
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantaisie
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The battle in the cave

Merle's POV

I woke up in a dark place. My head was heavy and I heard some ringing in my ears. The air was rancid. It could literally blow your nose of. Around me I saw injured women. It looks like we being kept in one place. There was some sort of drain on my mana. I could feel myself getting weaker by the minute. At that rate I knew my mana would soon be depleted and I would lack any mana to do any useful spells. I knew I had to do something before my mana was at its limit. First I had to locate the source of the drain. From my research I knew that there is a metal ore that had the ability to drain mana. It was known as mithril. Mithril is an ultra rare metal that drains mana from the surrounding area. It is said that mithril is a metal that changes its state according to the amount of mana in the area. Mithril is one of the toughest metals in the world. It is said that Mithril is one of the things in the world that could handle a Dragon's breath. The other metals that could handle a dragon's breath are orchalum and adamantite. Mithril is said to glow in a blueish hue when it is absorbing mana and reddish hue when it is at its limit about to release the mana it has absorbed. Mithril is usually used to store mana. I myself was working on a magic circuit using Mithril as its base. The more I walked the higher the drain got. My body was getting weaker and weaker I could feel my consciousness fading. I finally saw a mixture of red and blue hue which seemed to make the place look purple. I quickly locate a mithril ore which was glowing red. I then drew a magic circuit which would reverse its effect from drawing mana to it to giving out mana. I could finally feel my mana returning. I quickly collected all the red ores I could find I then took them with me. I returned to where the women were. I then performed recovery magic on them. They seem to come to. I then drew the same magic circuit on three of the ores and then gave it to each one of them. When they came to , they were frantic with fear. They seem emotionally unstable. One of them seemed to recover very fast adopting to the situation. She then quickly turned to me and thanked me. She then informed me that her name is Elise and she is a knight in the service of Duke Vincent Menial from the Stokes Kingdom. She then told me she was on a secret mission to search for a flower that is said to heal infertility. Currently the duke's wife is suffering from infertility and has not been able to produce an heir. She said that the flower is found on the mandrake. A Mandrake is a type of plant monster that produces a powerful scream that can paralyse and hypnotize its victims. It then feeds on its victims fears. Its usually classified as a B class monster. The mandrake produces a flower that is said to enhance fertility when used in brewing tea. Immediately the Hobgoblins came back. I then asked Elise to hold them off . I tried to perform non elemental spell that can double our physical abilities while halving those of the hobgoblins. I then performed an Wide area earth spell that is called field of spikes. It turns the ground into a spikey field. I then performed an advance fire spell called internal combustion to avoid collapsing of the cave and suffocation. The spell sends a small flame inside the body of an organism and burns it from the inside. It is one of the most lethal and forbidden fire spells I know. It usually burns the body of the target to nothingness.

The draw back of the flame is that it drains the casters mana extremely fast like nothing else. Usually I could on use it once in day without the help of my purple magic stone since my body has a limiter circuit thus can only be used on a single target but with the help of the Mithril I could burn the three hobgoblins standing in front of us. After that I lost my strength. I could not move a single bone in my body. Then suddenly 2 hobgoblins showed up. And one of the was a subspecies. It looked like a mage type. The mage type casted a spell on us that created a black fog. The fog engulfed us immediately I saw darkness.

Elise's POV

Right now there two hobgoblins in front of me. My squad looks utterly hopeless. All of them have not recovered from the hobgoblins attack. The mage who had assisted as with our situation has now passed out. It looks like she passed out from mana exhaustion. Of course she would passed out from mana exhaustion after doing such a dangerous spell. One of the hobgoblins has created a black fog. The fog seemed to be sapping my energy. I decided to use one of my sword skill. I was a bit hesitant since the sword skill I was about to use was the most powerful and the most dangerous I had among my skills. It is known as paladins wrath. The skill boosts my capabilities by twenty times but the problem is it enhances my rage and drives me past the point of sanity. If used for over a long period of time it can turn a person to a killing machine that kills anything in its whether friend or fore. I quickly gathered mana around me and activated the skill. I was quickly filling up with rage. I could feel my self getting more and more powerful, but with it anger was swelling up in me. I quickly attacked the mage type hobgoblin but the other hobgoblin stopped my attack. I was thrown towards the wall with its force. I felt power filling up in me. The only thing in my head was a voice shouting kill! kill! kill! I tightly gripped my sword slid down towards its legs and quickly cut off the tendons on the hobgoblins ankles then successively jumped up with my legs straight towards its back this sent it flying the mage goblin was sending some type of black arrow magic towards me. I dodged them and aimed straight towards its throat my attack was then stopped by another hobgoblin which deflected my attack and flung me across the cave. There were now 5 hobgoblins surrounding me and one of them looked bigger and stronger than the others. I assumed that must be the infamous goblin king. Apart from the 5 hobgoblins there were the ten normal goblins. I was now down on the ground surrounded. The goblins were now headed towards my subordinates beating them senselessly with clubs. Bleeding and looking helpless was the state they all were in. Seeing this scene broke me and I lost grip of my sanity. Then darkness engulfed me.