

My path is full of fire and blood... My enemies will seem by my sword... I Kaiser Von Draco will choose my path... Get ready because I'm coming for you bastards...

MachoSpartan047 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I am sitting on a rock, lost in my thoughts of what I must do to reach my destination, and with as many of my soldiers alive, I observe Arthur approaching my position with two war horses.

Arthur-"Lord Kaiser, of the fifty infantrymen that Duke Draco assigned you six died in battle, four were wounded, thanks to Goddess Minerva are only minor injuries, the five archers did not suffer any injuries, and the two war horses are in perfect condition" Arthur stopped in his report to pet his horse a brown stallion, I assume that the other stallion must be my war horse since only I and Arthur wear chainmail armor, the other soldiers only carry a thick gambesón, helmet, shield, and sword, therefore Arthur must be the aforementioned knight.

Kaiser - [Goddess Minerva, a deity of the Roman pantheon, interesting, in this world they seem to worship the Roman Gods, I will have to ask about the religion of this world]

I get up from the rock that I was sitting on, I caress the horse, it is a black heat stallion, it is beautiful and powerful hair, when I touch it observes me and approaches and touches my face with its muzzle.

Kaiser- "Arthur, make preparations to perform the ceremony to bid farewell to the soldiers killed in combat, Arthur how many orcs have we killed in battle"

Arthur-: "Lord Kaiser, we counted sixty orcs killed in battle"

Kaiser- [We suffered ten percent casualties, in this battle, it is worrying that we are eighty kilometers away from reaching our destination, it is alarming, I must be extremely careful to be able to reach our destination with the largest number of men alive to the village Strongstone]

Kaiser- "Arthur that we managed to get from these damn orcs"

Arthur- "Between gold, silver, and jewels we managed to fill two sacks, a good harvest, my Lord, additionally we found a large trunk" Arthur beckoned to two soldiers and they brought the trunk before me, beckoned to the soldiers, and walked away.

Arthur- "Lord I found this key in the body of the orc leader, whom you pierced with the spear in his mouth, I will open the trunk" took the key that was in his belt crouched with one knee proceeded to open the trunk lock, turn the key, a clip and lift the trunk lid, observe its contents, There are three large bags, five chainmail armors, a scroll, and a sword in a black scabbard with red streaks that look like flames.

Kaiser- "Arthur opens the bags to see their contents, bring me the parchment and the sword", Arthur opened the bags in each bag there are a hundred gold coins, hands me the parchment and the sword.

I open the scroll and read the contents, "Kang Ulgor according to our sources, at the end of this month of August Duke Draco's pot will be passing with his escort, along the east royal road, just outside the Deathwood forest, near the Thurdink bastion, Kang Ulgor of the Skull Breakers clan we need you to kill the puppy, this is the advance of the work, The other half we will give it to you in the agreed place when checking the death of the puppy, remember to bring us his head"

Kaiser- [What I was missing, a conspiracy to assassinate me, then, the Orc leader who murdered was named Kang Ulgor of the Skull Breakers clan, later I will have to solve this problem], I hand the scroll to Arthur.

I take the sword, I observe the scabbard is black with red veins that resemble flames, and the knob of the sword is in white ivory and has the head of a Phoenix, in the eye sockets of the Phoenix they have two scarlet red stones, I take the sword by the hilt with my right hand and draw it, in doing so the stones that are in their eyes become a more intense red.

Arthur interrupts me from my thoughts - "Lord Kaiser, for Minerva, is a magic sword with Dwarf Runes" He is very impressed by the sword before his eyes.

I observe the sword in its garrison has the following phrase engraved (SEMPER FIDELIS) on its blade engraved with three dwarf runes (MAPLE) (AGILITAS) (INDECLINABILIS), it seems that the magical language in this world is Latin. By having the sword in my hand I can perceive that I have more strength and agility and that I am unbreakable and interesting, but I must be careful not to trust myself when fighting, as they kill you head-on, they also kill you from behind, keep the sword in the scabbard and hold it to my belt.

Kaiser- "Arthur keeps the scroll do not talk to anyone about it, we have to be discreet," I suddenly reminded" Arthur tell all the members of the caravan that if they are going to drink water they have to boil it before consuming it, since they can suffer from diarrhea and dysentery, by all means, they can not drink water directly from rivers or ponds "

I walked to where the pile of bodies of the Slain Orcs are, I thought I made a decision, "Arthur take ten soldiers prepare sixty wooden pikes, cut off the heads of the orcs, and put their heads on the pikes every ten meters, Arthur must give a signal that we are not easy prey, burn the bodies of the Orcs to avoid the attention of the beasts "

Kaiser- "Arthur of the archers some of them know how to ride horses"

Arthur- "Lord Kaiser if two of the archers know how to ride"

Kaiser- "Call Them"

Arthur walked away to where the archers were and chatted with the two archers, they approach my position, one of them is a stocky brown man with brown hair and the other is also a brown man with black hair.

Arthur- "Lord Kaiser this one here (the brown-haired one) is called Jaime and this one (black hair) is called Aldorf"

Kaiser [As I should address them... These fifty men are my battalion, I have to create a bond for them to be faithful to me, to create fellowship.]

Kaiser – "Soldiers, comrades Jaime and Aldorf, we are in hostile territory, we do not know what awaits us on the road, we suffered an ambush from these damn Orcs, unfortunately, we lost six of our companions, but thanks to Minerva, we are alive", I pause, "Jaime and Aldorf", they stand straight like a spear.

Kaiser -"I have a mission, fundamental to safeguard our lives you have to perform a reconnaissance, to know what we have ahead on our way, I want you to take two of the horses of the supply team, carefully advance to the Thurdink bastion, see if there are hostile forces, if there are no enemies in the Thurdink bastion comb the terrain three kilometers from the bastion to have a safe area to be able to camp and replenish forces, orders are clear."

Amos answered." If Lord Kaiser"

Kaiser- "Perfect, continue with the mission"

Jaime and Aldorf saddled the horses, prepared their bows, arrows, and swords, and left to perform the reconnaissance.

Watch the soldiers putting the heads of the orcs on the pikes, other soldiers burning the bodies of the orcs and twenty soldiers standing guard, in the four cardinal points of the camp to be prepared for any possible attack.

Kaiser-"Arthur instruct the remaining three archers to enter the forest carefully and marry prey to prepare a meal to regain strength"

Arthur- "So will Lord"

Kaiser-"Arthur introduce me to the people who are in the supply masks I must know them"

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