
Jenina and Zed

People often considered Kiba's extraordinary powers as his greatest strength. But only those who knew him closely understood that it was a fatal misconception. 

Sure, in the present era, he was one of the most powerful mutants in existence. No doubt powers were most important to gain standing, survive, and achieve greatness, but for someone like him, powers were just an additional strength.

His main and greatest strength was his brain!  It was his ability to think of schemes even those considered devilish!

(Women who have received his affections felt he has a far more powerful possession in his pants, but let's not talk about it now.)

Even before he gained Cosmic Spark and became the man he was, he has unconsciously focused on the science of the mind and behavior.


From the times when he was nothing but a slum insect to the present times, psychology was the only field he considered worth studying.