
The Rulebook

A lucky protagonist (Izuku) stumbles across a magic book that lets them rewrite the rules.

Isubscribedtome · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Partners In Crime

You woke up with a start as the door closed loudly, no doubt it was your mother going to work, your emerald eyes drifted to your crotch, and what you saw made you gasp in surprise. Instead of your boxers, she put on a pair of her underwear on you, you sat up quickly and slightly shaken at the events that unfolded. Still gaping at the red panties while your veiny cock twitched as it protruded out the left side of her panties your gaze turned to your exposed stomach as a vibrant yellow color peeked at the edge of your vision you realized it was a sticky note, you wiped your blurry eyes and thus regaining your vision as the sleep was wiped away.

You picked up the note hesitantly you had a right to be scared after all because life had been so bad for you that now, you didn't know if anything was real or not nor did you know anything about the rulebook, who gave it to you? What gave it to you? just so many unanswered questions, for someone as smart as you just the idea that you couldn't piece together made you anxious, the rapid movements of your stomach made you realize you were hyperventilating as you just couldn't clear your buzzing thoughts "experiment" you muttered, suddenly your thoughts calmed down and the buzz slowly ceased as you began to think of ways to experiment 'what was that saying? From the American Marvel movie? ah, discovery requires experimentation' "test the powers and limits of the book" you said to yourself, in time you will but for now you had a job to do but first, the note.

Your hands slightly trembled as you unstuck the yellow note from your chiseled abs only your mother had seen your full body but you always felt that you were ugly "your perfect just the way you are" you remembered your mom saying that when you told her about the breakup she never backs down to help you in your time of need but that time, the words she said to you made you feel worse, "if im perfect the way I am then why wasn't I enough?" you said that over and over again to yourself in your room as you basked in deep sadness and depression, like a peasant covered in hot boiling molten gold. All you needed was the gold and your thought could come to reality.

That was when the thoughts came in, It called you worthless, It called you weak, It called you a faggot. Of course, you tried to battle them away but you always retreated into your shell, they surrounded you, they taunted you, and bit by bit your shell cracked the smaller words seeped through the small fractures, surrounded you, and then went into you. Your shell cracked once more when you saw Ochaco kissing Bakugo in the hallway of the school, his hands on her butt groping her intensely while she moaned into his mouth you sped away in the opposite direction hoping that you would forget that but he damage had already been done you were fighting those thoughts and still are but that day you felt something inside you break, it wasn't your heart, no, it was your mind, shattered into a million pieces that would never again be put back together.

This time a hole was created a word bigger than the rest seeped into your shell, it circled around you before plunging into you its words engrained into your brain, Kill yourself. Those two words sent chills down your spine

"I-I would never" you laid in your bed that night talking to yourself again, a habit you could never seem to stop, long ago people grew further from you and began calling you names "he's crazy" you flinched "he should be in a mental asylum" another flinch "his mother must hate wasting what little money she has on that mistake" this time a tear fell from your eye and you cried yourself to sleep.

A small tear escaped your eye, you picked up the note and immediately a bright smile covered your face

-" you are the only thing I live for Izuku Midoriya, never forget. Also! I hope you like my little surprise, I'm wearing your cum stained boxers and they feel so good, I can't wait to wear them at work! You taste good too Zuku- can't wait to taste you later my son XoXoXo"-


You were walking around the city with a bounce in your step, a bright smile on your face, and your mom's panties for your underwear, and also boxers over them because, of course, if you got an erection... You clutched the book in your arms tightly as if it were a million dollars 'no' you thought, 'it's priceless', you stopped when you came to an abandoned office building. You remembered hearing about it a week ago according to the media the company lost funding and was forced to shut down clearly people took advantage of this and nearly every part was covered in graffiti except for a portion of the stone wall. You noticed a white tarp laid out on the sidewalk with various different spray colors and tones, a latter leaning on the wall. Clearly, someone was going to work on it "maybe they left to get more materials?" you muttered, the wall section was about fifteen feet across and ten feet in height, suddenly you felt the urge to feel one of the fifty-six spray cans, to touch the smooth metal and to listen to the paint slosh around as you shook it. The moment you touched the black one your brain was filled with colors, shapes, angles, motions, blending colors, shading, dimensions, perspective, geometry, your brain was working in overdrive with ideas as wave after wave of visions of creativity filled your brain, you shook the spray can, hearing the metal inside clinking and clanging, a small smirk made its way onto your freckled face as you began to spray, a determined glint in your eye.


You stepped back and looked at your artwork in awe, ignoring the sticky paint coating your fingertips. You didn't realize it but some people began taking pictures of your masterpiece, their mouths agape with awe "HEY!" you yelped in surprise and looked behind you to see an angry-looking girl with jet black hair tied into a ponytail, toned thighs, onyx eyes... And MASSIVE boobs, you adverted your gaze from the distraction, looking down and began to plead. She pointed a finger at you, her face twisted like you were the pinnacle of unbridled evil "I go for twenty minutes and you, you... You... Oh my god" her eyes widened as she took in your artwork, her finger that was pressing into your chest slid away and hung limp like spaghetti, her black shoes clacked as she took a few steps back, you could've sworn you saw a twinkle in her eye "I-I'm sorry I s-shouldn't h-have done t-that" you began to walk away, the book clutched tightly in your hands.

You went no more than fifty feet when you felt a tap on your shoulder, silently you prayed in thanks for not jumping in surprise but this time you were surprised to see the girl from earlier although sadly you had to look up as she was about four to five inches taller than you. She looked rather shy and twiddled her fingers "you made that r-right?" you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak as just the mere presence from any girl except for your loving mother made you want to run for the hills or become a stuttering mess. She looked away from you "y-you see I get paid for my artwork, I-Its decent, and I get paid lots o-of money for it just like my m-mother, b-but yours is better than anything I've ever seen, can I interest you in becoming my art p-p-partner. Youll get paid tons of money, but i-if you l-like art as much a-as I, it will just be a b-bonus" she paused to compose herself and she lifted up her hand for him to shake, she looked straight into your eyes, "will you h-help me?".

You nodded and gave a firm handshake to her outstretched hand, she smiled brightly "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, yours?" they ended the handshake "I-Izuku Midoriya" you stuttered.


A/N Copy Paste into the google search bar to see the drawing that Izuku made! Words: 1,435.

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