
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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282 Chs

162. Imprisoned

Jon, Luffy & Nami have defeated all Big Mom's enraged army. Jon also have bind all of them with trees and absorb their chakra. But now they need to prepare for a stronger army to come.

Jon look up at the sky and see it has become clearer now. Then he see a miniatur cloud and sun on the sky. He know those things from his intel gathering. They are Zeus & Prometheus, and it seem they're the ones who make the thunderstorm.

However, Jon & Nami's combined attack, discharge all the lightning in the thunderstorm. Now Zeus has regain his normal white cloud and Prometheus has become dimmer. It seem they've spent most of their energy.

If only they use the thunderstorm to attack earlier, it will be more difficult for the Straw Hats. They must've been too careful so to not hit the Charlottes. But in the end, they are used to attack the Charlottes by Jon & Nami.

Suddenly the Straw Hats hear a loud rumbling sound from afar. They look at it and see many more Charlottes have come. However, that's their last worry right now, because behind them, a big figure have come too.

"Big Mom."-Jon become serious

"So that's Big Mom."-Luffy also got serious

"Wha-what should we do?"-Nami

Jon look at Luffy, and he seem exhausted by his fight. Jon can absorb a lot of chakra earlier, so he is fine. However Luffy can't replenish his energy, and don't even want to eat a chakra pill. He just want to eat Sanji's food like what he said.

The Charlotte kids arrive at the forest, and Jon make a seal. He explode the forest and create a very big explosion. It destroy the surrounding and injuring the captured ones. The ones that have just came also got flung by the explosion.

Jon look around and see that the new ones can protect themselves. Jon look at the kids and recognize some of them. Jon didn't see the Sweet Commanders though, and only see other kids.

"Is it because Big Mom herself has come that no Sweet Commander is needed?"-Jon

"What's Sweet Commander?"-Luffy

"It's a position for the strongest kids among Charlottes. Previously there are 4, until Snack was defeated. Then i defeat Cracker yesterday, so now there are only 2 more. Katakuri & Smoothie, and Katakuri is said to be the strongest, second only to Big Mom."-Jon

Just after Jon finished his explanation, Big Mom arrived. She ride a big sword homie that can fly at fast speed. She also seem very angry at the devastation and her kids that got defeated.

"Mammamamma~, Straw Hats, i never thought that you'll be able to do all of this. It seem i've underestimated you all."-Big Mom


"Huh? You think you can leave after doing all of this in my place? ZEUS! PROMETHEUS!"-Big Mom

""Yes, Mama!""-Zeus & Prometheus

Big Mom put Prometheus on her right hand, and Zeus on the left. She charges them with energy and they regain their power. Then Big Mom ride Zeus and put Prometheus on her head, give her a flaming hair. Then she take her sword and move to attack the Straw Hats.

Big Mom is very fast, so Jon immediately create a susanoo. He's just finished tranforming it to upper skeletal form, when Big Mom arrived. She burn her sword and swing it at Jon's susanoo.

Big Mom's attack hit the part in front of Jon, & crack his humanoid susanoo, surprising him. Then the susanoo got fling back with the Straw Hats inside. They slide through the forest behind and only stop after a long distance.

Jon spat some blood from the impact on his susanoo. That attack is very strange that it destroy his susanoo even from the inside and passed through to hit him. As the result, Jon also receive damage from that attack.

The same also happen to Luffy that stand beside Jon. Luckily, Nami is behind them, so she's not hurt by that attack. Even Jon & Luffy can't stand that attack, so it will be very dangerous for Nami.

"Damn, just what is that?"-Luffy

"I don't know."-Jon

Suddenly Big Mom appear in front of them, and they widen their eyes. Big Mom swing her sword again, so Jon & Luffy immediately jump in front of Nami. They cover their body with Armament and get into defensive position, & Jon make susanoo ribs to protect them.

Big Mom's attack hit them and it break Jon's susanoo ribs. Jon & Luffy got hit so hard by that strange attack again and got thrown away. They landed far away from their initial position.

Big Mom check them and find Jon & Luffy has pass out from the impact. Jon & Luffy still protect Nami in kneeling position even when they lost consciousness. Nami is fine, but the shock also knock her out.

"It's finally end, perorin~."-Perospero

"Mammamamma~, what are you saying Perospero? Look, both of them are still threaten & glaring at me until now."-Big Mom


Jon & Luffy still leak out their Conqueror haki. They still try to fend off their enemies from coming and attack their friends. Perospero also realize that his weaker siblings are shaking.

"What a stubborn crew."-Perospero

"Mammamamma~, that's why i won't kill them. It will be more satisfying to make them lose their will over time. Bring them to the prison book!"-Big Mom

"About that, Mama, Mont-d'Or is still unconscious."-Perospero

"Then put them in after he wake up, just put a tight surveilance on them!"-Big Mom

Jon & Luffy had been defeated by the Emperor herself. Their previous feat seem like a joke in front of one of the strongest power holder in the world. Now the three of them are being held captive in the special prison.

Half a day later, the three Straw Hats wake up. They find themselves inside a prison that looks like a book. Mont-d'Or has awoken, and use his power to imprison the Straw Hats.

