
Moms Secret Stud

You bathed in the darkness of your room, the glow of the alarm clock illuminating the left side of your freckled face, you didn't want to know what time it is but you couldn't sleep so you gave in and looked at the digital clock, your pools of emerald eyes adjusting to the darkness and the dim light of the digital clock "4:57 yeesh" you grimaced. You spread your arms out on the bed and groaned tiredly, time seemed to skip as the next thing you know it was morning, the sunlight peeking through the dusty blinds, the light speckling the edges giving it an ominous glow. You wiped the crust from your tired eyes and groggily got up and out of bed loving the satisfying cracks your back made as you twisted and turned in odd angles, grunting and groaning in relief as you did so. Your gaze turned to the Rulebook, all your problems could be solved you had the power of a god, yet, you felt off about it you snickered "I'm going to turn into Golum" you chucked to yourself, the first time in months that you ever laughed, not a fake one, not a halfhearted one, but a real laugh. You shifted your flaccid penis in your boxers so it hung comfortably before clutching the book from the old wooden nightstand. You walked down the narrow hallway as you entered the kitchen you were met with your mother Inko sipping a steaming hot cup of morning coffee her sleeveless green blouse showed off her bulbous breasts with subtle protruding nipples to match, they couldn't afford an island so you could see her green leggings, her sexy toned thighs clung to the fabric "hey mom what's for breakfast?" you regretted those words immediately as her face fell and a depressive aura leered around her you knew what this meant, no food.

She sighed and walked over to the couch in the 'living room' you sat next to her in silence "mom do you love me?" her head whipped around so fast she nearly spilled her coffee she reached a hand out to put the steaming mug on the coffee table but realized she didn't have one, her shock turned to slight annoyance and a frown finally settled onto her face, she decided to set the mug down on the dirty wooden floor that clearly had seen better days.

She took your hands in hers and waited until you looked at her and after a moment green eyes met green eyes before your mother pulled you into a hug "sweetie your all I live for, If it wasn't for you I would have ended it years ago" those words may have been muffled by your mom's breasts and neck pressed against you but you still heard them and it hit you hard. Your mother said it in a way that you understood was no doubt the truth, you had been planning on taking your life months ago so that her money wouldn't be wasted on someone as low as you but it seemed that life looked up. But the thing you were afraid of most was being abandoned, you did everything you could to make her happy but slowly her bright and cheerful smiles turned dull, it seemed like years since you saw a genuine smile on her face. You felt that if you did not live up to her expectations that she would one day give up on you.

You had an idea, an idea that would make you and your mother happy why hadn't you thought about it before? you mentally cursed yourself at your incompetence. The moment the hug ended your attention whipped to the rulebook your hand already scrawling down your idea.

-"New rule: The owner of this notebook will become the world's greatest artist, the start of the owner's career will be today, he will be the youngest millionaire in less than one year."-

You gave your mother a million-watt smile apparently it was contagious as your mother smiled too, you caught her by surprise as you leaned in to give her a big hug. You pulled away and decided to put your head in her lap and you felt your mother brushing your locks of hair, you stayed like this for a while your eyes were closed and finally you felt yourself start to drift off to sleep until you were rudely awakened by a small gasp.

You looked up at your mom who had her hand on her mouth "mom what is it?" she just stared, a look in her eye that you had never seen before, you looked down to see that your penis was fully erect, luckily instead of it flopping out of the fly it protruded out of the hem of your boxers with a full four inches in view. You swear your heart stopped you didn't even attempt to cover it as you were too petrified to move. Your mother reached her hand out to touch it with her pointer finger, your penis twitched slightly at her contact, you looked up at your mother and noticed that she seemed to be in a trance "m-mom?" you whispered your head snapped back as you felt your penis spring out, your mother moved it so that it was now poking out of the hole of your fly and now it was standing tall in all its glory, you quietly moaned in anticipation as her hand wrapped around the top half of your penis and even more so when she slid her thumb across your glans, pushing some sticky precum back and forth across the tip and foreskin "mom? m-HrrGh" you moaned as your mom started to jerk you off with her right hand, after a moment she started pumping harder and faster so fast that the precum started to turn frothy and wet slapping noises filled the room and small moans accommodated it as well.

After a while, you let yourself cum and thus letting one of your ultimate fantasies come true, you thrusted your hips to her rhythm a loud moan escaped your throat "m-mom cu-Hugh" your feet twitched and your hands clenched and cum began to coat your mom's hand as your sperm shot up into the air and came back down landing everywhere, your chest, legs, boxers, the rest on her hand, it slithered down her arm in big white glistening globs. She slowed down, letting you finish cumming, she continued jacking you off slowly, her hand making wet squishing noises every once and a while "I-I love you mom" you panted "I love you more than anything my son" she whispered you began to feel drowsy and thus drifted off to the realm of sleep, your mother still jerking you off slowly, her left hand petting your hair lovingly.

A/N Thanks for reading! Words: 1,151.

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