
Dreaming of the Past: The Engagement Ceremony Pt5

"What did he say?"

"The House of Gilead?"

"What does he mean by that? Is he a descendant of Gilead?"

"Has the Dragon and Phoenix Village always been the House of Gilead?"

As the members of his council heard the reference to "house of Gilead". They only paused for a moment, wondering if it was wise to announce his connection to Gilead and himself so soon?

The priest himself in shock paused as the crowd below continued to speculate. Tired of the unnecessary chatter and questions Hittan decided to act!


Pressure dropped and an inflamed diamond crown appeared surrounded by Dragon antlers! Instinctively all heads bowed and silence prevailed! Not a word was said by Hittan, he simply looked at the priest. Who along with his wives, his parents and their household remained unaffected.

Looking into the crowd the priest understood. There would be no further questions or disruption from the crowd.

With the promises given and alliance treaty signed by Hittan and the girls. Who represented their respective nations. It was after the formal ceremony came to an end that Hittan took back his Kingly Aura. As far as the crowd was concerned the ceremony was over once Hittan and his fiancées left the stage.

Having met with their parents once more Hittan passed on the command to have an estate where the girls, as well as his team, could reside with him on the Academy grounds. He also needed a property in the Village that could also house everyone. After getting a taste of what home life could be like, he had no plans to be separated from them.

Given that his request would take some time and he needed it completed before his return he decided to stay in the private Villa of Kaia and Kaija. While Hittan and his fiancées gathered back at the Villa the citizens of Alicorn began spreading the news of the ceremony to everyone they knew! Soon rumours would be spread across all subcontinents and eventually to the scouts of the Zodiac.

"Tarben, it seems some young foolish King from the Dragon and Phoenix Village has claimed to be from the House of Gilead. What do you think?"

"Does it really matter, Tatsuo? He was dead the moment he became their would be King. Let's gather the men, we need to inform them of our new target."

"You're right, regardless of his affiliation, those in the light are doomed to be consumed by the dark. HAHA!"

Back at the Villa, the group sat down for something to eat, finally. In the rush of the ceremony, they had not gotten much time to properly sit and eat. Luckily, they had the option of using the castle's chef and other staff. So the food was prepared shortly and sent to the Villa.

"Hittan, aren't you concerned about prematurely exposing yourself to the Zodiac's men?"

"The moment the Village decided to step into the light I decided not to hide my affiliation to Gilead. Though I would not say I am him, as the people may not be ready for it. Do you think I was impulsive Kaija?"

"It is true that the people's reaction would more than likely lead to a certain level of hysteria or even panic if you had said you were. But either way, with the village selecting a King or you announcing your affiliation to the House of Gilead. They would still come after you. So you still need strength."

Looking around the room Hittan noted that they had a little feeling of worry as it related to the Zodiac.

"I promise, I won't let anything happen to any of you in this life."

"We know." Lagina responded while carefully looking over the dishes before them.

"Lagina, you don't have to fill your plate with everything! Hehe."

"What's gonna happen when we return to the Academy with Hittan? Do any of you even know how to truly cook? I'm not sure I can make the same dishes as... before? Plus I've been living on pill supplements and rations from the Academy. So I haven't practised much at all."

"... Well, we do have some memories of a few dishes from our past lives." Kaija looked at Kaia as she spoke. "Plus, Hittan should be able to cook, right?"

"I have some past experiences." Smiling as he responded to the girls. Truly a home feeling was present amongst the girls.

"Why are you smiling? We should let you be the one to cook for us! Right Valencia?"

Looking into Kaia's eyes Valencia meekly smiled but could not bring herself to join in on the open fun at the table. Hittan noticed her shy reaction and decided to change the topic.

"I wonder if the guys have gone back to the academy by now?"

"Probably, they know they need to step up their training. We all do, not everyone can be like you and defeat enemies of Godbeast strength levels."

"Yes Kaija, we need to visit the Academy's elemental portals once we head back. I'm told each portal leads to a different world where each element is most abundant."

"Indeed, we should all make use of this time to try and catch up to our Lord Husband, right Lagina?"

*Cough, cough… "Kaia, please…"

"Girls, look at him acting all innocent like he doesn't like the title."

"Kaia, please spare me just for today and I'll make the dinner later. Okay?"

"Okay… only because you're slightly cute when you beg for mercy."

"Thank you, O' lord wife Kaia!"


As everyone started laughing and truly started to converse with each other. It was clear that they had a synergy amongst them. While enjoying the food and company, a few hours would slip by in this fashion.


After the group had their fill, they would retire to their respective rooms to change into something more comfortable. Hittan himself would be forced to use the first-floor bathroom once more.

Having changed into his casual white cotton long sleeve shirt and shorts. Hittan went to explore the kitchen. It would be his first time cooking in this life and for his wives at that.

"Mm, what do they have in these cupboards? …Really, there is practically nothing here! I wonder if the guards at the Villa gate would get some ingredients from the castle kitchen?


Flying sunfish, sand crabs, marble star beef and host of spices. That guard was certainly a huge help he got everything but the snake. Okay, let's see if my memories have truly stayed with me."

After a few hours, the girls who had been determined not to slack off and so had been meditating on their element, smelled something fragrant coming from the kitchen. Curiosity getting the better of them so they answered the call of their stomachs and came downstairs.

"Smells nice, can we see what you've made O' darling?"

Hittan could only squint at Kaia's request before he directed them to the dining table.

"Okay, it's my first time since… well, you know. So before you judge the quality remember that you all have promised to treat me with care."

Each girl subconsciously glanced at their storage ring on their finger. Especially Valencia, as she knew what Hittan did took a lot of effort and pain...

[Looking into the crowd the priest understood. There would be no further questions or disruption from the crowd.]… As the Priest's gaze landed back on Hittan he continued with the ceremony but now with a sense of awe on his face.

"... Ladies let us continue. Kaia, Kaija, Lagina and Valencia, representing your respective nations please repeat after me. I promise before all that I shall treat Hittan of the House of Gilead with respect and care."

"We promise before all that we shall treat Hittan of the House of Gilead with respect and care."

"I promise to be beholding of this fact until the day we are presented to the world as a union bonding us together for eternity."

"We promise to be beholding of this fact until the day we are presented to the world as a union bonding us together for eternity."

"Good. Now Hittan please present the symbol of your engagement to the girls."

Looking into their faces Hittan slowly moved his right hand towards his left chest plate. Forming is now signature Phoenix Fist! He struck his left chest plate which protected his heart!


Shattering the plate and in their panic, the girls screamed and rushed towards him! His family along with the Emperor and those unaffected by the King's Aura stood up immediately.

Swallowing the blood that flowed into his mouth, but not before staining his lips ruby blood red. He raised his left hand to halt them and calm everyone before he proceeded to remove 5 shards of Sapphire bones. Handing one to each of the girls he smiled before stating their importance.

"These shards are the protectors of my heart and by accepting these you have become my protectors, for eternity. Do you accept?"

"We do… but don't ever do something this silly again!" The girls practically said in unison. Which came as a surprise to those unfamiliar with them and the level of care they had for him.

Gripping the last shard in his hand as his regenerative powers started to heal his armour! He too hoped that he would not have to repeat that act.

'5 Shards, 5 lives… an omen? But is it good or bad?'

Sorry about not posting this yesterday. My daughter celebrated her 5th birthday yesterday so my attention was elsewhere.

This is the last of the Engagement Ceremony story arc.

DKALFcreators' thoughts