
Dreaming of the Past: The Engagement Ceremony Pt4

As Hittan gathered his wives the city was abuzz with activity. The announcement had been made for a general assembly and given the recent appearance of Dragons and Phoenixes, the citizens made it their point of duty to attend.

Gathering at the castle walls the people started to hear talks of the Princesses getting engaged to the Emerald and Topaz Continent's ruling Clans from some weeks ago. So when the Royal messenger announced a general assembly being held in the Castle Square everyone made assumptions.

The last of the citizens to show up were the Nobles. Since all the Noble families had their seats reserved near the platform along the South facing side of the platform. They seemed less pressured to compete for better viewing positions. Compared to the rest of the crowd who would be placed in the square. Where only standing room would be available. Not long after, the South Gate was open and the Nobles would be the first to be seated.

It was then that Samara sent her personal maid to fetch Kaia, Kaija and Lagina while Onora, who had met up with Samara from the crack of Early Sun, also asked the maid to fetch her son.

A few minutes later the maid entered the private villa of the Princesses. It was in that moment that Hittan took Valencia's hand then they all made their way down to the living area.

"Good day to the Young King, Princesses and esteemed guests. Empress Samara and Lady Onora have requested your presence."

"It seems we'll have to have breakfast elsewhere girls."

"Greetings Mother and Empress Samara."

"Nonsense, you may call me Second mother. If Lady Onora is fine with that?"

"Hittan, greet your Second Mother."

"Greetings, Second mother."

"Good, now girls..."

"Greetings to our Mothers!"

"... Such good girls! Okay, Lagina your parents and Elders have already arrived. Your Mother has sent over the dress for the ceremony. Kaia and Kaia take Lagina to my room and you'll find your dresses as well as Lagina's in the sitting area."

"Yes, Mother." After responding to their mother Kaija and Kaia took Lagina up to the room.

"Son, the Elders are suggesting that you were armour for the ceremony."

"That's fine." Nodding to his mother he agreed to the suggestion.

Noting the exchange, Samara had to smile as it was clear that the Elders had no power to dictate his actions.

"If you wish to change the armour that your Grandfather gave you…"

"No need Mother, I'll use my armour for it shall be with me forever." As Hittan said this he looked to a blushing Valencia. She had opted to stay with him instead of following the other girls.

"... That's fine. As for the ceremony arrangements. We of the Village have been seated to the East of the Platform next to the East gate. While the Emerald Clan has been seated to the West near the West gate and the Alicorn Royal Family are seated on the platform, in the Northern position."

"Okay, I understand. But I would like to have Valencia accompany me to the platform."

Onora looked to Valencia who had dropped her head quickly at Hittan's suggestion while she showed a faint smile. It was clear that no matter what she was equally important. At that moment the admiration, infatuation and awe she had towards Hittan began to grow a little more.

"Alright, Valencia come with me. Hittan you should meet with the Elders from the other Clans in the Great Hall."

"If my dear Mother thinks it's necessary, then I will."

"You sweet talker. I hope you're not bullying the girls."


As most of the citizens had entered the castle grounds by the time Hittan had made his way to the Great Hall, the ceremony would officially start. As such, he could only promise the Emerald Clan Elders that he would visit the Emerald continent with Lagina. Once the time was right.

Walking up the stairs of the platform from the north steps, the Royal messenger went straight to the centre of the platform but failed to gain the full attention of the audience. Channelling his spirit power into his voice he projected over the audience.

"Please settle down everyone! Settle down!" Allowing everyone to realise that the source of the voice was coming from the platform. He took his time before he began again.

"I would like to take the time to happily welcome you all to a momentous occasion! As today, you are all witnesses to the Engagement Ceremony and Alliance Treaty signing between the Alicorn Empire, the Emerald Clan and the Dragon and Phoenix Village!"

"Oh my God!"

"I can't believe the village still exist!"

"Have you not seen the Dragons and Phoenixes recently!? Of course, they exist!"

"Settle back down people! Let's get back to the proceedings. Now, please welcome the delegates from the Emerald Clan coming from the West gate. Led by their Clan Leader, our General Abbe!"

As the Royal Messenger made the announcement the Emerald Clan's Elders entered the square from the West gate. Then they proceeded to the reserved seats to the west of the platform. With their Emerald hair in full display, it was like a scenic view that was surprisingly calming.

"And from the East Gate, the delegates from the Dragon and Phoenix Village!"

As the Elders of the Village walked into the square being led by former Chief Fan, Valencia was nowhere to be seen in the group. However, whispers could be head from the Alicorn citizens.

"Look. They look nothing like Dragon and Phoenixes."

"How can we be sure that they aren't imposters?"

"Do you expect the Royal Messenger and the Royal family to be fooled by the common thugs that pretend to be from their Village?"

