
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

A journey for the Elves

Hina's POV

I was able to be reunited with Helen. My suspicions about Rae were true. She is from Earth. So what happened to her? Does it mean that every person in this world originated from another? Maybe that's not the case and we are the exceptions. Let me not think about it too hard. I have done so much to forget about the mistakes I had made on Earth. Here I can be Violet and have a new life.

For some reason when I saw Helen I couldn't help but smile. Memories of her come flooding to me. She was still as caring as before. I was feeling the love that Violet had for her and I too felt like I loved her even though I didn't know her on a personal level.

"My princess... Forgive me for not protecting you that day. I have been searching for you all this time. Thank Yggdrasil you are alright. I don't know how you escaped those slave traders but the only thing that matters is that you are alright."

"Yeah am alright. Now that we are reunited where should we go."

"Will spend our time here."

"Ok, but I think I need to look for a druid."

"A druid?"

"Yes because I found out I am a spirit elf but I don't know how to use my powers that well."

"Alright, so I guess you want to get the help of a druid so as to master your abilities. That is a little bit hard since you were exiled from the elven kingdom."

"I know that, but I was hoping to find another way."

"Well, there is but it will force us to go to the demon realm."

"Okay, then let's go."

"I don't think it will be that easy for first, we need to go through the demon realm searching for the dark elves. And elves are also not on such good terms with the demons so it will be quite troubling."

"Let us just go, we'll find a way to handle it."

"As you wish my princess. Let us stay at an inn for the night before we journey to the border."

When Morning came we started our journey immediately after gathering a few supplies. The journey was long and took us about four days. In those four days, we were not attacked by any monsters. This was quite out of the norm since the part of the forest we walking through was supposed to be filled with monsters. After four days we reached a wall formed of black mist. Helen volunteered to test the effects of the black mist. She put her left hand in the mist. The results were uncanny. The skin of her left hand seemed to have undergone Necrosis. It was quite a disturbing sight. I did not know what to do when I saw it. Helen was in a state of shock. I quickly looked around and saw the lush grass that thinly spread out of the forest engulfing the adjacent land whole. Without a second thought, I gathered water from the grass and trees around us. While I was applying the water slowly to her left hand, my hands accidentally made contact with Helen's left hand and a miracle happened. The left hand's necrosis suddenly started to dissipate but at the same time, the grass I was standing on started to shrivelled l up and die. Once Helen was back to normal we started brainstorming how we could pass through the decaying mist. Then the Idea to use water-based shields come to me. I took the water from the surroundings and tried to create a huge bubble made of water that could engulf me and Helen whole. This was quite tough to make. After I finished creating the bubble, it was time to test it out. I slowly walked towards the mist still horrified by what it was capable of doing. When I was about to put my hands through Helen shouted "STOP!!!" pulling my hands away. "I will do it again your Highness," she said in a shaken voice. I could feel the fear that the mist had planted in her. she slowly stretched out her hands and I tried as much as I could to cover her hands with water but the concentration required to make the precise elongation for another person was hard to muster.

Unfortunately, the surface tension of the water broke and the bubble exploded. Her hands were exposed to the mist again, but this time instead of her hands being affected by necrosis, a dim hue of green surrounded her. She slowly continued moving her body in and it slowly pushed aside the black mist. I followed her without thinking. When I entered the mist a blueish-purple hue with hints of green formed around me. We were soon out of the mist and we were greeted by a huge desert on the other side.

We slowly walked in the desert under the scorching sun. The heat was unbearable. Each step we took felt like a step-through hell. After a while of walking around with no sense of direction, the ground started to rumble. I had a very bad feeling about the situation. Out of nowhere, a big serpent-like creature emerged from underneath our feet with its mouth wide open. If it was not for Helen's quick reaction time we would have been engulfed whole. Looking at Helen she was in no shape to fight, all her strength seemed to have been used up in the evasion of the desert serpent's first attack. Our situation was looking very very bleak. We had no chance of survival since I am not that good in combat and even if I was the only element I could manipulate well was water.

I then had an idea. Maybe I could dehydrate the serpent making it weak and susceptible to the sun, but that required a lot of concentration and experience that I didn't have. The creature was towering above us ready to attack, its huge shadow engulfing us whole you could think it was the shadow of a building. It then attacked Helen who had fainted at the time. I didn't have time to do anything. Before I knew it I was hugging Helen tightly in a dark pit of blackness. It felt like I was floating on water. I gripped Helen tightly and tried to swim with her in that watery abyss. I couldn't see anything as it was pitch black. A little light was seen at a far end after a while. Seizing the opportunity I swam towards the light with the unconscious Helen. On arriving there was an upward force that sucked me out. I ended up appearing in front of a very huge gate. Where had that creature gone and where was I?