
The Sabsuri

Ayo_Isaac · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Time for war

We are now at the dinning table the King 'Valli' greeted and appreciated the knights for their hard work then proceed to his speech..; "I am here to inform you of the wrath of the god Apophis, that one god and his other fellow gods that have tormented us for years. The time is near, we ought to get prepared before the invasion of this evil gods. Its good our generation is saved with the presence of a Sabsuri. I am talking of the person of 'Mr. Micheal Gregor Sabsuri, you are always welcome and we appreciate your presence. "Thank you so much my king" I bow my head as I reply his acknowledgement. He continued "Commander Hitler "(Hitler was the name of the commander of the Swahili's; we seal all gates that leads to entrance of the kingdom, we set all weapons and put them in place, it is time to fight for our freedom, he shouted 'FREEDOM' crowd after him "FREEEEDOOOM. Immediately after the feast, the commander commanded the soldiers to position and get ready for the war can start any moment from now.

I'm ready, I could feel it, the energy is risen, the time is right, we can all see from the towers of the kingdom the enermies are approaching, they rode in horses that flies without feathers. I am here come out Sabsuri Apophis shouted". I stood firm with my sword fearlessly as if to charge forward. You! he looked at me with a glint of fire in his eyes, I was startled but didn't let it show and I wondered if he saw it. Apophis the evil god I thought to myself, the god I was taught about to be a god of destruction and devouring new borns was now upset about my existence, at least my life has meaning now I thought to my self. The commander shouted "arrows" then the archers were prepared. The arrows were created in a way to weaken the gods so Sabsuri can strike. The commander was waiting for the soldiers of the gods(warlock) to charge forward.