
The Saiyan Among Heroes(FF)

(This is just the same as the other The Saiyan Among Heroes But moved it over to fan-fic. This is where ill be posting the rest of the chapters from now on) Shin was an ordinary kid, living his life as best he could. playing and hanging out with his friends, going out on dates with his girlfriend, doing whatever he wants. But there was one thing he liked most ANIME. Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fairy Tail, One Piece you name it, he watched it. but there were two animes he loved most DBZ and MHA. As Shin was coming back home after buying snacks and drinks to watch the new DBZ movie. He was unfortunately hit by the infamous Truck-Kun. Watch as Shin takes over the MHA world by storm and becomes the most powerful hero the world has ever known. will he rise up the ranks and demolish everything and everyone or will something sinister take place?

Overload_man32 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

An Awakened Instinct

[Uwabami Agency]

"When I joined I thought we would be doing something more actiony. But here we are doing hair brand commercials"

"Well this sort of attention is something you won't be able to avoid as a hero so might as well get used to it"

"Does this dress make my boobs look big?"

Back at Uwbami Agency, Momo, Mina, A student From Class 1-B Itsuka Kendo were currently inside of a studio and were putting on their dresses and makeup. They had to get ready for a commercial that might last for hours

As Mina was putting on her makeup, she looked over to Momo " Hey Momo, have you heard from Shin or Goku recently? I haven't heard from the both of them in a while"

Momo looked over as she was doing Kendo's hair "I haven't heard from the both of them either. But I wouldn't be surprised if they don't want to talk to us"

"Ya after what we accused them of, I wouldn't be surprised if they're mad at us. We should have asked before we went full-on yelling at them"

Kendo looked on in confusion "What are you both talking about? Did the both of you have an argument with your boyfriends or something"

Momo took her phone out and showed her the picture "Recently, Shin and Goku took a picture with these girls from Kuoh Academy. They saw both of them on the train and asked them if they could take a picture in exchange for not telling around them both of them were there"

Mina continued "Me and Momo were already at school and were talking with our other friends until we heard a notification from Twitter. That's when we saw the picture and for some reason, we took it the worse way possible and accused them of cheating instead of asking what the picture was about"

"And so we haven't heard from them since. It's been 4 days"

Silence filled the room as nobody said a word. Kendo saw the sad looks on Momo and Mina's faces and spoke up "Well why don't you do something nice for them in return"

"Do something nice for them?" both of them said in confusion

"Ya! why don't both of you do something for them to show that both of you still care. Take them on a romantic evening dinner and make sure to apologize if you didn't already. Even though I don't know them as personally as both of you I can tell they care"

Both of them didn't say anything and thought on Kendo's words before they ultimately agreed. They wanted to make things right and wanted to show they were sorry for their behavior

They then continued to talk and get themselves ready for the commercial. After a few more minutes of getting read, they heard the door opened and they turned to see Uwabami herself right at the door

"Alright, girls move. You need to come with me "

Momo spoke up "Is it about the commercial? was there a change?"

Uwabami shook her head "No this isn't about the commercial. This is something more serious and we will be leaving in a few minutes"

She then pointed them to follow her and then all got up and started to follow behind her. as she was leading them, Mina asked her a question. Mrs. Uwabami what's going on? did something bad happened?"

Uwabami responded "There's been a terrorist attack right in the heart of Hosu city. There's been sighting of multiple groups of people that are with the League of Villians. One of these people is the Hero killer: Stain, along with two other people we haven't been able to identify. As we currently speak, all the citizens are currently being evacuated and all other heroes are making their way. we're part of the rescue team and it's our job that all the citizens are safely evacuated and there are no more in the city. After that, the strike team will go in and eliminate all the threats

"How many have been spotted? Are they're taking any hostages?" Kendo asked

"From what I can gather, there are all located around the city. It also appears that each group contains about 20 villains each. all of them are extremely dangerous so when we get there be on your guard. This will be your first time experiencing such a thing but I believe that you will do good"

After that nobody said a word as they made their way outside. The car was already there and was waiting for them to get in. They got inside the car and started making their way towards Hosu city

"Momo can you please turn on the TV?"

Momo nodded and turned on the mini TV

It showed a news anchor inside a helicopter. they were making their way towards Hosu city

"Ladies and gentlemen we are making distance. We are about 50 kilometers and we're quickly approaching Hosu city. There have been multiple reports of terrorists inside the heart of Hosu city "

Then the cameraman pointed down to the road and showed multiple vehicles driving as fast as they could. Including the car that Momo and the rest were in

"As you can see many heroes are quickly making their way to stop these villains. it will take a--"


Suddenly there was a massive explosion that stretched out for miles. The Helicopter soon started to swerve around




[Destroyed city]

Android 17 and 18 charged threw a big blast right towards Shin who instinctively dodged it. It flew all the way in the distance before it eventually turned into a massive explosion

He then charged right at the both of them while they rushed at him back. he dodged 18's fist and before 17 could attack, he kneed his chin and kicked the left side of his face. sending him flying and colliding with 18

as the both of them were sent back, Shin then gathered Ki around his fist and then punched out. The vibration was so strong that it sent out a massive shockwave that penetrated the both of them. sending them crashing down through the ground

