
The Royalty || The Mask

Katherine personally thinks that romance and politics go well hand in hand. What's more fun than to hold a knife behind someone's back as you lovingly embrace them in a sense of false security? Especially when you know how things are going to play out. Alex however believes that everything can either be influenced or strayed from the right path using the correct method inside the palace with it's hidden secrets. He's under the illusion that everyone is predictable one way or the other and that victory goes to those who pay attention to their surroundings. The key to the crown is to embrace the worst possible version of you. Even when he wears a false mask to hide the real him, he's still the winner. What happens when the dark mysterious Prince decides to befriend the Knight who encloses herself among prickly thorns and delicate roses

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11 Chs

☑ ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ

☢ 15:00 EST; District of Tvaru

Northwest of Aeternum | 17th Zuhal: Year 1354

° ᶠᵘᵗᵘʳᵉ

Katherine liked to think she was mature.


Katherine knew she was mature and level headed.

The bloody council could regard her in whatever way they wanted but Katherine knew, no matter what the other party said, it was her voice that mattered in the midst of hundreds of spectors . It was her opinion and choice. No one else's.

Leaving the meeting room with an almost feral grin, Katherine had bolted out of the room as soon as the elders decided the best outcome.

She had won anyways.

Call her cocky but Katherine recognised it as pure instinct. Something the other damn bastards of the council clearly didn't have.

Silently fuming she marched her way towards the common room reserved for the Duke.

Katherine wasn't mad. Why would she be?

It's not like the head of the Senior council had indirectly insulted her plan before moving on to disgrace her family. It was a good thing the elders in charge of the meeting entered the room before the situation got out of hand. She was sure no one other than her own supporters would appreciate a bloody floor and dismembered body during the three hour long meeting. Her bloodthirst could come after the royal debate.

Which was why when cryptic-master Elijah finally announced the form was to be 'written down into consideration', Katherine immediately knew what it meant for the council.

In other words, it was a polite way of saying:

"Your idea sucks but we'll take it into consideration to appease your humongous ego. It won't matter anyways, you're probably going to die soon."


"I'm pretty sure that's not what cryptic-master Elijah said." Hwa Pyeong mumbled. "But whatever rocks your boat."

"Not the point." said Katherine, punctuating each word with a thrust of hand. Busy shoving some books back to their original positions atop the shelves, Katherine had no reason to hide her smirk. "Their souls looked ready to leave their body when Master Elijah denied their request for another meeting."

Hwa Pyeong yawned and stretched, sprawled on top of the silken bed. "Doesn't matter, you shouldn't be so sure of yourself. You didn't know if things would had gone south if they had disagreed."

'That's pretty ironic considering she was the one to frame the butler and convince the brotherhood to turn a blind eye', Katherine mused. She was sure Hwa Pyeong double checked that no one amongst the royals could identitify the connection and all the blame went to the rebels. If anyone knew what the endgame would be, it would be Hwa Pyeong. She had shifted the tide of balance herself to guarantee the rebels suffered maximum damages.

Kim Hwa Pyeong. Daughter of Marquis Kim from the district of Tranen. A siren and a dangerous one at that. Katherine's partner in crime.

Also, the actual culprit who poisoned the late Kings cup. Not like anyone would ever find out. Hwa Pyeong was too slick for that. She was the hidden reason the meeting was commenced. Kim Hwa Pyeong was the downfall of the protesters.

To the public eye, today's meeting was meant to decide where the King's fortune would be spent upon the city. No matter how strong and financially supported the empire of Aeternum was, money was still tight in places.

But only the palace inhabitants knew the real reason of this meetings occurrence.

It was simple really. Nothing was where it was meant to be.

The King was gone. The Prince secluded in exile. The youngest Princess still sedated and drugged with no one to truly take care of the nation. For the time being, the responsibilities eventually went to those second in command.

Big mistake. The ministers and sub-ordinates could only play pretend king for so long. No matter what they did, they don't have royal bloodlines coursing through their veins. They can never gain hold of the power a true-bred royalty has. They were weak. Unable to carry the burden that comes with the crown.

This was the perfect opportunity for a revolution to begin. Something had to be done to regain order. A choice had to be made.

And the choice was obvious.

They were going to find the the culprit.

The very same culprit that was still out free in the open somewhere along the kingdom, committing one crime after the other.

Which was why someone had to bring back Alex Castiello from his exile. Only he could decide what to do next.

The thought of his return made every council, staff and palace resident shudder. His name a curse itself.

Yet, hearing his name brought a smile to Katherine's lips. It was way too long since they had last seen each other.

Hwa Pyeong noticing her friends hopeful expression, released a sigh. She could save the lecture for later. She too had missed her childhood friend, even if she didn't show it. Alex would wreck havoc as soon as he arrived, and both the girls couldn't wait to see the bloodshed that would come with him. Especially after receiving such treatment back at hell.

