
The Ruthless Mafia Plaything

Vivian has just had a fall out with her boyfriend and she decides to go drink it out with her best friend Penelope. She then has a fateful encounter with a stranger where she makes a promise she never intends to fulfill. Years later, Vivian goes looking for a job and crosses path again with that same stranger who demands that she fulfill the promise she made to him. There Vivian discovers he is not who she mistook him for and that my friends is where their story begins..........

Deevine23 · Urbain
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50 Chs

Accepting Her

Vivian's pov....

"Where do you think you are going?" My intention for coming here this morning was to check up on him, I never thought he would be awake " My room".

"This isn't your room".

I fumbled with my fingers, I really hated having conversations with him "It was a mistake, I misinterpreted your room for mine".

"How is that possible, our rooms aren't even on the same floor".

I groaned, don't make this harder than it already is Adamson Yu "Well the floors are similar so?".

"Hmmm, fair point but not convincing enough and don't turn your back at me when speaking to me Kitten, I don't appreciate such behavior".

I grumbled before I turned back to see him standing up from the bed and.....I panicked "The doctor said...

"I know what the doctor said Kitten".

"Then why are you going against his advise?".

"Cause am feeling very agile this morning, I might even be completely healed".

I crossed my arms "Right, and am just suppose to believe you".

"Of course".

"Sorry if am finding it hard to but can you really blame me. You lie a lot Adamson Yu, Hell! half of the things you say aren't even true" and he grinned "I appreciate the compliment Kitten but unfortunately..... this time around, I am telling the truth, I could even prove it" and he staring jumping which was kinda funny for a man like Adamson Yu.

He suddenly lost his balance and I rushed to grab him before he hit the bed "Careful" and I saw the side of his lips twitch "Isn't this suppose to be the other way" and he winced which made me frown "You never listen to anyone and it's really annoying, now sit down and stay put".

"Okay boss" and he sat on the bed "But I only promise to stay put if you sit here with me" he said patting the empty space beside him.

I took a step back, No Way!, there was absolutely no way I was doing that "I can't".

"You can't or you won't?".


"Okay then but I wonder how Cory would feel about that, I mean I could even collapse when trying to get him the news".

I raised my brows "Are you threatening me?."

He shrugged "If that's how you see it" and I sat beside him, giving just enough space between us which made him cock his "Why the space between us Kitten, am I an alien or something?" You are! to me.

"Come closer okay, I won't bit and my head hurts a lot, I'll like to lay on your laps" What The!.

I flashed him a fake smile "You know, pillows are really soft and the best for a hurting head".

He returned my smile "True but female laps are the best kind of pillow, so am told" What kind of misconception was that "But it's okay if you don't want to, I mean I could ask Cory or Karla, even Siri would adhere to my harmless wish".

"I really think this mode of threatening is childish" I scolded before I shifted closer to him and placed his head on my laps.

"It works on you so am fine with that and learn to be gentle Kitten, Cory won't handle me in this manner" Now I was starting to regret ever coming here to check on him.

He turned his head so he looked directly into my eyes "Taking a closer look at you, I can't help but admire your facial features, you are one pretty girl Kitten" FUCK!!!! What was this guy's deal, my face felt hot all of a sudden and I sighted Adamson smiling weirdly "Why is your face all red Kitten? Did sleeping on your laps make you contract my fever or what?" Was this guy dense or was he only pulling my legs "Who knows" and I found myself playing with his hair, how did he keep it so soft and silky, maybe I should inquire on the kind of maintainance cream he used (Like you could afford it even if he told you).

I looked down to see him grinning at me "Just a while ago, you were against me laying on your laps and now, you suddenly love my hair".

"Don't get too cocky".

"Ohh I wouldn't dare"

I continued swirling my hands through his hair massaging it gently "Your hair is nice".

He closed his eyes and sighed "Thank you, I use quality maintainance cream, wanna try it sometime?".

"Yeah, sure" There was suddenly a long pause before he opened his eyes "Cory told me you were the one who came to my side when I collapsed, I guess I have to thank you for that" You Bet!.

"Well what was I suppose to do, leave you there, you could have died you know".

"That could have worked" WHAT! "Not like If I had died yesterday then our contract would have ended there. You would have being free to do whatever you want" That was true, if I had just ignored him and.....wait! was I seriously thinking of that now.

I shook my head "Am not the kind of girl who would use the death of her oppressor to escape from her predicament".

"Oppressor huh? I don't know how to react to that" and he stared into my eyes like he was trying to figure something about me "He also mentioned that you wept for me".

I stopped massaging his head as my cheeks flushed red, I think I would have a word with Cory later "I think 'wept' is a bit exaggerated".

"That doesn't change the fact that you cried on my behalf, why would you do that?" then he sighed "When you do things like that then it only make things more difficult for me Vivian, how am I suppose to continue viewing you as a toy"

Now he was back to calling me Vivian? "Now this.....just got awkward".