"Ultra instinct...I'm getting used to it" Shin said as he looked at his hand

Ultra Instinct...It was a power he believed that he wouldn't be able to acquire for years. Never did he expect that in a dire moment he would be able to access it. it seemed that the battle with the androids helped push him into tapping it

And he was quickly getting used to this power

But after minutes of continuous fighting, he found out the drawback that came with it. and that drawback was that the omen stage of UI is highly unstable. while omen gave him the ability to react, dodge, and defend without the interference of his thoughts, he couldn't yet attack effectively in the same way. Making his attacks weaker compared to when he used Kaioken X23. and because of that, maintaining omen requires an extreme level of stamina which Shin couldn't sustain for long

He didn't want to gamble and see if could master it in such an extremely short amount of time. He knew that reinforcement would be coming over as he could sense them from far away. they would easily get killed by the power of the androids. He had to end this here and now before it was too late

He then landed down on the ground

"I'm going to finish this right now"

Both android 17 and 18 got off the ground. When they heard those words coming out of Shin's mouth, both of them became extremely pissed





Both of them yelled in anger as both of them went to full power! the pressure they were both getting off was massive! they were letting off so much that lighting started to form around them! The lighting was so unstable that it began to strike out in multiple directions!

Shin didn't let himself get hit by the lighting as he began to doge in multiple directions. avoiding all the lighting strikes coming his way

"THIS WILL BE YOUR FINAL RESTING SPOT SHIN!" Both of them yelled as they began to fire countless amounts of dangerous blasts towards Shim. determined to kill him

Shin then continued to dodge all of them as he managed to narrowly avoid all of them. He knew if he got hit by any of their blasts or the dangerous lightings, it would be game over for him. He then backfilled onto one of the floating debris and place his hands together


He then began to run straight at them while continuing to avoid everything that was sent at him. As he was running forward, he dodged one lighting strike by flying to the other side. just missing by a hair


As he continued to dodge all the lightning strikes, he also dodged all blasts that were sent at him, just barely avoiding them as he continued to run, jump, while he made his way forward


"CONTINUE DODGING AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE! IT WON'T SAVE YOU FROM OBLIVION!" 18 yelled as she charged up a massive beam while 17 continued to throw more blasts which Shin continued to avoid


He then dodged everything one last time before he ultimately jumped right in the air towards them



both of them yelled as they both charged one big massive blast and shot it right towards Shin

It seemed that shin had no way out as he was about to get hit by the massive beam. They thought it was finally over as they thought they killed shin

But the both of them couldn't think of anything as Shin grinded on the massive beam and appeared right in front of their faces!




Shen yelled like a great ape as he fired the Kamehameha point-blank right in front of their faces. He had put every single amount of power in it

"AAAAAAAAAA" both of the androids screamed as they were slowly being consumed by the wave. The Kamehameha wave continued to keep going straight for a while before it eventually curved upwards

"DAMN YOU SHIIIIINNNN!" both of them yelled before they were completely devoured by the wave. They vowed that if they managed to survive this, they would spend the rest of their days getting revenge. It kept going up for a while before a massive blue explosion filled the sky!

Shin looked on over the explosion before he grunted in pain and kneeled on the floor gasping for air. soon ultra instinct deactivate as his aura went away

"haaaaa...haaaaaa. Looks like I can't hold to it anymore. I'm completely out of energy"

"I still remember it. how my body moved on its own. the sensation as I kept improving. If I can just hold onto that feeling, then maybe one day I can truly master it"

Shin grunted more as pain went throughout his boy "The power of ultra instinct doesn't come cheap though. I feel like my body could just collapse at any moment. The power that surpasses even the gods truly doesn't come without a cost"

Shin then got up and started walking away but he could take a single step, he immediately covered his eyes from the light shining down on him

He looked up to see a news helicopter right above him. It seemed it got here just In time and managed to see a few parts of what just happened

As the helicopter was descending, he heard car engines and looked over to see lots of cars coming right at him before stopping midway. Soon everybody got out of their cars and he saw many heroes coming out of them.


Shin's eyes opened in surprise as he heard that recognizable voice. He turned his head around to see Momo running straight at him wearing a fully red dress.

Shin smiled and began walking towards her. but immediately tiredness washed all over him. It took everything out of him in order to fight the androids and know he was badly injured and tired

He was about to collapse all before Momo caught him in time. She then began inspecting him all over

"Shin are you alright!? paramedics are getting here quickly so just hold on!?" Momo said in a worried voice. the only time she seen Shin this badly injured was the time he fought the Nomu back at USJ

"I'm alright Momo I'm going to be fine. I'm just tired that's all. speaking of tired" He then placed his head on Momo's pillows "So soft"

"Shin noo stop! At least not in front of the other adults!" Momo said all flushed, She didn't want others to see what's going on

"Who cares what they think? everybody across the world knows that you only belong to me. So if they want to object I'll just blow them up"

"And my father?" Momo said with a smile

"Especially him!" Shin said with no hesitation. he didn't like the man and never will

Momo just giggled at his antics and gave him a deep kiss "well I'm just happy that you're ok. Why don't you go back to sleep?"

Shin just nodded his head and placed his head back down

"So soft"