
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

The journey to save a genius

Merle's POV

The Journey to save Ray was to begin. We were to travel to the outskirts of the Forest of Monsters through use of spacial magic. I was to perform a spell known as gate. This spell is a type of spell that links two places in the world through the use of a beacon. Its a little complex and can take a lot of time to master since one must be able to connect the two beacons together. This requires a lot of mana and precision. The spell is done in two stages. First is to link and connect then second is open and assimilate. To do both of this I needed a lot of mana reserves so as to prevent mana fatigue. I asked Maggie to lend me some of her mana for the spell. She then gave me some of her mana by performing a spell called mana lend. I then began chanting the spell it took up 20 minutes for the spell to activate. The gate was open but it was quickly draining my mana. I could only hold it up for two minutes. The group quickly passed through it. We were now at the outskirts of the Forest of monsters. I could already feel the ominous mana filled in the air. We then set up camp and planned on carrying out the hunt the next day. We gathered fruits and some of us hunted the normal animals around the Forest that were easy to taken down. After cooking and having dinner many of us immediately went to bed. we were to take shifts in taking watch since we could be attacked by monsters at any time. Maggie and I were suppose to take the first watch. I was a little exhausted from doing the gate spell but I still had some energy so I did not mind it. The night was full of an oppressive silent. I could feel something eerie in the air. I had this feeling of being watched. This kept me feeling on edge. I decide to do a type of non elemental magic called search magic. Search magic is a type of magic that is used Identify living things around within a certain radius of the caster. The magic does not require a spirit to be cast. It is performed by one simply spreading his or her mana in the region which he or she is. The mana released then sends back feedback of the living things around revealing the location of every living thing around. My fears seem to be misplaced since I could not sense the presence of any monsters. This brought a sense of relief but something still did not feel right to me. So I informed Maggie that I was going to patrol the area just in case their were monsters larking around. She tried to stop me but I managed to convince her. I slowly started walking into deep dark forest. I wanted to light my way using fire magic known as torch but that would immediately announce my position if there were any monsters around so I decided to use body enhancement magic. This a type of non elemental magic that increases the abilities of the body to the preferred form.

It is achieved by circulating mana around the body then concentrating the mana around the desired body part. This enhances the ability of the body part. So I circulated the mana around the body part then concentrated my mana around my eyes to enhance my vision in the night and around my legs so that I could easily ran away in case the monsters around were so strong that they could not be defeated with abridged attack spells. I heard some rattling of bushes. I decided to go cautiously towards the source of rattling. It was a group of Hobgoblins. Hobgoblins are A class monsters. They seem to not have noticed me. It looked like they were from attacking a group of adventurers. I could see three dead men and three tied up women. It looks like they are planning to use the women for copulation. I decided to go back to camp to go and call for help so as to rescue the women. Immediately I felt something hard hit the back of my head then suddenly blackness enveloped around me.

Maggie's POV

Today we left for the Forest of monsters. To travel there we used gate. This was done by M's Merle since no other person knew how to use spatial magic. We made use of that since it was the fastest way to get to the Forest of monsters. M's Merle asked me to lend her some mana since she needed a lot of mana for the spell and she did not want to exhaust her mana reserves. I gave her the mana she needed through mana lend. The gate was now open and functional. We crossed through the gate before it closed. When we arrived at the outskirts of the Forest of Monsters we set up camp so as to get a headstart early in the morning. We had dinner and finally every one went to sleep except me and Merle. We were to keep watch as the others rest for three hours then the next group would take over. During our watch Merle told me that she felt something was wrong so she is going to patrol. I tried to stop her but she persisted. Finally I gave in. I then told her to be back by the end of thirty minutes. After she left the camp fell dead silent. I waited for thirty minutes she was not back by the end of thirty minutes. I decided to wait for another fifteen minutes before raising an alarm. She was not back after the fifteen minutes so I decided to wake up Mr Harold and inform him of the problem. Every one was woken up and we formed a search party to look for her. As we searched the night I saw an abandoned camp. There were three dead human men it looked like they had been attacked by monsters. I then spotted a purple magic stone. I immediately knew this belonged to Merle. I informed the captain of the party Mr Harold. It looks like M's Merle had been kidnapped by monsters is what Mr Harold said after seeing the purple magic stone that was covered in blood .