
The Ruthless Mafia Plaything

Vivian has just had a fall out with her boyfriend and she decides to go drink it out with her best friend Penelope. She then has a fateful encounter with a stranger where she makes a promise she never intends to fulfill. Years later, Vivian goes looking for a job and crosses path again with that same stranger who demands that she fulfill the promise she made to him. There Vivian discovers he is not who she mistook him for and that my friends is where their story begins..........

Deevine23 · Urbain
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50 Chs

Getting On His Good Side

Adamson's pov...

"I said.....I can do it myself!" Cory argued as Siri tried helping him push his wheelchair.

I frowned, the doctor told us he was to be on a wheelchair till he regained enough strength to walk and that really annoyed me, I really did not like seeing my brother this way.

"I'll handle it" I nodded at Siri who immediately stepped back.

"Not you too Adam....." He grumbled when I placed my hands on the wheelchair handle "It's automatic you know, I can as well move without any help".

"Technology has done more harm than good in our society Cory, what if something goes wrong with the control and we experience another accident" I closed my eyes, blocking the image of Cory laying unconscious on the tiles out "Sorry but am not taking any risk".

He raised his brow "I cannot believe am actually hearing that from ADAMSON YU, the ambassador for all things Automatic".

"That's work Cory, work is different".

"Oh really!".

"Its better to be safe than sorry".

His eyes roamed around before it settled on her "Are you just going to stand there?, did you miss me so less" She blinked before walking towards us "Am sorry" She mumbled, tears rolling down her cheeks, drama queen!!.

I frowned "You are sorry for not being in the hospital when you should have or for getting caught slacking off with your lovee?" Why was I suddenly sounding like a jealous partner, It's not like i cared...right!.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath "I...

"Hey Adam, cut the girl some slack" Cory scolded before turning his attention back to her "You don't need to apologise Viv" Then he glared at me still referring to her "I know Adamson misunderstood everything so you don't have to explain yourself".

She reached for his hands and kissed them, tears still rolling down her cheeks "Thanks Cory, I knew you would believe me" More like he was the only one gullible enough to trust her words.

His eyes softened "We all trust you Viv but.....There will always be a doubtful Thomas In every gathering" He added, still glaring at me. Why was I the one receiving all the blame, she was clearly at fault here.

I found it preposterous that Cory was taking her side "I can't believe this" and i rolled his wheelchair straight to his room.


A good cup of coffee on a beautiful morning can keep all the bad spirits away, but when it's made by the wrong person then everything can turn upside down and that....is exactly what happened when 'Miss Am Such A Saint' served me a cup of coffee and i made the best decision by ignoring her and placing my attention back on my work.

"Why do you always act so rude, am trying to be nice here".

I gave her a bored impression, indicating I was the least interested in what she had to say and She frowned "I'm trying to clear things between us but you are being so difficult, I should not have come here".

I cocked my head "What are you waiting for?".

Her frown deepened and her grip on the tea mug tightened "Yes, why am I here?" and the door swung opened "Adamson, the meeting has.....then he looked between me and miss polite "I can come back later if you're both busy with......

"NO!, we are not busy" She quickly interrupted "I was just about to take my leave" She glared at me before dumping the cup of coffee in the trash can and storming out of the room.

Pete gave a whistle as he took his sit "That was good coffee Adamson, you should never waste coffee".

I was not in the mood for this kind of conversation, that girl was getting bold with each day that passed by, maybe the luxury she was privileged to have was getting to her head.

A grin appeared on my face as I thought about ways to make her crumble at my feet, she was going to regret defiling me.

"Why are you grinning?" Pete asked with a confused look "And why do I have the feeling that you're planning something bad?".

I placed my chin on my hands "I have no idea what you're talking about, so...why are you here?".