"You're right. But they look nothing like monsters. They look like us and some even have white hair like us, but with light blue eyes. The others have Sapphire or Ruby coloured hair and eyes."

"Maybe the rumours of them kidnapping our talented cultivators are untrue?"

"Maybe not. Didn't you hear just now? The Engagement Ceremony also includes them."

Having now seated the visiting guests the Royal Messenger continued the ceremony.

"Okay everyone, please settle down once more. It is now time to welcome the royal family, please stand."

As the citizen of the Alicorn and Emerald Clan stood to greet the royal family, the Elders of the Village looked to former chief Fan and Elder Jalil. As the two both saw the hesitation of the other Elders they knew what had to be done. Smiling to each other they stood and led by example. This act indicated the appropriate actions and the other Elders also stood.

Now seated on the North end of the platform, the Emperor and Empress causally greeted the crowd of guests before indicating to the Royal Messenger and current Master of Ceremony to continue.

"Without further ado, please welcome to the stage Princess Kaija and Princess Kaia."

As the Princesses walked to the centre of the platform the crowd began to gasp at how beautiful they were. Kaia wore her hair in a flirty fishtail that started from the centre of her forehead and ran along both the left and right sides of her head before ending in a low bun at the back. Her loose curls of hair still draped parts of her face. A moonstone encrusted floral hair pin, placed along the braid to the right side leading to the bun, made her look that much more elegant.

Which perfectly complemented her white sleeveless form-fitting mermaid silk gown. Moonstone encrusted floral white lace barely covered the triangular side cutouts that exposed her sides, parts of her stomach and ending in an exposed back. In addition to the sides, the white lace continued from the top of her breast to the neckline, leaving a small cut out for her cleavage to show but only a little. That lace extended beyond her neck, down the middle of her back. Where it connected with the lace that extended from her sides. The lace left her shoulder blades and lower back bare. She was simply stunning as her tall 5 feet 11 inches frame seemed to glide across the stage with the gown fanning out from the knees and over her feet.

However, her beauty was matched by another, as her sister would not be outdone today. As she stood next to her sister, Kaija looked out towards the Dragon and Phoenix members with anticipation. But even the members of the Dragon and Phoenix Village was in awe when they saw her. The moonstone encrusted white lace beaded crescent moon shaped pattern laid gently over her shoulders. The lace extended into capped sleeves while bordering her chest and exposing her back. The cutout at the back started from the nape of her neck all the way to her lower back. Exposing her snow-white delicate skin.

But meeting that lace material which extended down the cleavage of her breast to the top of her stomach was a white embroidered silk. That moon embroidered white silk pattern fabric hugged her curves. Especially with the band of simple white silk that wrapped around her waist and bordered the exposed lower back. From that wrap extended a small train. It was pure elegance as the dress flowed slightly outward from her thighs and extended over feet. The elegance of the dress matched her hair.

It was a high bun hairstyle that gave off the feeling of a queen, overlooking her subjects from the raised marble platform. With the base of her bun lined with moonstone crystals giving the impression of a crown, she was already their Ruler.

As the girls stepped forward the crowd could hardly contain themselves!

"So beautiful!"

"Dear lord, they look like angels!"

"I can't believe that they will be engaged to those lucky two from the Emerald and Topaz clan!"

"Wait, where is the Topaz Clan?!"

"You're right. Where are they?"

"Calm down everyone and join me in welcoming Lagina of the Emerald Clan to the stage!"

"Who? And where is Cairo? Wasn't it him that should be stepping forward now?"

"It seems the rumours from before were untrue."

"I heard from a castle guard that it was Cairo of the Emerald Clan and Cadoc of the Topaz Clan that should be engaged to the Princesses. So it should have been true."

"Do you think that they, had anything to do with the changes?" Looking anxiously towards the Dragon and Phoenix members the audience started to put the clues together.

But it was not until Lagina stepped out of the West gate that crowd became dead quiet! As it seemed another woman had stepped forward that also has the beauty to topple nations!

Gliding across the smooth granite tiles of the square. Lagina's elegant emerald embroidered form fitting long sleeve lace mermaid gown showed her every beauty. The pattern leaf and turtle design swirled around in a beautiful circular print that embellished every curve of her body! Making her already curvy 5 feet 9 inches frame even more so!

She had a detachable emerald silk train tied to her waist. It covered the back and sides but left the front open to show the original gown. The embroidered lace rested on a silk nude underlayer of material preventing any gaps, but left the mind to wonder! Her perfectly straight emerald hair draped her shoulders and extended to the centre of her back. But this simple style complemented the busy pattern of the gown.

As she ascended the West steps of the platform and joined Kaija and Kaia the crowd gasped. Trying to find air as they were left breathless! So caught up with the beauty of the trio the crowd missed the fact that two of the three parties involved in the ceremony were already on stage! Three girls stunning enough to make Kings covet and throw down their kingdoms stood before them.

