

My path is full of fire and blood... My enemies will seem by my sword... I Kaiser Von Draco will choose my path... Get ready because I'm coming for you bastards...

MachoSpartan047 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

I walk with Arthur to where the supply carts are, there are six people, a man of short stature, I estimate that one meter fifty centimeters in height, thick build, blue hair [It must be the cook, blue hair ...], a tall man, robust but thin build, has a penetrating look and full of intelligence his gray hair, [Will it be the butler or advisor?], I turn my gaze to the tall middle-aged woman, dressed as a maid, who has gray to black hair, and has the aura of command, to her left are two pink-haired girls dressed as maids, [They must be sisters, probably twins]

Arthur introduces them to me, the cook is called Domonic, the older maid is called Margareth is the head of the maids, and the two sisters, are effectively twins, one is called Ashely who has a mole on the right side of her mouth, the other twin is called Samantha she has a mole on the left side of her mouth, the butler is called Harkor Blackwood, he is the advisor and butler assigned to me by my father Duke Draco.

Finally, Arthur introduces me to the sixth person, it is a woman, of an impressive figure, although he wears loose clothes, the belt (which has several throwing knives, I count eight knives) at his waist marks his hourglass figure, it is possible to perceive a brave butt, also in his belt, he has a dagger and also carries a saber, He wears gray, he wears a hood, his hair is tied up you can not see any of his hair, he also wears a mask that perfectly hides his face, you can only perceive piercing violet eyes, his name Veronica Dayne.

Kaiser- "I have to tell you, when we were ambushed by the Orcs I suffered a heavy blow to the head, I have lost my memory, I do not remember anything before the battle with the orcs"

Kaiser- "Arthur, Harkor, and Veronica accompany me to my tent we have to talk, Arthur tells two soldiers to stand guard near the tent," Arthur nods confirming my order.

We enter my tent, I move to the back of the tent and sit in the chair in the back, I tell them to take a seat.

Kaiser- "Harkor, as an advisor assigned by my Father I require you to explain the situation to me summarized"

Harkor-"Young master, forty days ago we left the castle of your father Duke Draco, by order of the Duke we had to move towards the border village of Strongstone, located on the Olimpiakos continent across the sea of Jorgumund, in the overseas colonies of the Duke to keep you safe, we traveled by sea for thirty days, five days ago we disembarked at the port of the city of Valagar and started the trip to the village Strongstone, we have three to five days of march young master I have to tell you that you said goodbye to the Duke on bad terms, Duke Draco told me when the young master calmed down that he gives you this letter and that only your eyes can see the contents "

I watch Harkor and take the letter from his hands, the letter has a wax seal with the symbol of a roaring Dragon, which must be the symbol of my family, I take my dagger and break the seal, open the letter, and start reading it:

"Dear Son, Kaiser, I your father Duke Uther Von Draco, make the difficult decision to send you to the border village of Strongstone, far from our kingdom, to try to safeguard your life, since in the last six months you have suffered dozens of assassination attempts, that thanks to Veronica who managed to save you from each of them, thanks to the Goddess Minerva, you have not suffered harm, Veronica will accompany you on your journey, in Veronica you can always trust because she has been with you since you were five years old when you rescued her from the fire of her home, where her parents died, I am also sure that she is in love with you, although she can not marry you, you must treat her well, remember from love to hate there is only one step, I remind you and I reiterate you must be careful with Veronica. On your trip you will be accompanied by my faithful battle companion and friend Harkor Blackwood listens to his advice, additionally, you are accompanied by Arthur Blackstone, who is one of my best knights and swordsmen in my army, I have selected fifty infantrymen with excellent combat skills, five archers with excellent hunting skills, tracking and with very good eyesight. Son, it pains me to tell you this, but I have to speak to you with the truth, unfortunately, because of your passive character, you are not a very bright mind and because of your fear of blood and hurting people, you have been marked as an easy target to eliminate, I like your father would like you to live your life in tranquility and peace, But my enemies would not allow it, they will do everything possible to kill you, I do not know if it is the right decision, but get away from the kingdom, avoid all these intrigues, I think this is the way that will give you more chances of survival, be strong, you must know this, the day after you leave I will declare to the court that you have been banished from my family. But son, keep this in mind very clearly that this useless father loves you very much. Take care Kaiser von Draco"

I finish reading the written letter, I feel a strong pressure in my chest, suddenly tears come out of my eyes [What happens to me, because I feel so melancholy, it must be the remnant of the soul of this body], I light the brazier and place the letter so that it burns, I watch it until it turns to ashes, In the store you feel a heavy aura and total silence.

I wipe my tears with my forearm and get up from my chair, Arthur observes.

Kaiser- "Arthur goes with the soldiers to the ceremony of our dead soldiers, cremates their bodies, then collects their ashes in a vessel, to place them in a place that he assigns, when we arrive at the village Strongstone" I continue "when the archers arrive with the prey that Dominic prepares the food after they eat, he prepares the battalion to leave when Jaime and Aldorf arrive, informs us of the reconnaissance of the area"

I turn to Harkor- "Harkor prepares the supplies ready, and the loot we got from the Orcs, Arthur gives him the scroll we found in the trunk of the Orc leader, Harkor analyzes the information, you give me your opinion"

They both watch me and nod at me, each coming out to follow my orders.

I sit back in my chair, lost in thought.

Veronica walks up to me, takes off the gloves from her hands, throws her hood back, lets go of her platinum blonde hair, which looks like a waterfall of platinum gold, [How beautiful her hair] takes off the mask of her face, for God's sake how beautiful she is, her small and sensual mouth, small nose, her heart-shaped face, and her violet eyes that look at me with love, [What a beautiful woman], her hands touch my face, I feel a deep calm in my heart.

Veronica-"Kai... you're fine, I know you've suffered a lot, with memory loss I feel you must feel lost ... Kai what can I do for you?" I interrupt her and put my hands on hers -"Veronica... just having you close to me... I feel peace in my heart... I know I can overcome whatever comes my way."

Veronica, when she hears my words, smiles at me... and gives me a delicious kiss on my lips.

[What a delight]