
Chapter 14(Edited)

3rd POV

After Heimdall blacked out, His state was already known by his king, who sent some medical support and ordered that he will be brought to his room for rest and that no one be allowed to his room without his permission. Which brought quite the uproar as to why the 'guardian' is in that state, as even though Heimdall was unconscious he was sweating and yelling in his sleep "Stay away".

Heimdall was in deep darkness, and from the shadows two purple glowing eyes emerged, staring right through his soul. Then he heard the familiar voice that he heard before, saying the same words: "Keep Your Eyes To Yourself If You Want To Keep Them, Of Course." And then the darkness began to chase him, and he started yelling: "Stay Away From Me !!!" Not realizing that he woke up from his nightmare.

"Heimdall, get yourself together" Odin ordered with a frown while watching the guards holding Heimdall down. Just after some seconds that Heimdall calmed down, and the guards stopped holding him he said: "I-I apologize, my king, I don't know what got over me. But I have something urgent to report." Then started looking around while sweeping his eyes over the people present in the room, indicating that he won't speak with anyone present other than his king in the matter.

"Heimdall, How about you eat something and wash your face with some cold water… You've been asleep for 5 days. After being ready, you will find me in the ancient library." Odin said with an authorized voice, already heading out without looking back.

"As you wish, my king" Heimdall replied as he was already getting up to get himself ready. Just after he dined and made sure he's one hundred percent awake, he headed to the ancient library while wondering why his king chose it as the place of meeting. After he pushed the huge doors to the library and gave a simple greeting to the guards, He heard the familiar voice of his king.

"Amazing isn't it, The ancient library. This particular library has some records that go back to when the universe was first created. It has been protected by us Asgardians for thousands of years as the holy ground of knowledge. Now Heimdall, why don't you tell me what happened?" Odin said while seemingly searching for something in the vast library.

"The final battle between the shadow soldiers and the dark elves happened just like what we expected. Just two new things have been added. The appearance of the aether and a person that I highly expect to be the leader." Heimdall said while observing his king's reaction, who in turn didn't show any reaction to the information, meaning that he already knows. Then Heimdall asked with some hesitation: "My king, If you don't mind me asking. Why didn't we make a move when the aether appeared?"

Odin on the other hand finally picked a book from one of the shelves and calmly said: "Rulers and Monarchs, are you familiar with those two terms? I am sure you do, as those were the stories and legends that are told for children. Rulers are an ancient race of angelic humanoids who once served God. The representatives of light and the mortal enemies of the Monarchs, the representatives of darkness. But what you don't know is they were not legends, they were just from another universe and have been exterminated by one single being. " Odin said then continued, not minding his stunned subordinate: "Ashborn The strongest ruler and also known as the shadow monarch and the king of the dead."

Not wanting to finish the story, Odin cut to the chase: "I suspect that the one you encountered was him, as for why I didn't make a move it was because of my father's warnings before I was king."

He said : (Odin, One day you may, or you may not, encounter the ruler of the shadows. And if you do indeed encounter him, Try Not To Get In His Way.) My father maybe was an arrogant and prideful man, but he was not stupid, and he rarely gave any warnings. But the seriousness in his voice said it all to me."

Then Odin brought the book to its previous place and went on his way, not forgetting to say one last couple of words: "I hope that the conversation we had today will stay between us, as I don't need any panic in our peaceful kingdom. Just ... Forget about what you have seen."

(Thank you for reading. Give me some ideas that you think will be interesting to add to the story. Like adding gates and hunters to the already fucked up planet of the earth :)