighed heavily as I rubbed my forehead, getting a headache.

"We hurt a lot of people in the past and it could be any number of people," said Spencer softly, guilt was all over her face.

The bell rang for the first period, the girls and I walked into English class and took our seats. Mr. Fitz was talking about the book that we were reading, it was a long period and I was nervous about when A is going to expose my secret. Or one of the secrets of my friends.

Every second of my mind is swirling around thinking about who could be doing this to me. Why this is happening? How could A know secrets about me and my friends? I didn't notice that the bell rang and students were packing up their things to go to their next class. I hurried and put my stuff away and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I breathed in and out slowly as I placed my hands on the sink, staring at myself in the mirror.

As I collected myself, I was about to walk out when my phone rang out. I froze just pausing my hand on the door handle. I slowly took out my phone and saw One new text message. My eyes grew wide, my heart pounded against my chest as my breathing started getting heavier and faster.

I opened the text, and it read:

Poor little Spencer, always wanting to be Melissa. Stealing her papers and scoring The Golden Orchid. Stealing her boyfriends, like, Ian Thomas and Wren Kingston. But did you know that she is the one that blinded Jenna Cavanaugh? Yup. Spencer Hastings blinded Jenna. —A

Oh. My. God. A finally spilled the beans about Jenna. I closed my phone and puts it into my pocket, I walked out quickly and looked around the hall. Everyone's phones were out and they probably all got the same text message from A.

I have to find Spencer. And fast.

This is one big trainwreck of a disaster.