
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantaisie
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Prelude to the royal academy

Rae's POV

Today is the day I get to go to school. The past few months have been tough. I have tried so hard to overcome the pain of losing those I held dearest to my heart, Crystal who was a mother to me and Merle the only person I felt understood me deeply. The anger and sadness that filled my heart were unlike any I have ever felt in my life. In my previous life I never really got to feel the pain of losing someone. I had heard of it but never really experienced it on a personal level. Now that it has happened to me personally I felt lost. The pain itself could be likened to one getting their heart ripped out from their body and then forced to watch as it is stomped and smashed into mushy goo. Every day since that fateful day my negative emotions kept growing and growing. I didn't know the best outlet for me to release them.

The aspect of getting revenge always seemed a little primitive to me but now it was looking like the best way to ease my emotions, it also looked like the proper way I could appease my dead loved ones and send them off knowing I had avenged them. On the day of the funeral, my emotions felt so heavy. I really won't get to see the two of them again. I couldn't help but remember the good memories I had created with them. That day I made a promise to the two of them. I promised to avenge them by making their killer pay. I began a vigorous training regiment with the aim of becoming powerful enough to stand toe to toe with the demon king so as to defeat him. I put my time into perfecting my swordsmanship, hand to hand combat and magic. I also worked on understanding my vampiric powers. My swordsmanship and hand to hand were growing smoothly. Magic on the other hand was giving me trouble. My magic was acting up in weird ways. At times I could perform a spell perfectly while other times the spells backfired on me. I assumed that maybe it was the side effects from my duel with Trina but curiosity overcome me and I asked Liza why my magic was acting up. She answered she was unsure but she thought it was the new form of energy brewing within me. She told me this new energy had electric-like properties. Immediately my memory ran back to the electrons that I had collected when I died. My magic eventually stabilised I could use all of my magic except fire magic. When I tried to use fire magic my magic circles would collapse. I still didn't know why. The vampiric powers department was a little bit hard to develop. I knew about speed and strength and enhanced sight and hearing but those were just the basics of the vampire specs. The vampire queen had the ability to telepathically communicate with her servants. She also had the ability to project her mind back in time. At first, I thought maybe I could change the past by using my vampiric powers but I come to find out that my powers were a mere telescope that could see the past and not a rocket that could fly to the past. I come to discover another power. This was the ability to compel normal people. The ability is activated when someone gets into contact with your blood. Unfortunately, the power only compelled their body movements but did not touch the mind at all. The power also had a time limit which translated to the amount of blood someone was dosed with. A drop of blood could compel normal people for about 60 seconds. Usually, my blood turns into a red mist before taking effect. The vampires always come once in a while to check on me before they return on their search for Miss Trina. I began to feel guilty when the thought that maybe I accidentally killed Trina popped up. Eleanor usually comforted me when I felt this way. She was the only vampire that remained behind to take care of me. I didn't want to have her hovering around so I acted cold toward her and tried to get her to leave me alone but she was persistent, she seemed to always know the emotions I was feeling. It was a little bit creepy that she could tell my mood before I even approached her but all in all, Eleanor was the most caring person to me.

Mr Harold kept bringing up my enrollment to the royal academy. He tried every way to convince me to go. At first, I didn't want to because I thought it be a waste of time but Mr Harold was able to convince me to go. He did this by telling me of the massive library with knowledge that was truly extraordinary. This brought me a little hope seeing that this was a magic world so maybe there was a resurrection spell there. The other thing was I was angry with the kingdom of Bermone since it did not send reinforcements when the monsters attacked thus the deaths of Crystal and Merle were partially the kingdom's fault so to get back at them I would overthrow the government by becoming its new queen.