"As all three of you have gathered on stage it is now time to call your future husband."

Only the nobles closest to the stage seemed to have heard the reference of a singular husband! Shocked at what they heard even they themselves could not help but to repeat it.

"Did we hear right? All three of them will be married to one person!"

"What?!" The crowd responded after hearing a Noble repeat and confirming what they mentally denied.

Standing at the East gate Valencia looked a bit nervous about her dress. Worried about how the crowd would welcome Hittan and the girl that would walk by his side.

Though she was concerned about their judgment of her, she never doubted her desire to be by his side. It was then that Hittan walked up from behind her and gently rested his hand on her waist.

"Even without the matching armour on, you steal my soul. I want you so bad it's hard to put into words. But when you wear this, your beauty has gone to a new level of soul-stirring. Maybe you're my personal succubus and I was meant to give you my soul as atonement in a former life?"

"Is this your way of saying I'm as gorgeous as them?" Looking down with blushing cheeks Valencia smiled.

"I never doubted your beauty. But as you can see, I'm only drawn to those that have a permanent connection with me. It also means I only have eyes for you 4."

"Really? But Empress Samara said you've died 5 times already. Which means you could have a 5th wife from another life waiting for you to find."


"Hehe, I know you have little control over how you feel. We all do. We also know you aren't deliberately looking to form a harem of beauties."

"Thank you."

"There's no need for that. It seems it's just about our turn to step out. So, aren't you going to call your armour?"

"Will you be okay when I do?"

"If I attack you… Be gentle."

"Okay. I will…" Summoning his Sapphire Ice armour and ripping away the Academy uniform he stood before her technically nude.

Stepping forward Valencia started removing the ripped pieces of clothes slowly. Once she was finished she moved to his front and gently wrapped her arms around his neck.

"You look so handsome in your armour… Remember your promise." leaning into Hittan's chest and slightly tipping, her 6 feet 1-inch tall frame was able to reach his lips.

Wrapping his arm around her Hittan gently embraced her. But not before retracing the spikes of the armour. Making it less like an instrument of war and more like a King's battle armour. Embracing Valencia against the smooth sapphire plates he softly took her lips with his and did not let go until the Master of Ceremony called for them.

"Please welcome the young King of the Dragon and Phoenix Village! He is accompanied by Valencia of the Sapphire Ice Dragons."

As the two stepped out of the East Gate the crowd grew silent again. Quietly observing a young couple that looked like the picture of perfection in their matching Sapphire outfits!

As they watched the Sapphire hair of Valencia flow backwards into three braid flowers. Neatly arranged at the back of her head the flowers were adorned with pearls between the petals of her hair. But her hair did not stop there as it continued to flow past the flowers and down her back. A back half exposed from her off the shoulder sapphire blue embroidered lace and silk gown.

The top of the gown had sapphire gems that looked like ice crystals surrounded by the lace. The lace and sapphire crystals rested on the blue silk. Which just covered the top of her breast, but left room for her stunning cleavage to show!

Flowing from her waist to her feet the Sapphire blue silk draped her legs down to her sapphire studded heels. Leaving only a high slit on her left leg running from her mid-thigh. Which exposed her delicate white skin and with each step she took crowd felt their soul freeze!

However, when greeted by the long white hair and cold sapphire blue eyes of Hittan, a sombre reality woke them up. She was clearly his and her actions of holding his arm while walking to the platform clearly meant she was the 4th fiancée or already his wife.

While the crowd was caught between the soul freezing appeal of Valencia and the cold penetrative stare of Hittan. The three girls on stage were focused on just him. They watched as the smooth sapphire plated armour hugged his slender body. He looked like the embodiment of valour and grace. But the cold look in his eyes clearly meant he could be a devil in the blink of an eye.

As they stepped onto the stage and gathered in the centre. The Master of Ceremony called for the head priest to officiate proceedings.

"We are gathered here to witness the promise and pledge of engagement between… 5 people?"

"Yes, please proceed." Motioning to the priest to continue Hittan casually responded.

"... Very well. Please repeat after me. I, Hittan of the Dragon and Phoenix Village, take Kaija and Kaia of the Alicorn Empire, Lagina of the Emerald Clan and Valencia of Sapphire Dragons as my fiancees. And I promise before all that I will treat them with respect and care."

"I, Hittan of the house of Gilead, take Kaija and Kaia of the Alicorn Empire, Lagina of the Emerald Clan and Valencia of the Dragon and Phoenix Village as my fiancees. And I promise before all that I will treat them with respect and care."

"... Did you say the house of Gilead?!"

First off, a big apology on the delay in getting this out. Super busy week/weekend.

It's a really long chapter so hopefully, it makes up for the delay if only a little.

DKALFcreators' thoughts