

geoffrey_ken · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
27 Chs




I went home immediately I

left the cafeteria. I didn't

wait for the next lecture. I

was scared of what Sylvia

might say or do to me in class.

it would be very embarrassing

if she repeats what she did to

me at the park.

That same day, exactly 5:30pm,

my phone started ringing. I

picked the call when I realized

it was from Mustack.

"hello Mustack" I said

"how far guy. what happened?

you left the cafeteria without

telling me. I realized you were

no more in the cafeteria when

I looked back. why did you

leave?" he asked.

"I'm sorry bro. I was having

an upset stomach. I just have

to leave without telling you" I


I knew he didn't buy that lie. I

just had to say it since I had

no other lie to tell him.

"okay, that was why you didn't

attend the last lecture" he said

"yes" I responded

"have you taking anything

drug" he asked

"yes" I answered

"okay, take care of yourself. I

will call you later" he said

"okay" I responded.

I ended the call and dropped

my phone on my bed. Sharon

called immediately I dropped

my phone on my bed. I picked

the call after taking a deep


"hello Sharon" I said

"hello Christian, you didn't

attend the last lecture. what

happened?" she asked

"I was not feeling too well. I

went home earlier." I


"is it that same headache?" she


"yes" I answered

"I thought you took drugs" she


"yes I did" I responded

"maybe we should just

postpone our tutorial until

next week, so that you can

take care of yourself" she said

"okay, that would be nice.

thank you very much"

"I will call you later to check

on you" she said.

"okay, thanks"

I ended the call and lay on my


All through that week, I stayed

at home. I didn't attend

lectures. I was scared of

meeting Sylvia. I was scared of

what she might say to me in


Mustack, Sharon and Joy, all

called to know why I wasn't

attending lectures and I lied to

them that I wasn't feeling fine.

I made up my mind to call

Mustack. I need to know what

was Sylvia's reaction when he

told her that I like her,

because I can't keep missing

lectures. I waited until

weekend before calling him. he

picked after the second beep.

"hello Christian, how are you?"

he asked.

"I'm fine" I responded

"I hope you are getting better"

"yes" I responded

"Mustack" I called

"yes Christian" he answered

"when you told Sylvia that I

like her, what did she say?" I

asked, waiting curiously for

his answer.

"I didn't tell her anything. so

you believed I told her. how

would I have told her when

you didn't give your consent.

that wouldn't be nice for me to

do. I was just pulling your leg.

I only went to ask her if her

micro economics note was

complete" Mustack said

"so you didn't tell her?" I


"no I didn't" he answered.

I heaved a sigh of relief and

thanked God silently.

"okay I will call you later" I


I ended the call and sighed. I

was happy that he didn't tell

her, but at the same time

disappointed in myself. I was

disappointed that I could be so

stupid to have missed lectures

for a whole week, without any

concrete reason.

Just when I was about to lie on

my bed, I heard a knock on my

door. I wasn't expecting

anyone. I knew it wasn't

Sharon, because we had

already agreed to postpone the

tutorial until next week. I

walked to the door and open

it. I froze when I saw Kate

standing at the door with

smiles on her face. I never

remember telling her where I


"hi Christian"

"hi" I managed to respond.

"you are surprised to see me

right?" she asked

I nodded

"well, you will find out later,

how I got to know where you

stay" she said, walking into

my room without allowing me

to usher her in.

She went straight to my bed

and sat on it. I locked my door

and went to sit on the plastic

chair. I won't make the same

mistake of sitting beside her

on my bed, because I knew

how nervous I was when I sat

beside Sharon on that bed.

She lay on her back and

spread her hands.

"I'm so tired" she said

I quickly got a wine from my

cupboard and gave to her. she

sat up and collected the drink.

"thank you" she said

I went back to sit on the chair

i was previously occupying

while she sipped from the

wine. I took a book on my

desk, open a page and fixed

my gaze on it, pretending like

I was reading. it was better to

pretend like I was reading than

to stay in the same room with

her and couldn't start a

conversation. After 5minutes

of silence, she spoke.

"you stay here alone?" she


"yes" I responded and fixed

my gaze back on the book I

was holding.

"why is your room so hot?"

she asked, fanning herself

with a book.

she unbuttoned the upper

button of her blouse, revealing

her cleavage. I tried not to look

at her, because it wouldn't be

nice if she caught me looking

at her cleavage.

After another 5minutes of

silence, she spoke again.

"are you expecting someone?"

she asked

"no" I answered

"I will soon be leaving o" she


"okay" I responded

After a while of deafening

silence, she spoke.

"do you always sit all day on

that chair?" she asked

"no" I responded

After a while, she buttoned her

blouse which she had earlier

unbuttoned. She stood up from

my bed, carried her handbag

and walked to the door.

"are you leaving?" I asked

she didn't reply. I stood up

immediately and walked to me


"let me see you off" I said

"don't bother" she cut in


I could see the look of

disappointment on her face

when she said that. she left my

room without sparing me one

last look. I stood at my door,

wondering what I could have

done wrong....