

Erwin, Vin, and Kayla held their breath from seeing this encounter.

There was a dead bear in front of the spider. The bear was brown in color with a stripe of neon green on its back. It seems like the grade-III bear was hunted down the eight legged –no three legged spider, so the bear must have fought back in frenzy. There are traces of their fight, the bear was almost covered by spider web and the surrounding trees fell down.

The spider was massive with the same height as Erwin around 150cm and its leg span could reach 4m. The spider was black in color except for the abdomen which was dark red, the abdomen also had black mark which looked like fire on top of it. It had eight eyes and overall the spider looked like a tarantula. The grade-III spider successfully hunted down a monster twice its size. But paid the price with missing legs and ruptured abdomen.

The pack of grey wolves was six in total, the grade-I wolves were led by a grade-II. They surrounded the spider and its meal. They were trying to steal or maybe get a bonus of spider from this. Judging from the injury that the spider has they should be able to steal the bear. Thus they surrounded the spider with their number.

It should have worked but fate has other thing in plan. Erwin felt that he must rescue this spider or else he will really regret it.

Erwin then slowly took his javelins to not alert the wolves. Seeing him doing to fight a stupid battle, Vin and Kayla hesitated but, alas, they were paid to protect him so they also ready their weapons. While aiming his javelin, Erwin made a mental connection with the spider.

[Kill the big wolf] Erwin then immediately threw his spear to the nearest wolf straight to its head.

The wolves were too distracted with spider for them to realise that there was a group of human hiding. The javelin pierced the wolf's head ending its life.

The death of the wolf became the signal to start the fight. Erwin and Vin charged forward to melee while Kayla gave fire support from the back.

The wolves were surprised but they respond quickly. The giant spider shot a web to the alpha wolf but it dodged.

Erwin and Vin fought with two wolves each. Erwin had it easier as he can maintain his distance with the help of his spear but, alas, he was not a warrior. Even though his training from his mother was good it didn't strengthen his body as like a warrior.

He must to end it fast so made a risky move. He lunged toward wolf A only to be dodged. He followed it up with a smash to its head stunning the wolf. Wolf B used this opportunity and lunge toward Erwin to bit his head.

Erwin used his left hand to grab the wolf's lower jaw and kneed its head twice. Kayla was shooting the stunned Wolf A in its head. She was surprised seeing the bold move that Erwin did.

After he kneed the wolf twice, Erwin released his spear to grab his dagger and stabbed the wolf to kill it. His breathing was ragged, he looked at his left hand and surprised that it's not damaged whatsoever. His gauntlet was really sturdy.

Back to the pair of spider and wolf they were facing each other. The wolf circled around the spider looking for an opening to attack the abdomen. But the spider also rotated to face the wolf by dragging its body with its three legs.

Seeing it won't do anything, the wolf tried to test the water. It feint an attack but the spider didn't respond as if knowing it's just a feint.

The wolf wanted to call for help but he realised that his kin are having trouble. So went there to help but the spider shot web in its way.

The stopped in its track and glared at the spider. It ran toward the left side of the spider which only had one leg. The spider tried to rotate but the wolf was quicker.

The wolf opened its jaw to bite but suddenly a small firebolt appear near the spider's fire mark and hit its face.

The wolf retreated after its failed attempt. The spider hissed at it then it heard a whimper and saw two of its kin died by the hand of the humans.

It felt that they won't survive if they continue this fight, the alpha the howl and flee. Seeing that their leader fled, the wolves also tried to flee. But one of them was injured heavily by Vin so it didn't survive.

The three looked at the fleeing wolves then at the giant spider. Erwin signal them to stop and he established a connection with it but apparently it's unconscious.

"I'll stay here." Erwin said while looking at the monster.

"Are you insane?! It's a grade-III monster even if it's injured it can still kill you with a fireball." Vin protested at Erwin decision.

Erwin shook his head "I think it won't attack me besides if it tried to attack me I think that my gauntlet can protect me and runaway."

"You think!? Even if it won't attack you at first it would attack you if you failed to tame it just like the mole rat. Your gauntlet won't protect you from explosion." Vin rebutted.

"I'll stay here, feel free to go back." Erwin just glance at Vin.

"Stubborn brat." Vin muttered. Then walked away and Kayla followed after him.