"Let's grab lunch and return to the halls, shall we?" Hwa Pyeong offered knowing the Knight would agree anyways.

Katherine nodded in a dazed set of mind, almost delirious. It was finally time to see the Rebels burn for all their sins. She could finally be at peace once she accomplished this.


☢ 19:00 EST; Haderekhelgyhynvm.

Centre of Aeternum | 17th Zuhal: Year 1354

° ᶠᵘᵗᵘʳᵉ

"It's time." Eren murmured, letting go of Alex's neck.

Raw with blood, Alex rubbed the sore skin gently. That would most likely leave a mark for a few days. Just what he needed.

"So the girls managed to do it?" His voice was raspy but that was expected when you didn't have any water to drink for about 15 days.

Eren didn't look at him. Eyes completely trained outside Alex's cell, silently waiting for something to come.

"It's the girls." Eren whispered lowly. "They can do anything."

"Yes but how?"

"I don't know myself. Neither does Will. They did this on their own and didn't tell us. Ask them yourself once you're out of here."

"Will wasn't with them?"

"Someone had to play crook. Will volunteered to be the assassin for the time being."


"I heard Katherine managed to convince the council."

"My rose did that?"

Eren subtly rolled his eyes. "Yes. Your rose did that. The elders are deciding the council's punishment even though the council has yet to know. Things are pretty thick with tension up there."

"You'll come back up soon right?"

Eren shot him one last grin before they heard footsteps approaching. "And miss the chance of seeing the Believers burn their way into my home? Not a chance."

The grin on his face left as quick as it came after hearing the clank of metal screws turning. "Hurry and put your mask on."

Smiling with all the energy he had left, Alex placed the Silver Blue Mask on top of his face once again.A part of himself that he had come to love eventually. The mask singed with burned magic as it slowly melted into his face with little to none pain. Alex was ready to go back to his well fought empire and so was Eren apparently. Face expressionless, Eren turned to face Alex morphing his facial structures into fake hostility.

It was pretend play again: Eren the loyal Knight carefully guarding the traitor Prince.

This was their last play before it was finally time.

The door banged open with fury as the executioner entered holding the sharply cleaned but completely useless axe. Beside him stood the minister. Face twisted into a sneer, body sweating like bullets due to nervousness.

You can't expect a simple elementiar like him to not be scared of two of the most powerful Knights in this century. However the minister had a job to do and he would be damned if he didn't do it.

"Your highness!" the ministers voice boomed, resembling a trembling mouse despite all his fury. "You have been cleared charge of assassinating the Late King and treason against the royal family."

Alex pretended to be surprised. "Is that so?"

Flinching the minister continued, gritting his teeth.

"As of so, you are the new Sun of the empire declared by the law and Heirs! We are under your jurisdiction!"

The minister bowed down to the floor, head touching the concrete, all dignity aside.

"All hail the new Emperor of Aeternum!"

What a sight it was to see.

The minister that voted for his death, bowing like a dog.

The executioner that was ready to butcher his body, stood as still as a tree trying not to tense and cower.

Eren standing behind, fighting off his sinister grin.

Both of them holding the same expression in their eyes.

Mouth twitching and eyes lusted over with madness and thirst for revenge, Alex only muttered one word.



☢ 8:00 EST; Tvaru.

Central North of Aeternum | 06th 'Ard: Year 1347

° ᴾᵃˢᵗ

A waste of time.

That's what this was.

The idea was ridiculous.

Not to mention suicidal.

Katherine had enough of it.

"Pardon my language but lets make something clear: You want me to join your circle so that you can become king?"

Alex tilted his head.

I have never wanted something more in my life


Katherine's eyes widened.

He is absolutely delusional.

"And what, exactly, do I get from this?"

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, Alex thought.

"We both get what we want."

The spirit holder scoffed. As if he would know what she wanted or not.

The princeling looked at the newly budding rose.

This was the perfect chance.

"I get the crown and you get the rebels."

Katherine froze turning to look at Alex.

For the first time since the Young Prince and the Female Knight met, she looked at him with something other than disdain.

Curiosity and Understanding.

"I'm listening."

A cat's grin behind the mask.

She was the perfect pick.

"Perfect. Let's begin."


✓ Mature Scenes

✓ Contains mental and emotional manipulation

✓ Contains slangs and curse words.

✓ Contains Violence, blood, gore & death

✓ Contains past trauma and mental disorders

✓ Contains superiority, favorism and unjust situations

✓ Main characters believes they are the best of all and makes really dumb decisions at times based on emotions

✓ Contains lots of messed up factors and viewpoints that help the main characters to inherit a better personality.

✓ Characters believe they are incapable of doing anything morally wrong

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