The three Straw Hats find themselves full of bruises and wounds from Big Mom's attack. They also have their hands nailed to the wall behind them. Jon & Luffy try to free themselves but failed. Even Jon, someone with an expertise in the art of escaping can't escape.

"It's useless, my prison book can't get breached from inside."-Mont-d'Or

"You seem very healthy, clown man."-Jon smirk

Mont-d'Or is on a wheelchair with bandages on his ankle and chest. It seem they've operated his ankle and chest from the injury that Jon inflict. The guy also seem to have a big grudge to Jon.

Mont-d'Or suddenly take a gun & shoot at Jon. Jon got shot on his stomach, and get a wound, but he's still grinning. This kind of pain is something he felt often. The other Charlottes stop Mont-d'Or and call their mother.

Big Mom connected to them and talk to the Straw Hats. She compliment them for their feat to defeat her children. But then she mock them for their defeat to her. She can defeat them easily afterall.

Jon click his tongue, because so far, the only one who can break his susanoo is just Dragon. It seem he still need to improve his susanoo's power by raising his mastery of mangekyou. Even though it's still skeletal form, but he has improve the durability significantly.

'I guess it's still not enough to be used to fight an Emperor. The perfect form might be strong enough, but i want the skeletal form to be tougher too. Perfect form use more chakra afterall, and it takes longer time to make.'-Jon


Luffy & Big Mom have some 'talk', and Jon think of a way out. He contact his clones outside, and ask them to get him out. After he send his command, Jon meditate & start to heal his body.

After Luffy finished his talk with Big Mom, a girl come and enter their cell. It's that Pudding girl, which Luffy's group met yesterday. Jon's clones haven't find her because their priority is information. So now is the perfect chance to know her true nature.

Jon look at Pudding and see that she has 3 eyes. Jon didn't care about that, as that is racial and everyone is different. There are too many strange creatures that he has seen that he won't get surprised by new race anymore.

Pudding act pitifully, but then she start to show her 3rd eye & true nature. She say she will kill Sanji on their wedding day and that she will renege her agreement to spare the other Straw Hats. Luffy & Nami are aghast by it, but Jon just laugh loudly.

"What are you laughing at? Have you become crazy?"-Pudding

"As i thought, you must be up to something. I am not someone that will trust someone easily, and your action is too suspicious for me."-Jon

"Ahahaha, so what if you're suspicious of me? You can't do anything about it."-Pudding

"You think i can't? I see sadness in your eyes, but i don't care. Someone that want to harm my friends is my enemy."-Jon

Jon put a genjutsu on Pudding, and she fall unconscious. Her siblings are surprised and ask Jon of what he has done. Jon just smirk and stay silent, he continue healing himself & meditate.

The Charlottes take Pudding from the Book of Prison, and bring her away. After they left, Jon get a telepathic call from his clones. They say that Big Mom has find Brook who try to copy the Poneglyph.

Jon is surprised, so he immediately send all of his clones to help Brook. He will find a way out himself, but he can't let Brook got killed. He don't know why Big Mom spare them, but he can't risk that she will spare Brook like them.

While this happen, Luffy try to free himself by twisting his arms. Jon sigh and pin Luffy down with his foot. Jon tell Luffy to calm down, because Jon is trying to find a way out. Forcing his way out & injuring himself is not the answer.

Luffy calmed down, and Jon think of his plan. But then, he start to get memories from his clones. They're getting destroyed by Big Mom's attacks. Jon click his tongue and start to get impatient. Jon then start to use Rankyaku and try to break the iron bars.


"What happen Jon? You look very frantic."-Nami

"Big Mom has found Brook, and she destroyed my clones that help him fight."-Jon grit his teeth

""WHAT?!""-Luffy & Nami

Luffy start to twist his hands again, and Jon didn't stop him. They can't keep calm when their friend might lose his life. Opera that guard the prison book laugh at their futile attemp and mock them. Jon's rankyaku didn't work at all because the prison can only get deastroyed from outside.

Suddenly someone unexpected come, it's Jinbe. The Straw Hats are surprised to see him, and Opera is confused. Opera ask Jinbe's purpose to come here, but suddenly Jinbe attack him and he faint instantly.

Opera has cream power, so his body is full of water. It make Fishman Karate more potent if used on him. Furthermore, he has been injured by Luffy at their fight this morning, then he got electrocuted too.

""JINBE!?"-Luffy & Nami

"I've come to save you."-Jinbe

"Are you sure Jinbe? I've heard your talk with Big Mom yesterday. It will endanger your crewmates right?"-Jon

"They're the ones who allow me to do what i want, and they know the consequences."-Jinbe

"Heeh, a fool crew huh? Just like us."-Jon smile

"Hahaha, there's no doubt about it. Now get ready, i will burn this book to set you free."-Jinbe

""!? Burn it?""-Jon, Luffy, & Nami

Jinbe didn't wait and immediately burn the page where they're imprisoned. The Straw Hats feel the heat and try to avoid the fire franctically. The wall behind & the nails on their hands finally got burnt, so they immediately jump from the cell.

Jinbe immediately throw water on them to put off the fire. Luffy immediately run to tell Sanji about Pudding, and the others let him. Jon look at the prison books and grin evilly while rubbing his hands.

"Let's make this place fall into chaos, BWAHAHAHAHA!"-Jon laugh evilly