Erwin sat there staring at the spider. 30 minutes later there was a movement from the spider and he immediately connect to it.

[Are you awake?] Erwin asked in concern.

The spider looked at him then at the bear. Seeing the bear was untouched the spider then replied.

[Awake.] He heard a girly voice in his mind.

Erwin was surprised as this was the first time a monster replied to him thus he got excited and hopeful.

[You must be exhausted right? here take these mana cores it will help you recuperate.] He took his entire grade-I mana cores from his bag.

The spider was unmoved and stared at him.

[What you want?] She asked in wariness.

[Uh I want you to become my partner.] Erwin said with hopeful eyes.

[Why should I?]

[You are powerful but you will still be hunted down. With this I can give you resources to grow together and at least humans won't attack you on sight. And… I already saved your life." Erwin tried his best to convince it.

[But can you do it?] She said with a doubtful voice.

[Do it? Yes, I can do it with this] Erwin took out a contract scroll.

[Do it then] The spider agreed to him.

Erwin was loss for words. He finally achieved his dream after all this years. All of his pent up emotion bubbles up. Tears rolled down from his eyes. With a wide happy smile he unfurled the scroll.

"I hereby declare that from now on our life will be bound to each other. We shall live together, grow together, and fight together until death separate us. With this the contract shall be sealed and it shall not be violated." Erwin declared as the scroll floated.

As the contract bound them together, Erwin felt his head was hammered repeatedly as his mind became muddled. He fell onto the ground squirming, minute felt like hour for him. He held on until finally the contract finish its form.

He felt that his body was sturdier and stronger, his senses also had qualitative changes. He can feel his surrounding through vibration and smell, it became more sensitive.

His body became stronger yet his mind felt like it's being press by a horse, he felt that his head could explode if he utilizes anymore of his psychic.

His mind felt heavy but he was in ecstasy, he was flying in cloud nine. He laughed maniacally, his stomach and face hurt but he kept laughing in insanity.

He finally became a full pledge beast master! He can show all of them that he really was fated to become a beast master.

The spider was looking at Erwin in confusion, she can feel happiness emanated from him. And somehow she also felt happy.

[You can call me Erwin. What's your name?] Erwin asked. His grin could split his face and tears still rolled down from his face.

[Name?] She tilted her head.

[Uh… hmm can I call you Ashley then?] Erwin asked her politely.

[Yes.] Ashley just went along with him.

Erwin then treated Ashley by giving her his entire grade-I mana cores and meat. He also went to the bear corpse to give its core to Ashley.

Mana cores can help her recover mana and strengthen her core. The monster meats have the benefits of healing vitality and strengthen it. Both of them were vital for growing monster.

While Ashley was consuming the meats and cores, Erwin looted the bear. This day will become the best day of his life.

In the distance Vin and Kayla watched everything from Erwin using the scroll, squirming and laughing maniacally. They knew something good must have happened to Erwin by the way he acted so they went back to report.

"Taming a grade-III monster?!" everyone was shocked. A twelve year old kid tamed a grade-III monster?

Everyone was in silence as they process this information. Especially Charlie, he was both shocked and happy for his brother. His brother finally tamed a monster, a grade-III at that!

Yet everyone also felt in danger, three grade-IIIs showed up near Helmgart. What is happening? What could possibly the reason of the appearances of these monster? It wouldn't be funny if they got attacked by a grade-III monster on the way.

The mayor of Helmgart should have known about this. Even though a monster attack was a usual event for them, they should have put their guard up and scout their surroundings in case another one show up.

"We will continue our journey tomorrow morning." Charlie wanted to give his brother some time with his new pet.

"Can you guys scout our surroundings again? I don't want any surprises when we stay here." Charlie asked the group of mercenaries.

"Leave it to us." Alex nodded. They split up in two to cover more ground.

Back in the woods Erwin was having a hard time as he can't loot the bear's body. It's virtually indestructible against his dagger.

So he let Ashley consume it but he was not ready for he was about to see. He saw Ashley injected some sort of fluid inside it.

As time passes the bear's inside became liquefied and Ashley began her feast. She slurped its inside with delight. Her wound also slowly closed up.

Erwin was staring at her as she enjoyed her meal. The body slowly deflated leaving a hollow body of the formerly powerful bear.