
The Royalty || The Mask

Katherine personally thinks that romance and politics go well hand in hand. What's more fun than to hold a knife behind someone's back as you lovingly embrace them in a sense of false security? Especially when you know how things are going to play out. Alex however believes that everything can either be influenced or strayed from the right path using the correct method inside the palace with it's hidden secrets. He's under the illusion that everyone is predictable one way or the other and that victory goes to those who pay attention to their surroundings. The key to the crown is to embrace the worst possible version of you. Even when he wears a false mask to hide the real him, he's still the winner. What happens when the dark mysterious Prince decides to befriend the Knight who encloses herself among prickly thorns and delicate roses

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11 Chs

✎ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ: ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ

✇ 14:00 EST; District of Tvaru

Northwest of Aeternum | 2nd Samas: Year 1345

° ᴾʳᵉˢᵉⁿᵗ

[Obsidian Mansion located in Tamled Forest]

Spying was a hobby I'd learn to enjoy.

People called it snooping. I'd call it coincidental overhearing.Such a coincidence I'd wind up at the same place the maids would talk shit about my family.

Right now was a good example.

"I heard that the Marquis brought in another traitor to the Palace the other day. Skinned alive and barely breathing."

"My goodness! Wasn't it just last Friday when he beheaded the stable boy who tried sneaking information out of the castle? His eyes were gouged from what I'd heard."

"Friday? I heard he captured a group of bandit traitors pretending to be nomads just yesterday! Their bodies were said to be ripped apart by wild dogs and left to rot in the sun. Only their heads were brought back to the Palace as evidence."

"How could such news reach your ears so fast, Martha? That's obviously a blatant lie."

"No, what she said was true! Even the gardener and the kitchen chef said so this morning and-"

"All of you! Quit your yapping!"

Guess the mansions head maid is finally here.

Time for shit to finally go down.

Even the maids looked terrified.

"Miss Annie, we-"

"Not another word Cooper! If Duchess Kathleen or Lord Killian heard you, your head would've been rolling on the floor faster than I could possibly kick you out of the mansion!"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spout such nonsense!"

"I would hope so, what were the conditions you had agreed to when you joined this mansion?"

"To speak or question nothing that goes on inside this household. Must remain silent and proper at all times. Must never be seen in front of the masters and mistresses unless we are called for."

"Keep that in mind if you want to stay alive. Just because the Marquess isn't here doesn't mean he won't know what's going on inside these walls."

With that, I watched Annie pick up her skirts as she scurried away. If I tilted my head just right, I could make out her slender figure walking away from the three servants who cowered before her.

Martha Stewart.

Amber Smith.

Layla Cooper.

It was only lunch and she had to correct those three maids who only knew how to run their mouth. They should have known better than to freely speak their mind. Guess I'll have to remind Kathleen to shift them somewhere where they can actually keep their trap shut. How annoying.

I wonder what would Kathleen would do if she was here right now. She always seems to make the right choices.

I guess, I'll just go and ask her.

I turned my back from where I stood, only to be met by a black silken shirt. A recognizable one at that too.

"You shouldn't be spying on other people, Little Kat."

My breathing hitched for a moment at being caught before I craned my neck to look at the face with annoyance.

"And you shouldn't be sneaking outside the house just for your personal pleasure, lice." I snapped. "Yet, we both can't seem to stop ourselves."

Snorting, the idiot in royal blue uniform pushed me aside to look above my head. "Touchè. What were you looking at?"

Sighing, knowing it was pointless to argue with him, I jerked my head to where the three females were still standing together as they talked. This time much more quieter than before. Smart. But dumb at the same time. They should know better than to talk out here in the open at times like these.

My brother merely quirked an eyebrow towards me, trying to pry information I wasn't willing to give. If you want something you'd better do it yourself.

"Ask them yourself if you're so curious." I said. "I already know what I need to know."

Imagine my delight when the smirk was wiped off his face due to my uncooperativeness. He wanted information, he needed to learn how to get it himself. Prick. I had better things to do than enlighten him. Such as going to talk to Kathleen.

"Come talk to me once your done spying on passerby's." I murmured. "I'm going to see Kathleen."

If he heard me, Killian made no sign of doing so.

In his mind I knew he already made the connections and was thinking of ways he could spend some quality time in the basement. Not alone though.


I tapped my knuckles several times against the elegant wooden door that stood in front of me. Patiently waiting to be called for. It wouldnt take much longer now.

"Name and business?" Kathleen's voice was always stern, but it was soothing to hear in this vast empty mansion. Almost like home if we ever had one.

"It's me," I called back, knowing she'd recognize my voice. There wasn't many people who'd reply so casually either.

After hearing a few shufflings and thuds, I distinctly heard a low 'come in', before I stepped into the room.

On the bed, leaning back against the headset, sat my one and only sister Kathleen. 19 weeks pregnant and she still looked the same.

Hollow dull cheeks, a result of constant stress. Eyes that were the same silver steel grey as mine. Long pale blonde hair and smooth skin. Her body was already showing signs of becoming sturdy to bear a child but other than that, she looked like the same untouchable and cold Duchess. It didn't help she wasn't getting enough sleep.

"Yes?" She looked tired. I felt bad for taking her time.

"I need to talk to you," was all I said hoping she'd understand.

"What is it?" It's like she almost knew what I was going to say but hoped I was wrong. She did not want to accept the bitter truth. Coward.

"I found another traitor in the castle. Killian might have already brought them to the basement."

A sigh and groan was all my sister emitted before she composed herself. We couldn't afford to make any more mistakes. Now now. Kathleen knew that too, her eyes set and as hard as ice.

"How many?"

I held my fingers up. "Three."